Night's Nomenclature

Chapter 157

Countdown: 44:00:00

No. 002, forbidden place.

One is more than 1000 meters away from the Castle Peak cliff, and the other is on the top of the mountain.

"I really miss it," Li Shutong sighed in the dark. "It's more than 30 years ago that I climbed the cliff of the green mountain last time. At that time, my elder martial brother and I were holding a breath and wanted to see who left the word higher."

The tradition of a knight is to climb the green mountains and cliffs. At that time, he was not a demigod in the world, nor a contemporary Knight leader respected by everyone. He was just a green boy who had just learned how to shave his beard.

At that time, he still had indomitable momentum, but also had the courage of no regrets.

This time, Li Shutong didn't tell Qingchen about the tradition of knighthood. He just wanted to see where the student union engraved his name.

But to his surprise, Qingchen's name is not high, only more than 100 meters.

But Li Shutong always felt that it was more meaningful to carve a name like this.

"My students are not bad," Li Shutong showed off to one side. "I have no fear in the face of crossbows and arrows, and express silent contempt by lettering. If time can go back, I want to learn from him. Just think about it. "

Beside him, a three meter tall kestrel stood still.

The feather of the Falcon is as big as a knife. Its strong claws are buckled on the rock. With a little force, even the rock will break like tofu.

But at this time, Qingshan Falcon leered at Li Shutong. His eyes were full of humanity, and he seemed to despise the other party's boasting: that's your student, not you.

Uncle Li was happy: "Why are you still unconvinced? This is my vision to find students! You don't see that I have been confiscating students. In fact, I am responsible for the Knights' organization on the principle of "rather lack than abuse!"

Green hill Falcon rolled his eyes: it's not time for me to chase you all over the mountain.

"Heroes don't mention the bravery of those years," Li Shutong said, "now let's have a fight? Give you baldness

Qingshan Falcon moved his body to block out the sun: I don't know the same thing about you.

Uncle Li happily turns his eyes back to Qingchen. He sees the boy climbing up like a gecko. He is more and more skilled and firm.

From the very beginning, chivalry's most important factor in recruiting new members is not ability, but disposition.

But Qingchen's disposition, Li Shutong felt that he could be ranked in the top three.

"Teacher, you see, I really found a good successor for our knights," said Uncle Li.

With that, he got up and went to the mountain road behind him, ready to go down the mountain.

Green hill Falcon chirped twice: don't you watch? It's only halfway up.

Li Shutong waved his hand and said with a smile: "there's an old saying about knights. I'll only accompany him for a long journey. From then on, I won't care about the wind, snow and sunshine."


A gust of mountain wind blowing, will celebrate dust clothes blowing hunting sound.

Young fingers solid and powerful grasp in the rock, he looked back at the scenery behind him, taboo in the eyes.

The sky has turned from dark to grey, and the huge tree stands in the distance. The crown stretching for several kilometers is particularly spectacular, as if someone is quietly telling the opening poem of the myth.

Qingchen continues to climb up, and the magical ginkgo in the forbidden place is constantly repairing his body.

267 meters, Jiang Feiliu.

312 meters, Li LingHong stay.

321 meters, Yang Da Waliu.

367 meters, Li Shutong stay.

Qingchen pursues the "footprints" of the white ancestors on the cliff.

An ancestor, with a unique greeting, accompanied him to climb here.

It's just that the higher you go, the fewer names you have.

Climbing here, Qingchen already felt the warm current of Ginkgo gradually subsided.

He felt that his physical strength was rapidly consumed, and his fatigue was constantly invading his will.

But the next moment.

411 meters, Qin shengliu.

Qingchen remembers that this is the knight leader of a certain generation who initiated breathing.

All of a sudden, he seemed to understand something.

The places where these Knights left their words were on the way of climbing, when they were about to face the most dangerous mountain.

When the seniors came here, they would stop to rest and carve their names.

When all the latecomers feel exhausted, the name engraved by the elder is like an encouragement.

Qingchen pursed her mouth and continued to climb up.

489 meters, Yang xiaojinliu.

Qingchen took a look at the meaningful small words and set out on the road again.

There was a trembling cry in the muscles and a fierce struggle in the will.

He had almost broken his teeth, but the pace of climbing didn't stop.

Just when he thought there would be no more names up there.

599 meters, Ren xiaosuliu.


Qingchen suddenly looked up, there is already the end of the cliff.

But the next moment Qingchen was stunned, because the end of the cliff was a piece of cliff edge.

There's nowhere to borrow.

This is not a vertical cliff, or 599 meters in front of it is vertical, but it's different here.

Before that, Li Shutong never mentioned it.

If you want to reach the top, you must jump on the top of the mountain.

There is no road here, and there are no white "footprints" in front of us.

The warm current of Ginkgo finally dissipated.

The ancestors walked 599 meters with him, but the last meter was Qingchen's own way.

The countdown is 42:20:00.

It's 5:40 a.m.

There was a golden light spreading from the clouds behind him. The clouds were flowing like a sea.

Qingchen grabs the rock crack on the top of the mountain. Because of hesitation for too long, his fingers begin to tremble slightly.

He recalled the first countdown in his arm.

Recalling the loneliness in the small dark room, recalling Lao Jun's hard throw with a stone on the mountain.

At this time, Qingchen saw a small line beside the name Ren Xiaosu: life should be like a candle, burning from beginning to end, always bright.

The boy closed his eyes.

Yes, even if there is the last second in life, we should always be bright!

Qingchen opens his eyes and suddenly makes an upward leap.

Past life.

Life in the future.



It's the path of his own choice.

The furthest way in the world.

Since it's your choice, don't look back!

For the rest of your life?

All the way ahead!

Youth in the air like the first time to learn to fly.

But he stretched his body on the sky. The next moment, the young man's powerful hand grasped the edge of the cliff!

Qingchen smiles and laughs happily.

He heard a click coming from his body, and his bones began to crackle. The lost strength kept returning, and the strength he had never had was surging like the sea!

Young people feel totally different power, totally different world, totally different life!

He hung on the edge of the cliff with one hand and looked back. The sun just rose behind him!

The magnificent trees welcome the red light, as if also ushered in a new life!

Qingchen looks at all this silently. When he is in the forbidden forest, he can only see the canopy covering the sky.

But from here, the dense and neat canopy looks like a vast plain.

Qingchen looks down at Cao Wei who is still watching.

The distance between the two sides is more than 600 meters. Cao Wei's standing figure suddenly appears a little small. The young man calmly cuts his throat, then turns over and jumps onto the cliff.


Chapter 8, monthly ticket for minimum guarantee