Nidome no Jinsei wo Isekai de

375 They're gonna keep explaining.

"So I had no choice but to tell you the whole story."

"I can predict it\'s something I don\'t want to hear so much about."

"That\'s not a big deal. The first was to increase the rate of embezzlement of resources."

It was an initium that raised its index finger and explained it like it was nothing, but what it was saying was outrageous, making the faces of the Zions listening more dangerous.

If the power to maintain the world is a resource, then continuing to embezzle it is certainly a hell of a thing, because if we accelerated that speed, it would have accelerated the rate of collapse of the world.

But Initium himself keeps going ahead as if he has no feelings for such an act.

"This has increased the rate of collapse of the world and led to the intervention of the Lord."

"Isn\'t it like a real fall when what you were doing sneaking around hiding from that young lady came to light?

"No, no, no, no, no. I thought as far as I\'m concerned, there would be no other way to get the Lord to intervene."

It was Lianya who thought it would be pointless to expose things to the other party about whether to be hostile, but it seems that Initium\'s prospects were somewhere else.

"Most of all, I couldn\'t take a way to convince the other administrators to get resources directly from the Lord. If we do that, the administrators who\'ve been cheating on us might wonder."

I see. Lianya nods.

Indeed, if those who have so far spearheaded the flow that intervention from the goddess of young daughters is not necessary because it is nothing, suddenly turn their hands back and wish to intervene in it, they may be bought suspicions from other administrators and put in extra lay before they reach their purpose in the worst case.

That is why we speeded up the collapse of the world in order to create a situation in which we were forced to intervene while continuing to take the attitude that intervention from the goddess of young girls was not necessary.

"So I\'m the one with the white feather arrow? That\'s annoying."

If Initium hadn\'t done that, it wouldn\'t have meant that Lianya would have been found by that toddler goddess, nor would it have been like being flown into this world after the death of the original world.

Of course, I can\'t say enough that it was generally annoying because I have good news about it, but there is no doubt that there has been more trouble.

"Isn\'t that so? I found a good companion here."

I pull the sleeve of Lianya, who gave a grumpy look at Initium and yet didn\'t get the words to return it, when Shion is hard.

When Lianya saw something and there, the reddish-faced Scion shrugged in a small voice, blurring as she continued to bend over.

"Even a good companion..."

"If you don\'t want fist bones, think about time and place, okay?

When Lianya flinches the fist she grips, Theon shrinks her neck.

Rather than being dominated by feelings like fear and being in a state where he couldn\'t even open his mouth, Theon shrugged softly to Lianya, who wondered if he was in as good a condition as he could to mouth the words, even if he spoke somewhat unreadable to the air.

"I thought those words were expected."

"Well, it\'s like you when it comes to being you"

If Lianya slaps him in the head with her palm instead of her fist, Pompong and Zion, Zion will meditate her eyes softly with a tickling face.

I guess that doesn\'t mean Emil, who watched that somewhere with a frightened eye, is waiting for Lianya\'s interaction with Zion to end, but he waved lightly against Initium, who interrupted the conversation, signaling him to continue ahead.

"Uh, how far have we talked? Yeah, well, I deliberately brought the Lord\'s intervention into this world, didn\'t I?

"That\'s why I\'m supposed to come to this world, so what did you do that for?

"It\'s a simple story. I was thinking about saving the world for you and your surroundings."

It is an initium that spreads its hands all the time and becomes a full grin, but Masada Lotus immediately sees such an initium with a surprised or suspicious face when asked.

It is certain from previous stories that Initium cannot honestly think about saving this world, because he had no idea why such a presence wanted the intervention of the Presbyterian God for that purpose.

"I can\'t believe we\'re not on schedule. I don\'t know, I just sprung up a suicide wish, right?

"There\'s no way, is there? It\'s just that we need the Demon King to help us with this story, too. I made a little mistake."

It\'s not like anyone can be a demon king.

It is the natural flow by which the superior individual among the Demonic Nation eliminates other individuals and consequently becomes the Demon King, but Initium intervenes here to create the Demon King who should be his own puppet.

The Demon Nation chosen for this purpose chose a fairly inferior individual among the Demons, Initium said.

"Wouldn\'t a good guy have had less trouble from the start?

"If you\'re good at it poorly, you might notice this thought or you might not be able to honestly follow the instructions. In the end, the braves will have to do it."


"Besides, you can easily imagine what the inferior Demons were treated like by the rest of the Demons in the Capabilist Demons? Thinking about later, it was even easier to use if you hated the existence of the Demon Clan."

"What do you mean, let me ask you something, huh?

Emil\'s voice is slight, but changes to low.

Lotus Ya could feel the hostility and the likeness of insurance contained in that voice, but Initium said without paying any attention to Emil, whether he didn\'t realize it or looked like he didn\'t, even if he did.

