Nidome no Jinsei wo Isekai de

373 He didn't get his teeth up.

"It\'s a must win ahead!

Gilliel\'s fist roared as she penetrated.

That seemed to be neither willing to defend nor circumvent. It penetrated deeply into Initium\'s abdomen.

Of course, Gilliel didn\'t seem to think winning or losing would be the decision in one blow, from which he taps into a fierce series of attacks.

The fist pierced Initium\'s body one after the other, sounding a loud blow all around him, but it was still Lianya who noticed something was wrong.

"That\'s not working, that\'s..."

Gilliel\'s fist had certainly slapped Initium\'s body.

Initium\'s body, however, continued to take a series of fist beatings like a storm from the front, without fright or hindsight.

It seems that Gilliel, who is attacking, also knows that, little by little, that look changes to something dangerous, but the Initium being attacked was not as if he had intervened with it intentionally, he just kept silently under Gilliel\'s attack.

"No, silly......"

If a series of consecutive attacks stops and Gilliel squeals in a voice like he saw something incredible, and flies out loud backwards, Initium looks only at Gilliel, who walked away from the intermission while standing on the spot with nothing to follow it.

"Is that it? I was wondering if I could still hang out with you."


Gilliel dares to assault Initium, who lets him stir up plenty of room, as soon as he puts his strength in his fist again with his teeth clenched.

The attack still strikes Initium\'s body, which neither dodges nor defends, but it just sounds empty and doesn\'t look like Initium himself has been damaged.

"Do you still want to go on? Do you mind if we attack from here?


You thought a fist attack alone wouldn\'t reveal a punch, and Gilliel takes a step in the attack.

Fully utilizing the functions of his hands and feet, that continuous attack is beaten into the Initium by an even more intense number than when he was only fisting, but he did not seem to have enjoyed the Initium, and gradually began to create a hurry for Gilliel\'s expression.

"Oh, I\'m so sorry."

Initium waves his arm unconstitutionally during Gilliel\'s successive attacks.

It wasn\'t exactly like the attack motion, but when the shaken arm hit Gilliel\'s shoulder, Gilliel\'s body blew straight to the side like some kind of joke.

As it was, Gilliel blew away often in parallel with the ground, eventually falling to the ground, after several bouts, rolling up the dirt smoke and rolling down the grass.

Was the blow shallow as damage, and the face was full of surprise at the phenomenon that struck me now, although it was Gilliel who stood up immediately.

"No way... no way this far..."

"Are you not convinced? Then why don\'t you do it until you\'re convinced? Well, I think it only produces the same result how many times, how many hours,"

To Initium, who tells him so as he invites him, Gilliel storms again, and his fist begins to strike Initium\'s body again, but Initium, who doesn\'t even appear to defend himself as well until now, doesn\'t even seem to feel a hint of pain in Gilliel\'s fist.

Still, as Gilliel continued to attack, Lianya, who watched over it, asked Emil.

"Why attack so unilaterally, as if it\'s not working?

"Gilliel\'s attack doesn\'t break the defensive line between Initium and Doom."

Initium waves his arm unconstitutionally again.

While Gilliel punched his fist into the empty face as he lowered his posture and avoided it, Initium\'s face remained niggling with a grin on his face without distortion.

"No matter how hard you seem to be attacking, Gilliel\'s attack hasn\'t reached the main body of Initium just by stroking it over the junction. On the other hand, that initium attack looks like nothing, and it\'s rooting through Gilliel\'s boundaries and causing damage."

Initium\'s arm lightly captured Gilliel\'s face this time.

With that blow, which just seemed to have touched him, Gilliel\'s body was once again blown in the direction that Initium waved his arm, but now Gilliel seemed to be prepared to some extent, and when he regained his position, he mounted a further attack on Initium, which looked like such an interesting stare at Gilliel.

But it was clear that those attacks did not work for Initium.

Anyway, Initium has not moved as a step from where he first stood, even though he continues to be attacked with the intensity of Gilliel\'s storm.

"Why don\'t you give up and run back? I\'m gonna go over there as soon as they\'re done cleaning up."

"Who will let you go! Or I\'m Lianya\'s guardian angel. Yikes!

Whereas Initium clearly tells him you\'re not interested, Gilliel meets both fists in front of his chest when he takes a break.

The armor attached to that hand raised metal noises and sparks among themselves, and that fist burned up violently as if it had ignited some kind of fuel.

"This one is also a being who has received a name and has been empowered! To the extent that you have plundered resources from the Lord, we will not be late!

Gilliel\'s feet step on the earth.

In one of its movements, the flames burned on both legs, and Gilliel dyed his limbs into flaming crimson to attack Initium at an even faster rate than before.

"It\'s true that the output is probably higher from where I disable my attacks."

Gilliel, who has so far been grumpy and continues to attack, begins to feint on that attack.

When he aimed at his face, he punched him in the stomach, and when Initium\'s consciousness turned to his abdomen, he felt a slight expression in Gilliel\'s behavior, such as targeting his legs and arms and attacking him.

