Nidome no Jinsei wo Isekai de

228 Sounds like it was in front of the gate.

Pull the car to the position of the Klinge Wall Gate and the guard soldiers will rush over.

Emil\'s cars were not a rare substitute in Klinge, but they were not hidden so much that he had supposedly never seen them at all, and occasionally Emil runs around the city alone, so there is no surprise for the soldiers, but for those who came from outside, there is no such thing as a substitute that they have never seen, gathering the surprise and curious gaze of those waiting in the order to enter the city.

But from the four people on board, it was accustomed to being noticed every time something, not to mention the fact that Killier was the only one who seemed to have little experience with such things, wandering her gaze around slightly suspiciously about her behavior.

None of the soldiers stationed in Klinge knew the face of Lianya.

It is likely to be taken for granted because he is a lord, but some aristocrats rarely go out of their halls, and the fact that the information on the person has not reached even the soldiers at the end was something that remained in this world.

In that regard, since Lianya frequently leaves the hall to try strolling around the city and eating in the dining halls and outdoor shops around the area, the approximate soldier looks at Lianya\'s appearance more than once up close, so he doesn\'t have to worry about that.

"Lord, hey..."

One of the soldiers rushing over admits Lianya\'s face so well that he stops his voice surprised by the light shock and weight he felt on the tongue and the helmet he was wearing.

Lianya, who was trying to respond to the voice of the soldier, had also turned her gaze slightly above the face of the soldier to eliminate words, and the women except Killier had caused bitterness and Killier was making her eyes black and white as if she had witnessed something incredible.

"Welcome home, Master."

If you are a Klinge resident, if you hear that voice, it is down there, from the dairy drinker, up to the old man near the end, about seventy percent of the feeling and twenty percent of the reverence, plus a girl who remembers his name with ten percent of the fear, made him pinch the edge of his skirt a little and try to give thanks for welcoming the return of the Lord in perfect motion, no matter where anyone sees it, while letting him draw an elegant curve on the hem.

However, the place above the soldier\'s head had roughly destroyed everything.

Incidentally, the scaffolded soldier froze his expression, closed his eyes full of force, and did not make him slightly mobile as if he had been turned into a stone statue, he even stood still.

I guess it\'s not heavy, I think Lianya is blurry.

Positively unlikely first, but assuming he opens his eyes and tries his gaze upwards, or his face just slightly upwards.

You might see things in those eyes that you shouldn\'t.

Or stepping off the scaffold and the thing over your head slipping off could cause something to stick your head inside that skirt.

If that happens, he dies.

Probably, it kills me.

Sometimes a person\'s brutality can be described as so much as donning even God, but even that person\'s eyes must be killed after being encountered with such an abundance of eyes that they still think would be better, that it would be different to put them into words.

Soldiers in scaffolding roles don\'t move because they somehow know that.

Tell yourself that you are a stone statue, and that things much more terrifying than reapers endure until you walk away from them.

"Welcome, dear. But isn\'t the place too bad? Get down quickly. Soldiers are in trouble, aren\'t they?

When Lianya said that she was worried that she would stop herself until she breathed in the boat as soon as possible, Frau, the cause that was turning the soldier into a stone statue, jumped out of the soldier\'s head perfectly unconstitutionally.

In keeping with the motion, the soldiers were tempered for a moment by the scent of flowers whose fluffy names were unknown, but they immediately understood what the hell was going to happen next, turning right at the speed and momentum at which smoke was going to rise from everyone\'s feet and turning their backs to Mita Lotus.

Just as Frau\'s hair, scattered with floral scents all around him, spread with a jumping momentum, it was also because he saw the skirt\'s hem slightly glazed up by the wind pressure.

Most importantly, there was no way Frau would jump off without thinking about it, just in case it wasn\'t big enough to go up.

If we attract the possibility that it\'s not zero, the only future we\'re waiting for is the one where we keep pleading with them to kill us.

The reaction of the soldiers was extremely natural.

As a matter of fact, the idea of the soldiers around here is within Frau\'s assumptions, and if that actually happened, he plans to hug Lianya as she blushes in embarrassment with tears and is seen in her underwear, without doing what the soldiers think.

If that were the case, Lianya would surely mean forgiving the soldiers because it was an accident while comforting Flau.

If Frau agrees to that, the soldiers will be well impressed with Lotus Ya for treating me, and Frau will be able to sweeten Lotus Ya with no one at Frau.

Precisely the best measure no one loses, and for that reason, I thought Flau would show it to me if it was one of his underwear, but reason works to keep me from acting like that as Lianya\'s maid of honor at a critical place.

Then the penetration of landing on the ground normally without landing on the soldier\'s head or something from the beginning cannot occur in Flau\'s thoughts, and there is no one who can penetrate that in Count Knugi territory other than Lianya.

With a slight release of magic, Frau, who held back his skirt from flipping and decided to land without sound, hugged a bulge near his waist as he rushed to Lianya, who stepped out of the car with patties and footsteps, true to the opposite of what he had done.

"Welcome home, master! I missed your face!

Ugh, little Lotus Yaya groaning momentum and strength hugged Frau, pushing his face around Lotus Yaya\'s belly to raise his voice of joy.

Its sharpening damage alone makes us wonder if Flau\'s hugs and rubs can be easily defeated by about the average soldier, the surroundings wonder if they should be stopped, but seeing Lianya shake her head so that she has no problem while receiving Flau\'s body, the soldiers return to their place of residence, and Zion and the others get out of the car.

