Night's Nomenclature

Chapter 169

The countdown is 168:00:00

When the dark is over, Qingchen is still standing quietly in the green belt.

Seven days ago, he was qingguozhong who stood here to report, and then watched the other party being helped into the police car by the police.

The crossing mechanism is really amazing.

At this moment, the police car has not even left.

Qingchen silently watches the police car start in the dark, and then gradually goes away. He can even see qingguozhong's head drooping in the car, very depressed.

It's amazing that the same thing can be done twice every few days

However, after this report, I'm afraid it will be a little difficult for Qingchen to report again.

Because qingguozhong is no longer facing detention, but criminal proceedings.

In this report, in fact, one thing is very crucial: Qingchen did not hesitate to agree to the other party's transfer of the house, so qingguozhong finished the transfer on the same day and got hundreds of thousands of house sales money.

This means that Qing Guozhong has enough money to gamble, which constitutes 303 penalties. If he gathers people to gamble and organizes more than three people to gamble, he will be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of less than three years, public surveillance and criminal detention

So when he knocked down qingguozhong in the dark, he didn't take away the money from the gamblers. He also emphasized this matter with his little sister, who was in charge of the 110 report center.

Now Qingchen has become a time Walker and the successor of the next generation of chivalry. He would not have paid 50000 yuan in his eyes for a long time.

The tens of thousands of Yuan put on qingguozhong can obviously play a greater role.

Just, when he watched the police car go away, Qingchen suddenly felt that he was not so happy.

It's not that he regrets sending qingguozhong in, but that he suddenly feels that he doesn't have to think about this kind of thing in his life.

Qingchen has a new life.

At this time, the communicator in his pocket kept shaking. Liu Dezhu was frantically sending a message: "boss, when will you come back?"

"Boss, please come back and take care of Lin Xiaoxiao. If you don't care about him, I may die!"

Qingchen has some doubts: "Lin Xiaoxiao wants to kill you? Why did he kill you? "

Liu Dezhu said anxiously: "we agreed to cooperate with the acting during the day. As a result, he avenged himself at night and made me have nightmares every day!"

Qingchen has experienced nightmares. He knows what Liu Dezhu has experienced.

But he did not care, but asked about other things: "are there any special circumstances in prison these days? Is there a new time traveler? "

Liu Dezhu honestly replied: "yes! And it's the big picture! After you left, there were more than 300 people in prison No. 18 suddenly transferred from other prisons one after another in seven days, one by one fierce and terrible

Qingchen frowned: "did Lin Xiaoxiao say what they came for?"

Liu Dezhu said: "yes, Lin Xiaoxiao said they came to seek death..."


However, if Lin Xiaoxiao said so, Qing Chen probably understood.

There must be a big force that has found out that Li Shutong left, and then transferred hundreds of people from other prisons to prepare for things.

And it's about ace-005.

"I know," Qingchen said and put the communicator back in his pocket.

At this time, he has been promoted to knight, and then he will follow Li Shutong back to prison 18.

It seems that something big will happen next time.

Qingchen thought that he had another agreement. He pulled up his hood and turned to walk into the dark.


Los Angeles foreign language school.

Midnight campus is very quiet, no stall car, no bustling students.

Uncle Qin, the security guard at the gate, was also sitting in the guard room, sleepy.

A silent shadow leaped over the wall, hands and feet light like a civet cat.

Qingchen through the familiar path, in front of the high school teaching building, actually is directly hand and foot, along the wall to climb to the top floor.

The walls of the teaching building are much easier to climb than the cliffs of the Castle Peak.

Sitting on the edge of the roof of the building, the small iron door behind the roof creaked and was pushed open.

It's the skinny little nangengchen.

The small door was originally locked. Later, when the lovers in the school had no place to have a private meeting, someone broke the lock secretly. It seemed that nothing was wrong outside, but the lock cylinder was broken.

To tell you the truth, the two miserable teenagers who have been single all their lives to now suddenly feel that they are up to date

I'm so tired. I need a monthly ticket.

In addition, I have just participated in the reading ceremony and won the annual honor writer award. Thank you for voting for me in the previous paragraph!