"I really, really needed the one called Demon Life. And a lot of dragon people\'s lives were needed, too. I almost took it away, but I was able to collect what I needed, so I helped."

"That\'s not true, what were you going to use it for? I guess it\'s not like I\'m taking it in and using it as a force."

As I say, Lianya\'s gaze turns to Frau.

Flau, realizing that he was being seen from Lianya, tilted his neck without knowing what the orientation of that gaze meant.

Lianya saw Frau because it was Frau who was doing what it meant to take someone\'s life and turn it into power.

The result was the Kurtz with the attributes of the brave, or the very existence of Frau, who has slightly deviated from the fairy range called Silky.

It\'s hard to think that Initium did the same thing.

For in any case the purpose of Initium is the power of resources, not the power that the Demons and Dragons should have.

Such Lianya\'s thoughts did not seem wrong, and Initium nodded one.

"Of course. Because it\'s a pointless force to me. But to fulfill my purpose, it\'s a very useful force."

"What did you use it for?

"If you defeat the Demon King at the end of the day and save the world by defeating me, the Administrator, then there will be an intervention of full world salvation by the Lord, right?

That was the sight of those who were here earlier.

It is an occasion when Gilliel, who regained control of the world by defeating Initium, the last remaining former administrator of the world, was supposed to be hit with some hand to save this world by wishing for its Lord.

It was Initium that blocked that along the way, but it seems that that was the real purpose of Initium.

"It\'s enough power, enough resources to save the world that it\'s getting harder to maintain. Can you guys imagine how enormous that is?

"That\'s... I mean, your aim is..."

"Yes. A resource that will pour the Lord into saving this world after defeating the Demon King and defeating this me. It was my real purpose to take that from the side, wasn\'t it? The lives of the Demons and Dragons were used to create tricks to do it."

Faces such as Emil, who heard Initium\'s confession, and Cloire to Lorna distort into disgust, and fade into the decadence of the deeds Initium has done.

Flau punched Pong in the hand all the time for some reason, and it seems that only one of them didn\'t quite understand Shion pulled Lianya\'s sleeve again.

"I mean, what\'s this all about?

"In a world where trouble was removed, Gilliel\'s boss tried to instill strength into him, but he plugged into his body a sidewalk created with the lives of the Demons and Dragons and let his body pour resources into the world that should have been poured into him."

Whether it was easy to understand or not, Lianya explained to Zion that she would have to explain it if asked for it, and Zion was listening with a nod, yeah, as if chewing it up, but after a while she said it short with a straight face.

"It\'s not important."

"Well. The world can\'t be saved, and he\'s succeeded in acquiring a lot of resources and accumulating just the power to turn his teeth to his boss, so... Anyway, after embezzling so many resources that the world leans on, we embezzled so many more resources that we could save the world."

"That\'s what\'s gonna happen. That\'s where I\'m gonna talk to you."

Initium suddenly said such a thing as he turned a person\'s good-looking smile to Lianya.

To Lianya, who waits for the next word to say what she is willing to say, Initium says as she fingers Gilliel, who is not yet likely to be able to move while lying on the earth.

"And let me stab Todome, will you? What do you say you let me go on top of that?

"You really think you can talk like that? This world will collapse, whether you beat that young girl or lose."

Lotus Yaya thought that if Initium, who had taken away the rootstock resources from a world that was just about to collapse, entered the battle with the toddler goddess, this world would not hold no matter what the end might be.

Initium does not answer with a smile, as if to affirm such a Lianya idea.

"If I let you fall apart here. The resources you have in your stomach, they\'re gonna blow you away, right? Whatever the odds, I think that\'s the right choice."

"I don\'t want to fight you if I can. If you\'re just a high-powered person, it doesn\'t matter... you\'re a resource holder, too."

Initium\'s gaze pours from Lianya\'s face into the silver-haired room on his forehead.

That was the part where Lianya discolored and never returned to her original colour when she flew the Demonic city to the sky from ground to ground.

"And you, somehow, have found a way to use resources. Because defeating this is bone, and it\'s going to reduce the total amount of resources I retain. Yeah, why don\'t you give me a suggestion like this?

Initium suggests that I just came up with something good.

"Why don\'t I move you and your partner to another world? Now you should live as you please in that world. Wouldn\'t it hurt you to do this?

"Is that all you want to say?"

I heard Lianya\'s voice. No, Initium flew backwards.

To Lianya, who stares still rather than following it, Initium gently wipes the tip of his jaw with the back of his hand, slightly erasing the grin he had shown until then.

"It\'s different when you\'re motivated... you know better when you\'re relative"

Lotus Yashi remained silent in the Initium, and gently applied his right hand, which he had freed until then, to the knife pattern.