Night's Nomenclature

Chapter 159

"Have you become a hunting elk now?" Cao Wei said with a bitter smile.

What surprised him even more was that even his strong hearing could not catch Qingchen's footsteps.

This makes him always unable to find the other side's location, and he can't find the target in a desperate fight.

Gasping, Cao Wei suddenly did not want to run.

He called out to the woods, "since you don't dare to come out, I won't run. Let's stay here."

Then he sat down and adjusted his breathing.

Cao Wei is gambling. He dares not let him recover his strength and injury!

He quietly dropped his arms to his side and gently grabbed into the soil. If the boy came out to kill himself, he would launch a Jedi counterattack.

But Cao Wei just sat down, and suddenly a sharp instrument came whistling in the woods.

He suddenly turned back on his back. The sharp tool was spinning and hissing in the air. It would pass through the tip of his nose and nailed to the ground behind him.

Cao Wei looked behind him. There was a blade like leaf, which fell into the earth for three minutes.

He was shocked, Akiba Dao!

This ability of falling leaves like a knife is very novel to Qingchen, but no one in the world doesn't know.

But the problem is that only knights who have reached level B have the ability to use the autumn leaf saber initially. How can young knights who have just become knights use it?!

Is the knight who is pursuing himself now no longer the young man just now, but a knight who has become famous for a long time?

Chen Jiazhang, Wang Xiaojiu, Li Shutong!?

No, if it's really these three people, how can they waste their time with themselves!

Cao Wei suddenly realized that this is a demon who has just become a knight and can send out autumn leaf sword!

Before he knew it, another autumn leaf knife came through the air. He quickly rolled out to one side.

If he did not hide in time, at this time, I am afraid that he has already broken his stomach.

Cao Wei gritted his teeth, got up and continued to run to the woods. The other party had the ability to kill himself in the air, so he couldn't continue to recuperate in the same place.

The other side is more difficult than you think!

The countdown is 33:00:00

The hunting in the woods continued in silence. No one seemed to know what was going on here, and no one cared.

In silence, the sense of oppression became more and more intense, and the threat like substance was always behind Cao Wei.

But this hunter is more patient than Cao Wei expected.

No matter how he vomited blood, no matter how he showed weakness, the other side did not seem to come out to fight him.

The young man is just hiding in the darkness of the forbidden place, just like the most experienced lone wolf, waiting for the prey to exhaust itself.

The countdown is 30:00:00

Cao Wei ran from morning to night.

But no matter how he ran, he couldn't get out of the forbidden place.

The injury in the five zang organs is getting worse and worse, and Rao is a level C expert.

Originally, Cao Wei felt that as time went on, he would be tired, and so would the other party.

When each other's heart and lung are overloaded for a long time, the efficiency of blood oxygen supply will start to decrease, the brain's thinking ability will decline, the hands and feet will start to sweat, and the judgment will not be so accurate.

Temper will gradually become irritable, no longer have patience.

But I don't know why, the sense of oppression is getting stronger and stronger as time goes on!

In Cao Wei's perception, the other side's steps were not even disordered in the nearly ten hour chase, and they had never been caught by themselves.

The other side is like a cold, powerful, emotionless machine, and the body is just a tool to continue the strong will of the other side.

Cao Wei asked repeatedly in his heart, is this the person who is qualified to become a knight.

There is no doubt that the boy's hard power is not as good as him, but he is the most patient opponent Cao Wei has ever met in his life.

The enemy that can't be found and the endless road make people feel desperate and suffocated.

Whenever Cao Wei wants to have a rest, the fierce autumn leaf sword will arrive as promised, urging him to continue to run.

The countdown is 25:00:00

Cao Wei suddenly tripped over a branch.

But this time he didn't intend to get up again. He just gasped and lay on his back. Then he said to the dark woods, "aren't you tired? I know that your goal is actually Qinghuai. Why don't you go to him first and come to me instead? "

No one answered.

But Cao Wei didn't care. He just continued: "I wanted to be a knight when I was a child, but my life was not as good as yours. Later, I joined the army and got gene medicine in exchange for my military achievements. I thought that even if I could not walk the road of knight, it would be nothing. In this way, I could become an extraordinary person. But today I found out that I'm still too far behind. "

As he spoke, the autumn blade in the woods broke through the air again.

"I found you!" Cao Wei suddenly bounced from the ground.

Between the thunderbolt, he roared and burst out all his final potential!

Like a dying tiger, rushing to a dark forest somewhere!

Cao Wei just lying on the ground is not to admit defeat, but to let his ears closer to the ground, so as to better judge the location of Qingchen!

He knew that when the other side used the Akiba Dao again, he would immediately change his position, so as not to be found hiding place by following the path of the Akiba Dao.

So, there will be footsteps at that time!

After joining the army for more than ten years, Cao Wei's success was not only due to luck and force, but also to his brain, courage and perseverance.

When he was demoted to be a dog for the sons of the consortium, he had to bite his teeth and climb up. This kind of person would never wait to die!

In a flash, Cao Wei had already rushed into the dark woods. After more than ten hours, he could finally see the boy again and the flame lines on each other's cheeks.

They were close to each other, but there was no fluctuation in their eyes.

It's not as if they have found each other, but they are waiting for themselves in this forbidden place.

It's just that Cao Wei feels a little strange. The young man's eyes are strange, just like a butcher staring at a bull to be slaughtered.

In the dark, the Union soldiers angrily cut the dagger in their right hand in front of them. The arm and dagger went through the chaotic leaves and cut fiercely to Qingchen's chest and abdomen.

But Cao Wei found that his muscles were just tight, and the young people in front of him knew what they were going to do.

After more than ten hours of chasing, the strength of the master was also dragged to the lowest point by the injury. He only felt that his hand was empty, and his seemingly fatal blow failed.

Then came the young man's counterattack. The dagger in his opponent's hand passed his own dagger and left a deep blood groove on his arm.

Cao Wei's legs were like bows, and he rushed forward again. When he waved his arms, the dagger couldn't touch the boy's body.

It seems that the other side can always predict his next attack in advance according to his power way.

And then fight back.

Only ten seconds later, Cao Wei had more than ten wounds on his body, but he didn't even touch the corner of Qingchen's clothes!

Cao Wei knows that he has become slower and weaker, but this is not the reason why he was suppressed.

He was oppressed because of his judgment.

Cao Wei felt that the other party's reaction speed was not faster than his own, but the other party could judge what action he wanted to make by changing the folds of his clothes, the areas of his muscles, the changes of his eyes, and the changes of his waist and legs.

He didn't know how the teenager did it. He only knew that he was very close to death.

Very close.


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This ten chapters have been promised for a long time and will be updated in the afternoon!