Nidome no Jinsei wo Isekai de

229 Seems to be in Klinge without Lianya.

Moving from the front of the gate to Lianya\'s Hall, the line takes a breather in the reception room that Frau had prepared.

When Lianya asked about Meilia and Cloire, who were invisible, while Flau was sweetly preparing tea and tea receptacles for everyone, Flau to Meilia to mow the lawn to the mountains and Cloire to the river for laundry returned a bogged answer.

Flau smiled unharmed at Lotus Yaya, who looked slightly surprised, and instantly flipped herself in anticipation of the moment when her gaze slipped away, moving on to escape with a dash.

But it ended in failure when Lianya\'s right hand, stabbed and stretched with a flying swallow motion, eagled the back of the fleeing Frau\'s head.

While thinking about where the hell he had influxed from, such as information on the fairy tales of the world in which he was from, if he put his strength into the hand that Lianya grabbed, Flau screamed at the vicious pressure that hit his back of his head in the meantime, sprinkling, eventually weakening his limbs and stopping moving.

"Satisfied? So, back to the first question?

"It\'s unreasonable violence that strikes the girl you want."

Lotus\'s eyes narrowed more when Frau, who was planking his hands and feet with only the back of his head being grabbed by Lotus Ya, got that.

Did you feel that with signs, Flau hastily puts his strength on his hands and feet to take an upright immobility posture, when he shouldn\'t have seen Lianya\'s expression?

"Sister Cloire is in the bath, and Sister Mayria is still busy handling her affairs!

Klinge is a city with more than half the quantity of supplies and people flowing into the split, situated on the edge of the Principality of Triden, proportionally to which the processing on documents also extends to cumbersome and enormous quantities.

Furthermore, this time, documents had to be processed further as a result of the increased influx of seafood from Baron Goldner\'s territory thanks to the new transfer facilities.

Frau Yi, Meilia is being chased to work without day or night, and the shapes of it rarely come close to Meilia\'s office except for the civilians who are under Meilia\'s command these days because of the ghost.

"When His Majesty the Grand Duke is retired and Mayria comes to power, the affairs of Count Knugi are going to be broken at once, aren\'t they?"

Totally as another HR, Lotus Yaya responds to Rhona, who says so while sipping tea, by letting her voice contain just a little meanness.

"Don\'t do that, keep your hands on me right now, Lorna. Anyway, you\'re the next candidate for clerical work, right?

"Is it me!?

To Lorna in a hurry, Lianya snorts with a serious face.

"Why me!? Lenya, do you have a grudge against me?

"There are no other suitors"

In terms of capability, perhaps even cloir and emil should have had enough capability.

However, the cloir of the elves, a form of symbiosis with the forest, was not considered suitable for carrying out work in a dark room for long periods of time, and Emil is highly talented and skilled as a researcher, so the advantages of letting them stop and take charge of affairs are very dim.

Flau is the maid length, so we should have focused on that, and as for Zion, Lorna had to admit, after annotating him with our Lord, that he was not suitable for such a thing at all.

As a result, Lorna finds herself stunned that she has to sit in Mayria\'s cauldron because of the erasure method.

Then it is true that while the jetty named Meyria now exists in the part called the clerical handling of Klinge, nature and myself await a future to be thrown into that infinite hell of paperwork and seal without having to come up with any means.

There was just an easy way to avoid them.

It is a way of saying give up everything and escape from Klinge.

But that meant that Rhona would leave under Lianya, and hence also that she would have to say goodbye to Zion.

It is Rhona who wants to avoid it whenever possible.

I can\'t think about splitting up with Scion, etc., and I don\'t want to think about it.

Lorna admires Lorna a lot.

Being accustomed to Klinge\'s environment, which allows him to live a relatively comfortable life with any other city, Rhona does not want to let go of the status quo because of its comfort.

Lianya looks at Lotus, who thinks she needs to hit her hand as soon as possible.

Speaking of the truth, there was also the option to continue sitting in Klinge after turning down Lianya\'s request as long as there was a little glamour in Lona.

Don\'t put it in your mouth, and don\'t commit foolishness that will put it in your face, but there is no way that Lianya can tell you to leave Lorna, etc. because your request has been refused.

Until the current Grand Duke\'s departure, moreover, there should have been a respite around twenty years without any trouble, and it shouldn\'t have been so impossible to put together quite a few more talented civilians with that much time, but Lianya dares not point that out.

Maybe the fact that Rona, who has been cornered, comes up with some sort of plan will lead to a slight reduction in Meyria\'s burden, and even if it doesn\'t, it doesn\'t make the current situation any worse.

"Aside from that, Frau. I mean, there\'s hot water out there. What the hell happened? You know, common sense in me doesn\'t tell me to dig deep enough to dig hot water?

There is no fire source around Klinge that produces hot water to the best of Lianya\'s knowledge than the depth.

Knowledge of Lianya suggests that only about a hot spring applies when a hole is dug, and that a hot spring is probably something that exists near a volcano.

There were some hot springs that didn\'t seem to be such a place, but no matter how much groundwater tended to get higher as it went deeper than the water on the ground, it should have been necessary to dig in km if it was also the water temperature enough for the hot air to stand.

To Lianya\'s question, Frau begins to talk hard about how he decided to explain everything he knew from the beginning, after often conceiving of what he had answered.

Initially, the brave men who were ordered to dig holes were honestly digging holes as directed.

It uses tools such as shovels and shovels.

But the size of the indicated hole was too large for just four to proceed with manual digging, no matter how well the brave man\'s physical abilities were relative to those of the average man.

The first person to make a sound to this task is still Leppard.

Leppard made this suggestion to the other three brave men, throwing out the shovel he had in his hands because he was more tired of monotonous tasks than fatigue to his body.

