Night's Nomenclature

Chapter 158

Under the cliff.

Cao Wei watched the boy disappear over the cliff top.

In fact, he doesn't hate Qingchen at all, even if the other party planted a good mine and blew himself up seriously.

However, they are hostile to each other. No matter what means they use, they are reasonable and should be.

Now he hates Qinghuai even more, because the other party suddenly cut off the communication channel when he had a chance to support himself.

Only those who betray their comrades in arms and subordinates are more hateful.

Moreover, Cao Wei felt that anyone who witnessed the young man's climbing road would surely have admiration in his heart.

Even his enemy can only admire.

There was no more emotion. Cao Wei turned and ran to the woods. Instead of meeting Qinghuai, he was ready to escape from the No. 002 forbidden place.

I'm afraid everyone will die together.

Cao Wei knows that he can't go back to the union. Whether Qinghuai is dead or not, he can't go back.

But even being a savage in the wilderness is better than being a dead man.

Just... He was on the way to escape, suddenly a little frustrated, thinking about just now.

He watched the boy climb into the night and into the sky.

Later, even if his eyesight was improved by genetic medicine, he couldn't see clearly.

Cao Wei has been waiting for the other side to fall down, but when the morning sun rises, he sees the other side hanging on the top of the cliff with one hand.

At that moment, even if Cao Wei knew clearly that the young man's challenge was successful, he might not be his opponent, but he still lost the courage to fight with him.

It was the other side of his dream that he had never been able to reach, and someone had completed it before his eyes.

On the top of the cliff of Qingshan cliff, Qingchen quietly looks at his eyes.

He once imagined that the scenery on the top of the mountain should be very beautiful and shocking, but what he didn't expect was that the most shocking thing was the words carved here.

Every sentence is "only faith and the sun and the moon are immortal".

And each sentence is followed by a different name.

Zhang Qingxi, Li Yingyun, Ren Xiaosu, Yang Xiaojin, Zhao Yongyi, Li Shutong, Chen Jiazhang, Wang Xiaojiu

Qingchen counted for a while. There are 81 names on the cliff top, each of them is his predecessor.

Only, he saw 123 names on the cliff.

Does this mean that 42 people died when they were challenging the cliff, or that some of their predecessors who didn't have time to leave their names also fell in front of this life and death?

Qingchen is silent.

Hundreds of people come here after thousands of years, only to pursue a dream and give their lives.

Both Qin Sheng, who created his own breathing technique, and the predecessors who left traces of magnesium powder on the cliff, have been working hard to open up a path to heaven for his successors.

Qingchen looks forward one sentence at a time, only to find that at the top of all these words, someone carved four big characters, but did not sign.

"Forever young."

Only these four words are different from others, but they seem to have a unique and wonderful magic.

Forever young.

Always be sincere.

Always young, always eager to embark on a new journey.

These four words are a unique expectation. The other side hopes that every Knight's successor can always maintain a rich and strong life and never look back.

The youth's life does not need to look back, only needs the courage of no regrets.

Qingchen took a deep breath, and finally took out the dagger on his waist and engraved his words at the end of the cliff: "only faith and the sun and the moon are immortal... Qingchen."

Maybe it was not until this moment that he really became a knight.

It's not that he can become a knight with force value, but that he must go through such a road and find a group of like-minded friends who also have immortal faith and firm will to be called a knight.

Qingchen feels the new strength of his body, and then his body, bones, blood and genes have changed.

Moreover, at this time, he suddenly found a thing, this time after opening the gene lock, the gas in his body also doubled.

Before, it was not obvious that Qi was surging with strength, but when the surging strength gradually stopped, the Qi was precipitated in the muscles of both arms.

In the mountain wind, there are fallen leaves in the forest in the distance, which are blown to the side of the cliff. Dozens of leaves pass by the Chaoyang and Qingchen.

The boy reached out and took one from the air in his hand. He poured the air into the fallen leaves like instinct.

The air along his fingers, along the veins of the leaves filled in every corner of the leaves.

All of a sudden, the irregular curly leaves suddenly stretched as straight as a knife.

Qingchen quietly looking at the fallen leaves in his hands, this is the life of transcendence?

He finally got it.

What should we do now? Qingchen thought.

Yeah, it's time to kill.

If we don't kill again, the enemy will run away.

Thinking of this, the boy turned and walked towards the woods behind the cliff.


The countdown is 36:00:00

In the forbidden land, Cao Wei ran all the way north.

He followed the route of his heart and confirmed his position every ten minutes.

However, according to Cao Wei's plan, he should have walked out of the edge of the forbidden land in five hours and returned to the wilderness outside the forbidden land.

Now more than six hours have passed, but he has never been able to see the edge of the forbidden land!

He's trapped here.

He's trapped here in a forbidden place.

Cao Wei is very sure that his way of judging the direction is absolutely right, so what goes wrong must be this taboo place.

To be exact, it's not that the taboo place is wrong, but that the taboo place seems to be alive and doesn't want him to go out.

This terrible and huge existence, to leave himself to the young man.

At one moment, Cao Wei even suspected that the boy was following him slowly, but no matter how he looked back and listened, he could not find the trace of the other.

Because he has been running forward, it is hard to smell the smell behind him.

Cao Wei suddenly stopped, his face dignified turned and looked at the rear.

No footsteps, no sign of the boy.

But he clearly feels that someone is following him. Is it a ghost?!

At this time, the familiar smell of blood was blown by a gust of wind, and Cao Wei was shocked. The boy really caught up with him!

The other side is hiding in the upwind, hiding in some shadow.

The roles of prey and hunter have been changed.

Cao Wei turned around and continued to run for his life, but the feeling of being tracked could not get rid of.

He stopped again.

"Don't you come to kill me?" Cao Wei gasped. "Now that you have become a knight and have strength, why are you still timid? That's what Knights do

He was in a hurry to fight.

The blast power of anti infantry mines has already hurt Cao Wei's viscera. If he is recuperated in time, he will naturally be able to rely on the strong body of class C master.

But now he has been running, the injury will not improve, but will continue to aggravate, this is the result that the teenager wants.

What's unexpected is that.

Before that, it was Cao Wei who was using the tactics of wolf hunting to bring down the boy.

But did not expect that after the exchange of identity, the other side even used the tactics that Cao Wei once used.

As he once said, wolves are very cautious animals. They don't want to be easily injured in order to hunt, and they don't want to give their prey any chance to fight for their lives.


Chapter 9, thank Penguin Alliance for offering 10 million yuan again!