Night's Nomenclature

Chapter 167

Qinghuai quietly lying on the ground, looking up at the sky.

He covered his neck with his hand to prevent the blood from splashing too fast.

As if this can delay the time of their own death, their own life in the hands of re holding.

The dark clouds have gone, and the plants are no longer paying attention to him.

After several hours of running for his life, Qinghuai felt a little comfortable at the moment.

I was too tired before.

In the distance, the soft sound of trampling on rotten leaves sounds like a lullaby. Qinghuai feels sleepy.

Qinghuai turns to see the boy clearly.

But the boy did not get close to him, but squatted far away from him, quietly waiting for him to die completely.

"Are you still so cautious until this time?" Qinghuai thought.

His eyes were red with blood, and he finally saw what the boy looked like.

At the moment of his death, Qinghuai thought of many things.

I also figured out a lot of things

The boy is a new knight.

But the outside world is not to say that the knight's inheritance is about to be cut off, no one can cross the threshold.

No one knows what the threshold is, but it's hard.

It is said that Li Dongze of hengshe almost became the successor of the knight, but he failed in the end, which is one of the regrets of Li Dongze's life.

So whose apprentice is this boy? Chen Jiazhang? Wang Xiaojiu? Li Shutong?

No, Qinghuai recalled the whole story of his encounter with a teenager. He suddenly thought of a problem: the other party was just an ordinary person the day before yesterday, but today he can keep pace with himself at a very fast speed.

Even if he was injured, and there are taboos to hinder, but the other side has been beyond the scope of ordinary people!

"It was on this day that the boy made a breakthrough. He was a newly promoted Knight!" Qinghuai set off a huge wave in her heart.

Many people still don't know that Li Shutong has secretly left No. 18 prison. Because there is no trace of Li Shutong, the consortium pressed the matter down.

After all, the consortium asked Li Shutong to stay in prison. As a result, the other party went in and out twice in a short period of time, which greatly affected the prestige of the consortium.

But Qinghuai knows about it.

Before that, everyone was guessing where Li Shutong had gone. It was not until this moment that Qinghuai realized that the other party was probably in the No. 002 taboo place.

And Qinghuai also guessed what the other party came to do: take the new successor to climb the Castle Peak cliff!

When did Li Shutong find the student? Why does that teenager look so familiar? Why does the other party just promote to be able to urge to send the autumn leaf sword again! "

This series of questions kept stirring in his mind, as if to make his head paste.

But he found a comfort for himself: Li Shutong must be nearby. Even if the teenager can't kill him, Li Shutong will kill him.

If you think about it like this, Qinghuai is more balanced.


Qinghuai finally remembered where he had met each other. At Qingxi's birthday party a year ago, he was sitting in a corner.

Qingxi once said a few words to the boy, but he looked very shy.

At that time, he also asked other people who the boy was and how Qingxi knew him. As a result, no one knew him after a round of asking, and he didn't know where he was from.

Not until some time ago did he know that the person he saw at that time was called Qingchen, who was one of the candidates for the shadow fight.

Qinghuai know, the mind has gradually forgotten the appearance of Qingchen, also did not put each other in mind.

Now, Qingchen, who should have been in prison No. 18, appears here, plus Li Shutong's disappearance.

Qinghuai is a pig brain, it's time to understand the truth: the other party has never angered Li Shutong from the beginning to the end, but has become Li Shutong's student!

As for the rumor that the other party was imprisoned by Li Shutong, I'm afraid it's just a show.

Qinghuai eyes appear confused, originally he ruled out the correct answer from the beginning!

The most humble, seemingly the most useless marginal figure, has become the most terrifying shadow candidate in the dark.

Chivalry and hengshe are famous for protecting their weaknesses. If their family members take part in the shadow fight, they will surely help to death!

The next moment, Qinghuai opened his eyes, he is not a part of the other party's plan, Li Shutong with Qingchen to 002 taboo place, is specialized in hunting his own.

In this way, the shadow of the first round of contention, four out of the direct elimination!

Qinghuai used his last strength to smile. He wanted to know what other shadow candidates would look like when they found such an existence.

You can't just be trapped.

The blood beside him had already flowed into a pool of blood. Just as he was dying, the boy squatting in the distance suddenly said in a soft voice: "Cao Wei was still fighting back like a fierce tiger before he died, but you didn't think about fighting for his life. So I say you are not as good as him."

The boy squatted calmly, and his tone was calm, as if he was saying a very common conclusion.

Qinghuai's smile was instantly stiff on her face, and then she lost all her life.

Kill, kill.

But what Qingchen said was right. He thought that Qinghuai was the last and most intractable enemy, but in fact, when he killed Cao Wei, he knew that at the last moment of fighting to the death, the little people who fought from the bottom were the most terrible.

Because there is no way out.

I never quit.

The countdown is 00:30:00

Coming back soon.

Qingchen looks down at ace-019, the contraindication on his wrist, and the puppet.

This time in pursuit of Qinghuai, string puppet should be the first success. At the same time, Qingchen understands the power of taboos.

He first killed five Union soldiers and sacrificed their souls.

Qingchen watched five corpses turn into dust, and the wind blew away.

The horror of this sacrifice was far beyond his imagination: it took only five seconds for a life to go from flesh and blood to powder.

No wonder the teacher would say that marionettes are a very evil taboo in everyone's eyes.

After the sacrifice, the puppet turned from red silk thread to transparent. Now it's wrapped around Qingchen's wrist. If you don't look at it carefully, I'm afraid you can't find it at all.

After Qingchen killed the soldiers, it took 30 minutes to interrogate Wang Qiang's name.

Then he witnessed with his own eyes the horror of marionettes.

When the other end of the silk thread is wrapped around Wang Qiang's wrist, the living person is like Qingchen's fingers and arms. The brain doesn't need deliberate command, and the "puppet" will carry out all behaviors in strict accordance with the will of the host.

No deviation, no delay, it's amazing

At the end of the battle, Qingchen called out to the woods, "master, are you near here?"

"Keke, where are you?" Li Shutong came out. "Do you have any questions to ask?"

"What level am I now?" Qingchen doubts.

"Grade E," Li Shutong said.

"Didn't you say that after the first pass of life and death, it will be f level?" Qingchen doubts again.

"I don't know what's going on. All the physical qualities you show are e-level, so of course you are e-level," Li Shutong sighed. "Many Knights' conventions have been broken by you."

Qingchenxin said so.

Li Shutong asked with a smile: "well, I find that after you kill Cao Wei, you can kill Qinghuai more easily. How do you feel about one e-level and two C-levels?"

Qingchen thought for a while and said, "it's very easy. It's easier than you think. Just as I told you before, Cao Wei is the tiger, and Qinghuai is just a jackal with bright fur. "

"But you must remember," Li Shutong said seriously, looking at his students, "this time you have the advantage of the time, the place and the people. The home advantage of No. 002 taboo place has been fully utilized by you, and the old friends have helped you. After going out, be careful when you see grade C. Of course, you have been careful enough not to give them a chance to fight back from the beginning to the end. I just want to remind them

Qingchen nodded his head honestly, but he didn't feel any swelling: "I remember, master."

I don't know when Qingchen's name for Li Shutong has changed from teacher to master.

Li Shutong said in a low voice with a smile: "well, those old people must be very happy to see you skip the rank and kill people. If they remember to come back to the wilderness in the future, if they have nothing to do, they will come to the No. 002 taboo place to walk around and cheat all the treasures in their hands..."