Nidome no Jinsei wo Isekai de

374 Seems doubtful and explanatory

"Now, is there a place called Strike Up?

You notice Lianya looking at you, asking in a tone like Initium made a little fool of her opponent somewhere, but Lianya gently adds her left hand to the sheath of the knife that is resting on her hips without answering it.

"I don\'t know if you\'re even willing to answer this question. Wouldn\'t there be something I wanted to know with you?

"I don\'t think the end is going to change from what I\'ve heard?

"Isn\'t that a little lonely? Before the battle that shapes the fate of this world, right? Don\'t you have something you want to be clear about right now?

That\'s what Initium tells me, and Lotus Yakiya just makes an ideological face a little while keeping her hands off her sheath.

Even if they ask me about the circumstances on the Initium side, I have no intention of changing the idea of cutting Initium as Lianya.

It\'s visible that if you leave it, something will go wrong, and most importantly, because I didn\'t really think Gilliel, who is rolling under that toddler goddess, would overlook leaving Initium alone.

Of course, there is no such thing as remembering Gilliel or the goddess of young daughters being forced to crusade Initium, but if Initium himself gets in the way of Lotus Yama, the pattern of not being able to wear heaven together will mean.

However, I end the conversation with no idea what the other person thought and acted on, because I wonder what that is.

"Maybe you\'re worried about eating an unintentional blow during the conversation or something? Don\'t worry, I have no reason to surprise you."

Lianya opens her mouth with her gaze without alarm to an initium that lets her hands flicker as if she were also provoking.

"This story I got involved in. Where the hell were you lying from?


Lianya\'s question was unexpected or Initium asked back as if he missed hearing Lianya\'s question, but Lianya proceeds alone regardless.

"I seem to be called a lost person in this world, but I didn\'t come here to get lost. Gilliel rolling there and his boss asking me to be here"

The eyes of Lianya and those who were present on the spot other than Initium are poured on Gilliel, who is unable to move while falling, but Gilliel never uttered a word without knowing whether he was conscious or not.

"The reason for this was that I want you to help slow this world down somewhat to doom, albeit slowly, due to a lack of resources and things to do."

"You\'re a nice guy to take on a request like that."

Lianya softly claws her neck at Initium, who leaks a push-kill laugh.

"I can\'t deny that, but when I think about things on that premise, I can\'t help it."

"Huh? What is that?

"First of all, resources are the power to build the world, right?

If Lianya waits for Initium to react as she confirms, Initium shakes her neck vertically while watching what Lianya will say.

After seeing it, Lianya continued her words.

"The explanation I received was that that resource was spilling out of this world and was becoming unable to sustain it."

"The Lord was chopped up, too. I can\'t believe I\'m just telling you that."

"The reason for this was that the soul of a creature who consumes resources and grows up refuses to be reincarnated, but I\'m not convinced from here."

What Lianya tells us was only the first piece of information from Zion and the others.

That\'s why everyone stays silent and listens to Lianya\'s words despite having enemies in front of them.

It is an excellent opportunity if we are to launch an attack, but Initium has never taken up a position and has listened with interest to Lianya\'s words.

"I know people have been dying pretty much everywhere since I\'ve been here... this may sound careless, but is this the kind of number the world is doomed to?

No one returned the answer to Lianya\'s question.

Of course, the original inhabitants of this world, Theons, do not have a combination of words that would answer Lianya\'s question, and Initium knows that they do not seem willing to answer.

The only person who seemed to have the answer was supposed to be about Gilliel who was rolling, but this one didn\'t even move tingly as he rolled, and he doesn\'t look like he\'s going to answer.

That\'s why Lianya continued on her own.

"Thanks to Karen\'s guy a while ago. I\'ve only got a few memories of the last time... how can the world I lived in be so dead that it can\'t be compared to this one? The world over there. The janitor\'s that young lady, right? Isn\'t it strange that the world isn\'t doomed when you say how to die is miserable compared to this one, and the one who dies laughing with his nose is lumpy?

"Lenya...... the world before Lenya lived is hell, the demonic world, something like that?

I\'ve been asking Lianya like Shion is roughly as he fades his face a little, but Lianya dared to ignore it and kept going further.

"The number of people killed is not the same as in this world, is it? Two or three zeros, to be specific. If the Holy Kingdoms that fought a while ago perished in dozens, it wasn\'t enough, was it?

"Hey Lenya. Was it really a person who lived in Lenya\'s world? What\'s not to be a different creature, huh? Lenya says it\'s the number that lightly smashes my imagination."

Emil hits the question that anyone on the spot thinks is the best one to ask, while turning a cramped smile to Lianya, who also ignores it.