Thoughtfully, he nodded his face at Lianya\'s abs and was Flau immersed in that feeling, but he stopped moving perfectly when he noticed that there was one more person coming out of the car than when he left.

"Have you got more girls, Master?

"Or stop, or. Bad listening."

Unwrapping the arm that was spinning on Lianya\'s hips, Killier stepped out of the car as Flau turned around and lowered his head with a pepper.

"Hi, my name is Killier, and I\'m a super pretty girl merchant"

Oh, when Lianya wondered if she was going to be the name on this occasion, she also showed Flau this way as she bowed her head to the words.

"Thank you very much. I\'m a super beautiful girl maid, Frau. Nice to meet you."

"Do we stick together there..."

Shion and Lorna have a dry laugh with a shuddering Lianya.

But all three of them will change their blood phases to the words of Frau that follow.

"This is Lenya, the super militant aristocrat of Flau\'s master. So next door is Sister Theon, a super sorry girl, and Sister Lorna, a super fleshy girl."

"You don\'t need my introduction!? Or don\'t mix me in it!

"Too bad system is about me!?... Lenya, what\'s the meaning of those second half words?

"Meat... I, meat..."

"Ah. Something about me, I just got hubbed naturally, didn\'t I? Lenya, I\'m in the mood to cry a little, so could you lend me your chest or your back?

Emil laughed at the tease without showing such a sense of grief, either.

I couldn\'t think of anything about Sister Emil.

When Frau smiled without evil at Emil like that, Emil felt a little sorry for the boulder.

"See, that\'s where me and Frau get along, so I don\'t care what you come up with?

"I didn\'t think of anything, so I\'m sorry. I\'m going home because I don\'t want to talk about it anymore."

With a smile everyone could see that they would not think it was bad at all, Lianya stopped Flau, who had just truncated Emil, from trying to lead the line to Lianya\'s Hall.

"Frau, there\'s something I need to check on before I go back"

"If it\'s the color of Flau\'s underwear today, it\'s the pink of the lace today."

Everyone around him was surprised and smiled and firmly said the exposure that alternately turned his gaze on both Flau who answered and Lotus Ya who asked him, but Lotus Ya also must have expected Flau to make some kind of messy statement, and let him pale and respond accordingly without changing his complexion one by one without even looking around him or anything else.

"Above all by being cute. It\'s not my favorite color, though. That\'s not what I\'m trying to confirm, it\'s something else."

Flau, a form that has been lightly recirculated, looks a little remorseful, but eats down just wondering if it\'s something he\'s going to lose.

"Bye. Sister Rhona\'s?

"It would be black, no matter what you think"

"Sister Theon?

"At first glance white, I think it\'s pale blue, somehow"

"E, Sister Emil"

"It must be purple, can I bet you?

As for Lianya, she answered quite appropriately and vaguely, but as far as the member whose name was called accidentally pressed the hem of her clothes, leaned down while blushing, and laughed powerlessly, she hasn\'t even gotten out of the picture.

But the soldiers who were listening would applaud their hearts for the spiritual power of Lianya, who would speak lightly and dignified about the color of a woman\'s underwear without even caring about her surrounding gaze in front of the gates into the city.

It\'s not like you can even tell me to imitate it.

Being made so grand, he could not tease, and Frau, after gently biting his lips, managed to break down Lianya\'s castle, releasing what seemed to be a hand in resurrection.

"Then Master Killier\'s..."

"You\'re not wearing it, are you?

Sooner than Frau finished saying it, and before Lotus Ya reacted, the word Killier unleashed instantly quelled the hustle and bustle around him, and at the same time stopped the time on the spot.

As everyone loses their voice and doubts their ears and sanity as they stop moving, Killier looks around at the surrounding situation slightly by herself in that frozen space, then says, roughly in a slightly troubled voice.

"It\'s a joke, joke. Ha ha, that\'s not true -"

My voice was flat and very lying Kirier, but there\'s no way I can make sure it\'s true or false.

Let\'s peel it off, denying Flau with his gaze as well, and Lianya said once again what she wanted to check by turning to Flau when she took one deep sigh to regain her mind.

"When I came back to Klinge, I saw smoke rising from afar. I don\'t think I had the equipment to do that when I went out. Anything wrong?

Said Frau often punches his hand after thinking.

Master, if you say so, you\'ve got a Klinge spot.

Frau\'s words seemed completely unrelated to Lianya\'s question.

Lotus Yan stabs the nail just in case, wondering if he intends to divert the topic from here and make Lotus Yan\'s question itself Uya.

"I guess that\'s the answer to my question, isn\'t it?

"Of course it is. The master must have seen it from afar."

Hearing the word hot air, Lianya distorts her face somewhat reluctantly.

Because there is only one conclusion to be drawn when one considers that Lianya was letting the brave men dig a large hole for the transfer equipment in the information she now has, and that the identity of the smoke that Lianya now brings from Flau is hot air.

But on the other hand, I couldn\'t help but think that what could happen was a phenomenon that occurs in a world where Lianya was a former world, where volcanic areas with some activity are the main places, and where there is absolutely nothing to do around them, like Klinge.

But Frau\'s continued words were outright denial of Lianya\'s such thoughts.

"I was digging the ground and the water boiled!

It was Lianya, who I don\'t remember giving instructions to dig that deep, but maybe it is something that exits when I dig shallow.

With that in mind, Lianya guided everyone to her own hall in order to move the place from the vicinity of the gate, which would be a nuisance to others if they occupied the place too much, in order to ask Frau for a more detailed explanation.