Nidome no Jinsei wo Isekai de

227 He's on his way home.

Location considered the most important hub in Knugi territory.

Klinge, a city with the Hall of Count Lenya-Knugi.

Cities in the people\'s continent, whatever the number of decimal places, are extremely unusual, and they get the title of the most unusual city in the people\'s continent with little hair, and they are quickly becoming immovable.

Sometimes the city is the closest to the forest of chi, and surrounded by a barrier covered with claws, the city was the focus of attention, both inside and outside the country.

Naturally, a significant number of people were released toward this city, and a significant amount of information should have been brought up, apart from the fact that the information was inherently authentic.

But after a while, those who let go of the intermediate will doubt their eyes, their ears, and their sanity.

That is what countless of them would have unleashed, and none returned to the LORD, who unleashed it alone.

Who is alone, without even being allowed one exception.

Cannibal city.

It was a Klinge that came to be called that from those who lived in the dark parts of society, but on the other hand it was also a city that received considerable appreciation from those who lived in sunny places.

Only the living environment is very well equipped with water and sewerage, every building can benefit from it, and there are some strangely well-moving soldiers on patrol all the time when it comes to security, and there is no place in the city at all like a ghetto in every city.

If you don\'t even choose, it\'s because the work is rolling as much as it wants, because the presence of the poor, etc. is not allowed to exist.

Plus, taxes are cheap no matter what you put aside.

If asked how cheap it was, taxes for one family in other cities were cheap enough to cover taxes for three families in Klinge.

The simple answer to the question as to why it is so cheap would be that there is so much cash and jewelry in Uncle Knugi\'s vault.

Count Knugi\'s territory is a demonic stone that is produced in luxury and items such as crops brought back from the land of the elves and their processed products.

Furthermore, resources derived from demons produced from fortifications in the woods based in the Qi forest, which Lianya had previously made him train Keith and the others, as well as timber produced by the woods themselves, have brought tremendous wealth to a city called Klinge.

However, since Lianya, who was supposed to have to manage and operate these riches, had the personality that she was not interested in the money itself, even if she was interested in what she could buy with the money, the management was currently partitioned between Meilia and the civilians under her command, and these funds were paid as taxes to the Principality of Triden.

This amount, Lotus Ya, was an amount that I did not know of in detail but would not allow any other nobleman to follow, and furthermore, the territory that was originally close to the forest of temper was sometimes set cheaper in taxes due to its positional implications, which was mostly overshadowed by Lotus Ya\'s nostalgia, which was why taxes were cheaper in Klinge.

It goes without saying, of course, that we are not covering everything, and that the share is a tax on the people, but if it were still less than half of the other territories, it was only natural for those who managed to live there and the prospective merchants of the residents, who would surely be rich, to flow from next to next.

"Why don\'t we just stick this in place?

In the driver\'s seat of the car I built myself, to Emil\'s whining, who was finger-tapping the handle with a slightly irritating look and so on, Shion and Lorna, who were sitting in the back seat, leaned back slightly, unable to lean back because Kirier was in a slightly cramped situation with the addition of Kirier to the seats for the two of us originally, twinkling and winging.

On the way home from Baron Goldner\'s territory, Emil, who was flying his car economically where few people appeared, was a cursory driver, with more travellers, merchants and adventurers as Klinge approached him.

Driving in this state of incapacity seems to be quite stressful, a word that came out of my mouth unexpectedly, but it wouldn\'t be enough to have any number of lives and bad rumors if I was put on the street splattered for that reason.

"Drop the car, walk?

Emil shook her neck left and right as she slammed her face at Lianya\'s suggestion that you would still be more stressed.

"It\'s better this way than walking."

"Then bear with me."

Even if it is cursory driving, it is much faster and easier than walking.

The luggage was supposed to be sent at one time at a transfer facility via Katru, apparently opened, so it was a light line, but the fact that you don\'t have to walk seems to me to be quite physically and mentally easier, and Emil\'s bitter words make the three of you in the back seat snort.

"In the meantime, it is the street of Count Knugi! Or something like that, why don\'t you force me to make way?

"I don\'t hate buying someone\'s grudge, but that doesn\'t mean I want to buy it, does it?

Lotus Yakiya stares at Kirier, who just comes up with a name proposal.

If it is also an urgent matter, it is different, but even though there is nothing, there is no hair in Lianya\'s mind to wield power.

This way of thinking was normal if taken from Lianya, but not common as the idea of nobility in this world, and Shion and Lorna, knowing it, smiled somewhere proud, and Emil, who was tannic, also turned his expression into a grin.

"... what the fuck?

Lianya looks stuck in the suddenly unusual atmosphere in the car.

Sion replied with a laugh, as if to represent the car in such a Lianya.

"No, you look like Lenya," he said.

In response to Theon, Lotus Ya, who gave him a slight expression for a moment, turns his gaze toward the view flowing outside the car, while silently answering the words without answering anything.

I\'m sure in that head, the Scions, who somehow figure out whether the current return of Scion was simply praised or something else included, have no particular comment on such Lianya\'s behavior, and Emil regained the handle with a slightly better mood look.

"By the way..."

During the journey, silence dominates nature and the interior of the car, especially if there is nothing to talk about.

After Emil\'s noisy whining, it was Lotus Masaya\'s car, which was moving on for a while while while while people cursed over the street, avoiding carriage and luggage, but it was Lotus Masaya who broke its silence and opened his mouth.