"This is no longer a pain in the ass, so wouldn\'t it be easier to blow the ground with the proper help of us and then shape it again by hand or something after being that big?

It is not a bad suggestion from the point of view of efficiency.

However, considering this task to be a training exercise, Lianya tongues in a good spot.

I guess it\'s also big that I wasn\'t on the spot, but it seemed like somehow the Beast Clan tended to try to handle things a lot and appropriately.

I find it abominable, but I regained my mind that it was too much and Lianya listens to Frau\'s explanation again.

It was Kurtz who voted against this proposal by Leppard.

Kurtz told me to dig it and not blow it up.

Kurtz insists that what is not said is extra and that doing extra won\'t make it loc.

"A little too much trust in me?

"But he\'s an honest, good kid. Wouldn\'t you?

I urge Flau to go ahead, thinking that I can be a little selfish because Lianya is still a boy on the outside, not willing to deny Shion\'s words containing a grin.

Grune, as usual, went through neutrality while continuing to work flatly.

It follows from what was decided, that the decision of the brave men was set aside by Alberto\'s decision with the last vote, with the smiling Grune expressing neutrality, but he did not even expect it from Lianya, but this Alberto agreed to Leppard\'s proposal.

Now the actions of the brave men have been finalised in favor 2, opposite 1, and neutral 1.

"Why Alberto again..."

I just thought it was a little more thoughtful in character, Lotus Ya, but I\'m somehow convinced by Emil\'s words that follow.

"Maybe it was accumulating a lot...... you say recoil when you accumulate as many serious people, right?

"I\'ll follow up with you as to why, but it seems that both the Beasts and the Dragons basically have characteristics that they prefer to push and choose because there are many parts above them that are capable compared to elves and people"

Killier says that like bean knowledge, but not being followed in any way was what everyone I heard unanimously thought.

Anyway, once the opinion had been decided, it would only later be transferred to execution, which is why the play of destruction by the two brave men was to be played near Klinge.

"The two of you?

"Kurtz, I hear you escaped. Looks like Mr. Grune left the scene softly."

Kurtz escaped only to penetrate the opposition, so I hope he actually does well, but Lotus Yay thinks that he will act reluctantly to be furious with Lotus Yay at the time of some trouble.

In contrast, Grune should have had to follow it at a time when his opinion would have inclined in favor because he was neutral, but it is clear that he fled to avoid the damage caused by obvious entanglement.

Then I would have put in a negative vote from the beginning, but that was probably due to the fact that the same number of votes in favor and against made me hate to postpone the conclusion if it drifted, and the fact that I would be in trouble if I even stood on the corner by mistake between the two people who put in a positive vote.

"It\'s unfounded, but we both have good personalities, I suppose."

"Where are those two now?

To Rhona\'s inquiry, Frau shrugs his shoulders.

We\'re both hiding in the clouds.

There was no need to look forcibly, but Lianya thought it would be unlikely to be found where she was forced to look.

Kurtz can hide anywhere if he can also store Kurtz himself, just as he could store those two witches that black foggy things always follow.

Exactly what will always be hidden was obvious that it would not be possible to think about it from meals, etc., but discovery would nevertheless be extremely difficult unless one tried to show up from Kurtz.

It is even harder to find than Kurtz because he is originally a brave man who is good at cover-ups and covert actions when it comes to Grune.

Rather, this one wasn\'t like Kurtz in person, and it was bad for those who were equipped with the ability to just live their lives alone as long as they hid it through being brave.

If you do poorly, it\'s even possible that you won\'t find it forever.

In that case, Lianya sighed that she wouldn\'t want to ask Cloire to convince her to come out.

"That\'s why I kept blowing the ground because of two brave men..."

"I dug hot water into a quote I dug a hole to the depth I didn\'t have to dig,"

"Before that, the blown dirt and sand and the vibrations of the attack scattered damage around the area. Claims for damages for broken windows, dishes, broken furniture are coming from Klinge residents. And a good number of complaints of noise damage... I\'m getting complaints that my baby is having trouble sleeping."

"... apologize politely and pay for the damage"

If a brave man strikes the ground in the immediate vicinity of the city with all his might, he will naturally know that scattered dirt and sand will damage the walls, or the buildings that are on the wall by jumping over them.

Furthermore, the vibrations caused by that attack on the ground are almost like earthquakes, and it can also happen when dishes fall from the cupboard and crack, windows break, or cracks in the walls of buildings.

Needless to say, if you make an attack to the ground that is still so powerful, explosions and so on can be a nuisance for your neighbors.

"I\'ll keep a good record of the amount I paid and slap the bills on the Beasts and Dragons"

To suppress his anger, to Lotus Ya, who laughs with a low push-kill voice, Frau calculates the amount of bills from the residents now coming all the way in his head, and further concludes that after pondering the stature of the Beasts and Dragons, he would pay in silence if that were about it.

If you reluctant to pay at all, if you add a word to it that our master is angry, it\'s not like both races don\'t know Lianya enough to reluctantly.

"So, where are those two idiots now?

"When the hot water erupted, we got caught in the hot water and we both got burns all over our bodies... we\'re in the hospital."

Apparently, the water that erupted was quite a temperature, and even more so at first, it erupted with considerable momentum.

Unfortunately, rather than deserved it, the two brave men were just after they rolled out the major moves, meaning they were caught up in it as it was without being able to avoid the erupting hot water and boiled in the hot water amicably.

"Tell the person at the treatment center to tie them both to their beds and don\'t let them move for a while"

"Roger that, Master. But it wasn\'t all bad."

You wondered, but Frau\'s explanation goes on to Lianya, who somewhat quenched his anger.