"If this world dies for that reason, the world I was in doesn\'t fit unless it dies two or three times, right?

"Surprisingly, I have myself convinced by the story of Lenya coming from such a world"

"Reality is cruel beyond our imagination."

I said that in a bar-read tone somewhere while Lorna held her eyeballs to Cloire\'s words, but Lotus Yaya also tries to ignore this one.

But what Lianya said was extreme, but true.

Since Lianya came to this world, she will probably mention a battle with the Holy King when it comes to big wars and incidents, and the fact that the Demon Nation is on the verge of doom, but the damage caused by them is only like less than ten percent compared to the wars that Lianya had in the world where she was.

Even if there had been wars of the same magnitude every year before Lianya was sent into this world, it would have seemed more like a lack of strength if it had come from Lianya to pull the trigger of world collapse.

"So, what are you trying to say?

"I\'m guessing the premise is wrong, I mean. Which means that the words that the young lady explained to me that the world will perish because the soul refuses to be reincarnated are untrue."

Lotus Yaya was feeling out of sight that Gilliel\'s body, which had fallen and lay low until then, moved only slightly with tingling.

I turned my gaze to see if it was also something I wanted to say, but Gilliel had no further reaction, and immediately Lianya returns her gaze to the initium in front of her.

"If this is before the showdown around here, why don\'t you explain?"

"I see. I guess I\'ve lived in a previous life where I wasn\'t so sure I\'d get to that conclusion alone. Well, the Lord probably knows and pretends he\'s being deceived, too."

To Initium, who giggles like the back of his throat, Lianya stares silently with her hands on the sheath of the knife without looking distracted.

It was the initium I had been laughing at for a while, but when Lianya sighed one out at not showing a reaction, she shook her neck left or right as she put her finger on her forehead.

"Let me give you this answer on the matter. You\'re probably right about that."

It was so long ago that Initium emerged as an unnamed administrator of the world that Initium himself could no longer tell.

In the beginning, it was an initium where I even worked with other administrators to faithfully perform the role that was set, but over time, I began to question my role in merely maintaining the world.

"I wonder if in your knowledge it was a so-called bug."

"If you\'re letting a certain category of people repeat the behavior of digging even holes and filling them up, isn\'t that what makes them crazy?

"Well, I don\'t know. Well, the Lord wasn\'t perfect, either, I guess."

Initium laughs at herself because she has created enough defects like herself.

Initium goes on to explain to Lianya, who prompts her ahead without any particular sentiment.

From that day on, Initium, questioning his role, was to solicit dissatisfaction with the Lord, who made him take on a role that would even serve the world.

Such dissatisfaction only develops into negative emotions such as anger and resentment, but the other person is his or her own creator and there is no way he or she can turn to his or her teeth.

Initium, who understood the Lord\'s mightiness, continued to work as administrator of the world even as he continued to faint, but one day the circumstances changed to the frontier.

"One is that the world we are in charge of was called the core world, which is important to the Lord. And the other thing is, you\'ve learned how to use the power of a resource that\'s common to all worlds."

"Even administrators didn\'t know how to use resources?

"Resources for administrators are just a substitute for maintaining that a certain amount is enclosed in the world. If it decreases, ask the Lord to add it. That\'s all I understood."

It was by chance that Initium learned how to use it.

It was at one point that that young goddess used the resources and happened to see the scene where she was building the world.

And Initium, who understood how to use resources, was convinced that this power was the way to gain power that could primarily counteract it.

"The power of resources is extremely equal. Though I don\'t think it\'s possible to beat the Lord who is generating the most of those powers in terms of total quantity, if within a limited time to defeat the existence of the Lord, it\'s fully universal."

"Though I don\'t think there\'s a winning shot at an endless opponent?

Lianya wonders if it\'s like fighting in the market with a bank where these millionaires have the right to print notes.

As for not thinking about the rest, the assets of millionaires are finite, but the assets of banks that can make banknotes are infinite and have no bottom.

The whereabouts of victory and defeat are more obvious than seeing fire where anyone has seen it.

"Because the Lord governs so many worlds that counting is also ridiculous. At last, the amount of resources that you can produce over a period of time is constant, and you can\'t direct all of the resources that you generate, for example, to your enemies."

"I mean, if you can hold some cohesive quantity, you can see some wins for you with a toddler who can\'t turn all his might on you and you who can beat everything to that toddler"

"Ma, that\'s the place. There\'s just a little bit of a computational difference in this, too. I made up a reason like you asked, and I kept slowly embezzling resources with other administrators, but before I gathered as much as I could against the Lord, this world was about to perish."

Initium shrugged his shoulders in sighs.