"Somehow, I think it\'s almost Klinge?

"That\'s right...... is it time?

No matter how the car built by Emil was a high-performance one that far smashed this world\'s standards, it has not been able to reproduce even the kind of navigation system that was attached to the car of the world where Lotus Ya was found on the boulder.

In general, it\'s obvious because there\'s no way the satellites are hitting up in the sky to use it, and Emil, the driver, is somehow deciding his current position with a survey while calculating direction and distance on the map.

"In the direction of the city, that\'s for sure?

Even when it comes to plains at a sip, there is some up-down on the terrain, and I still don\'t see the city of Klinge from the point where Lotus Mita\'s car is running.

Still, the direction Lianya pointed in was definitely pointing in the direction of Klinge, taking Emil\'s account.

"Definitely, I suppose, huh?

"Well... I think something like smoke is going up."

Tensions ran into the car for a moment to Lianya\'s words as she narrowed her eyes.

Because Klinge is also a city inhabited by people, smoke can rise somewhat from all over the place.

However, it should have been assumed that the smoke that could be seen from such a distance that the city was also invisible was not so frequent.

Because now there\'s something going on in Klinge that makes such a big smoke go up, and I didn\'t think that was a very good thing.

"Oh, you don\'t have to worry about that. The smoke is white, and it\'s probably water vapor, that\'s"

I couldn\'t be sure, though.

It was because the distance had been so far apart, but Lianya had decided that the identity of the smoke her vision captured would not be like exiting when something burned, but like the hot air rising from the hot water.

"Rigid broom?

What I asked back was Zion, although it still felt like it.

From the fact that Lorna also has a somewhat subtle look on her face, Lianya realizes that apparently it is not a major word in this world.

The fact that it was not a completely unknown word did not seem particularly questionable when he saw Emil\'s reaction, so he wondered if those who knew knew, and what an explanation he had made on it. Lotus Ya managed to twist the hard answer.

"You know what I mean when I say it with hot water smoke?

"You mean hot air. I can see that...... would it have been in Klinge, an installation with enough hot air to see from such a distance?

It was a scion to say strangely, but I don\'t know anything about that with Lianya.

At least they weren\'t supposed to exist when they left Klinge.

For example, it was difficult to think that something could have been done during Baron Goldner\'s stay, but if you think about what the hell could have been done, there is too little information to conclude.


"You\'re Frau."


With the same name in his mouth to the Trinity, Theon turned his gaze out with a gloomy face, Lorna sighed with her hands on her cheeks like she was in trouble, and Emil slammed forward making her body nearly held by the handle.

All of them were telling the truth as if it were him again, and Lotus Ya of Boulder also raised his voice that if he had to defend one thing here, that cute working maid would be pathetic, and after letting his mouth swell for a while, he somehow closed his mouth after an even longer silence.


Ask if you are worried about Lianya, who is giving her an atmosphere that has become somewhere squeaky, so that Shion, who rides herself out of the back seat, peeks into Lianya\'s face from behind.

"I couldn\'t find a word to disagree"

Lotus Yashi\'s shoulder, who said he had many faces with both hands and was pompous in a depressed tone, was slapped pompous from behind by Theon as if he didn\'t mind.

If something massive occurs in Klinge, the culprit is most often the choice between Lianya or Flau, and Lianya herself has a good grasp of it.

Of the two choices, one is not in Klinge, so it is very likely that the other is the answer, and even if words that can be denied are from previous experience, they could not be found by Lianya.

By the way, the opposing horse is Leppard and the big hole is Scion.

Emil was a person who could have danced to his fate if he did poorly, but his name often doesn\'t come up when it comes to stories like this, because he sneaks up on everything unknowingly by striking a hand that doesn\'t matter if it comes from the standpoint of being a researcher or failing beforehand.

"For now... it\'s not a good idea to just decide on the possibility. Even if you know from past experience that it\'s very likely."

"Right, it\'s not a good idea to decide. It\'s not like there\'s any chance of another reason at all."

After a little time, Theon nodded without getting his hair in between, in the words of Lianya, who seemed to have managed to twist out this way.

For the sake of Flau admiring himself, it seems that Lotus Ya, who did not come out with one of the defense words, was called upon to chase after all those who said that they could not read the air.

If you are unwilling to pursue it, it was Zion who immediately agreed and tried to soothe the atmosphere a little, but Killier drops a bomb there.

"But if that\'s the most likely thing to happen, it\'s also more likely that you\'ll be able to prevent things from getting worse... back!?

The moment Killier opens her mouth, you even had a bad feeling. Theon blocks Lotus Yaya\'s ears with both hands from behind her back and lets Killier talk a little, then decides that this would be better to shut her up. Lorna pushes her into her own chest and forces her to shut her up when she embraces Killier\'s head.

Lotus Yaya, whose ears were blocked by Zion, never tried to get her gaze back into the car with her gaze pointed out as if she had heard nothing at all, and Kirier, who could be held by Lorna, was given for a while, but eventually her hands and feet fell out of strength and became dear.

"Oh, man, we\'ve been here a long time before we got to our destination. Now we\'re gonna have to be considerate."

Back to back with the words spoken, Emil smiled somewhere very pleasantly, trying to get to Klinge a little faster, while stepping just a little harder into the car accelerator to start running off the street and over the highly uneven plains.