"Scattered consciousness will also diminish the effectiveness of the defense! I have better combat experience than you!

Although the weaving of the feints reduced the number of attacks on Initium\'s body, Gilliel\'s attacks apparently produced enough effect to change the look on Initium\'s face that he had previously left even a thin laugh to hit.

Against Gilliel, who hits close and avoids away but also fists and kicks at the feint crossing, Initium manages to capture Gilliel\'s body by wielding both his arms, but Gilliel continues to attack even more as he easily dodges this with his body judgment.

"Quite a hassle..."

"Little damage is here too! If you can\'t take him down with one blow, I\'ll sharpen him to death. Yo!

"That\'s annoying...... oh totally annoying!

It was when Initium roughed up his voice.

Gilliel\'s legs, which had been moving quickly and avoiding Initium\'s attacks, suddenly stopped perfectly.

Before Lotus Mita understood what had happened, she was shaken to capture Gilliel\'s face, where Initium\'s arm had stopped her leg.

With just that blow, Gilliel\'s neck bends to a strange angle, followed by Initium grabbing Gilliel\'s throat, lifting that body with one hand and making sure it slams on the earth and throws it away.

Gilliel\'s body, whose hands and feet bent in a cod direction and bounced over and over the ground presenting a broken doll-like appearance, eventually stopped in such a way as to penetrate deeply into the earth.

"What just happened?

Sion squeaks as he opens his eyes and looks at Gilliel, who is ticklish and immobile.

The grunt was answered by Flau, who did not try to take his eyes off Initium with a bitter expression.

"Looks like that defensive junction has expanded. Gilliel was trapped in that bond, and she couldn\'t move."

"It\'s enough to stop an angel from moving."

"It\'s so boring. I can\'t believe I\'m going to have to do something about that. I\'m going to be too scared to faint."

Like Flau, Emil, who seemed to have seen what had happened to Gilliel, leaked that sentiment, and Cloire\'s complexion, who likewise seems to understand the situation, turns blue.

The fact that it was not witchcraft or anything, but that it stopped the movement of an angel who would probably have the greatest power in all the faces who knew that the junction to defend themselves was here, proves that the existence named Initium has that much power.

It was certainly a force that no man could possibly confront.

Because we know that, Emil and Kroir learn to fear the presence of Initium, and from Emil\'s reactions, we understand how powerful Sion and Lorna are going to have to deal with them.

"I hear you finally understand what\'s going on. Maybe I can\'t help but be about people, elves, and demons. If you want to die easy, kneel down on the spot and beg for forgiveness. I have things to do, so depending on how you ask me, I don\'t have to ask you."

That\'s what I said. It was still Initium who looked around at Zion and the others laughing with Niyaniya, but I narrow my eyes when I realized there was someone on the spot who couldn\'t see me alone.

The man was Lianya.

Let me circle your gaze as to where the hell you went, and you were there. I can see Initium throwing it away and crouching beside Gilliel, who is in big letters with his back stuck in the earth.

"Hey Gilliel. Is he alive? I don\'t think it\'s the same thing to ask an angel if he\'s alive."

As Lianya spoke out like that, poking around Gilliel\'s side several times with her index finger, her neck, which remained bent at a strange angle, returned to its original position with a creepy crease, and she saw Lianya\'s face, whose eyes just crouched beside her.

When Lianya thinks she\'s playing something horror, Gilliel raises her plundered voice.

"Let me show you something unusual..."

"What kind of performance difference is that? That toddler girl has a sweet quote, too."

From the eyes of Lianya, if it was the same performance, Gilliel and Initium would have gone up in arms to Gilliel in battle.

Lotus Yaya sees it as flipping over there simply because Initium\'s performance greatly outweighed Gilliel\'s.

"Return... no words, no..."

"Can we continue?

Lianya asks as she shifts her gaze from Gilliel\'s face to her body.

To see, Gilliel\'s limbs are broken all over the place, and the armor he\'s wearing doesn\'t even look like he\'s dented or smashed into use by the impact of being slapped on the earth.

"Run...... please. I\'ll buy you some time."

"No, won\'t you let me get away with it, that?

If you are perceived to be insufficient to take, it is unlikely that Initium will come after you even if Lotus Mistress escapes.

Regardless, the question is whether Initium thinks so lightly about Lianya.

"No matter how Lianya... I or the Lord... was afraid of Lianya... because I wasn\'t thinking of fighting... If we\'re going to fight..."

Both Gilliel and the Toddler Goddess seem to change their abilities dramatically during peacetime and battle.

It is a good story to say that it can also be said that a person\'s body can wield even heavy substitutes that are not as painful as they would normally be in the midst of a fight, but that the wound hurts out as soon as the fight is over or removes the weapon they have been using until then.

"Me too. Well, I thought it might be too much for you guys to react to exaggeration with a curse or something."

"Not that it worked at all... but it didn\'t."

"Oh, yeah. Just try to recover."

Gilliel\'s body, which was unlikely to move with a large letter, was slapped lightly with a flat hand, and then Lotus rose up on the spot and turned to Initium, where he watched how Lotus and Gilliel were doing.