Nidome no Jinsei wo Isekai de

211 Looks like the coast in the morning.

To say that the world is not round and is like a pizza on a basin seems to be in this world as a matter of common sense.

As for the information, Lianya had also been explained by that young lady goddess, so she understood it as knowledge even if she was not convinced, but in fact there was a continuation of that information.

"The world is shaped like this, but there\'s space between the bottom of this basin and the continent."

She explains her fluffy blonde hair as Lorna walks in front of Lianya as she soothes in the sea breeze.

Lorna\'s hair, seen under the sunny sky and in the slightly stronger sun, shined as if it had tangled the light of day, and was also different in fun from Zion\'s wet black hair and cloir\'s metallic white blonde hair.

The day after the reception held at Baron Goldner\'s residence, it was Lianya, who left the hall by herself early in the morning to take a look at the sea, but for some reason Lorna has discovered me and forced me to accompany her.

I\'m guessing that the moment I left the room, it was some sort of magical exploration because I felt like I was caught in something, but I asked Lorna and she didn\'t tell me the answer.

By saying the answer, it seems to take into account the fear that measures will be taken in the event of the next similar situation.

Lianya is originally a person who is not very good at acting there, and Emedra, who is currently the source of Lianya\'s magical knowledge, is not supposed to act there.

Is that why it was Lianya, who could not see what the hell had been done even if she applied it to Emedra\'s knowledge?

"When I say space, it\'s not like the continent is floating, it\'s like countless columns sticking out of the bottom of a basin, and it\'s thought that the columns support the continent."

"There\'s a lot to think about... well, for now, yeah"

The question of who made such pillars, or who confirmed their existence, comes to a boil one after the other, but Lianya thinks that she was asking them once and for all and that the story does not go ahead, and perhaps Lorna herself does not have the knowledge to say so, only that it is conveyed.

"It is the dreamer, Katru, who is said to exist intertwined in its countless pillars and to live directly beneath the continent"


I felt like I heard a word in Lorna\'s explanation that remembered a slight scratch, but Lorna continued ahead without worrying about such Lorna.

"I\'m told that looks like a giant octopus, but I don\'t know what it actually looks like. Because no one has seen it or survived it. Legend has it that there are eight main arms present, but countless things like the side arms are stretched all over the place."

"Uh... hey, dude"

Once she stops explaining Lorna with her hands, Lianya sorts out her doubts in her head.

Picking up what seemed to be the most important of them, Lianya decided to tilt her neck and hit Lorna, who was looking back at herself.

"You said you were a dreamer?

"Yep. That\'s what I said."

"Not the ones?

Lorna\'s explanation sounded to Lianyi like an explanation about the existence of a single unit.

But if the existence that Rhona is describing is stand-alone, the enormity of this world\'s continent becomes a problem.

Anyway, even if we think only of the demonic realm that exists in the central part of the continent, we have a huge realm that can be thousands of kilometers across.

If it were all over the continent, it would be a huge number of tens of thousands of km from end to end.

If those who live directly beneath it were alone, it would become a tremendous size pushing through the ceiling of Lianya\'s imagination.

It was from a question from a pale hope to say how much this world would not be so much cod if it tried from Lotus Ya, but reality still betrays Lotus Ya.

"I\'ve never seen the real thing, so it\'s hard to say. If there were more than one like Katru, this world would be doomed before the Demon King could say so."

"I feel like I\'m just going to perish..."

There is no shadow on the streets of the city because it is early in the morning.

If this is the kind of place where there is a fish market, it is not strange that dealings have been made with fishermen and wholesalers fairly early in the morning, but as the baron said he does not deal with seafood as a specialty, there is still nothing in this town that he said so.

"It\'s because of this Katru that there are cities that face the ocean but do not have port facilities or a market to handle seafood. Haven\'t you ever thought Lenya was crazy? Even though the land route to the neighboring continent is impossible because of the existence of the forest and the demonic realm, I wonder why we can\'t cross the sea."

I thought I didn\'t have enough ships to cross.

That being said, Lianya was certainly wondering.

I wonder if it would be too unnatural to say that the only way to get between the continent and the continent is to say that there are mostly only transfer gates.

Given the cost effectiveness, the transfer gate may actually be the lowest cost, but if you carry a lot of stuff at once, I still wonder if you would normally consider a ship.

"That\'s one of the reasons, but the biggest reason is that if you try to cross the ocean to the next continent, you will be attacked by Katru\'s arms, almost without exception, and dragged by the ocean"

The legend tells us that Katru\'s body is directly beneath the continent, and that there are two main arms stretching out to the end of the world in the sea between the continent and the continent, Lorna says.

Moreover, countless armpits crawl beneath the sea from its main arm, and the bottom of the ocean around the world is crammed with tentacles of this Katru.

It is such a sea, but its existence has not been confirmed at all in a limited number of waters close to the continent, and even more so, there is what we call a sea where ships are not attacked, and Lorna concludes that only the city facing it can treat seafood as a specialty.

"Hey, that... if you put it in your arm, it\'s tens of thousands of kilometers long creature?

"Come on? I\'ve never measured how long there is from the end of the world to the end."

If they throw it away openly, Lianya won\'t succeed in two sentences either.

"That\'s why I was wondering if I should just give up getting tons of seafood here"

"Massive? Can we go with a small amount?

"Drop the fishing line on the shoreline for a little bit. It\'s just... low probability, but if you hook a fishing needle to Katru\'s arm, it\'s over. Katru will never just stretch his arms ashore, because he will stretch his arms all the way ashore, judging that he has been attacked if he hooks a fishing needle."

"What\'s that frightening?"

"It would be fine if the fishermen just got caught, but they escaped and devastated every city, what a story they used to have. It\'s probably forbidden to fish on the shoreline now."

I don\'t think Lianya can do even a small amount of that, but she didn\'t get that idea from Lorna.

Before the two of them, who had at some point walked to the edge of the city, to the shoreline facing the sea, stands a sign that proves that the words Rhona said are true.

It was specified there that the practice of fishing was completely forbidden, as well as throwing into the sea without question, assuming that those who fished were discovered.

"That\'s a mess..."

"Because one mistake is catastrophic. There\'s no need to be cautious."

It seems that time is still early in the morning and there is no one to look around because there are no people, and the shoreline was idle.

For once, the shoreline itself was shaped and paved with stone, but there was not a single small boat floating on the surface of the sea, and there was no equipment to moor the boat on the shoreline either.

"So if you would give up on the matter... well, the two of us came around the corner, breakfast, etc.... I was wondering if you would join me."

Although Rhona hesitated to mention that, Lotus Ya\'s ears had heard those words once, but her head did not understand what they meant.

More incredible sights than that, because I found them on a shoreline a little further away.

"Hey, Lorna?

"Eh, a preliminary investigation has identified that there are shops around here serving breakfasts with delicious salads, and I would love to think with Lenya...... yes?

Having shaped the dialogue in a blocked way, Lorna responded immediately to Lianya\'s call, even as she became a slightly grumpy voice.

Maybe the reaction around here is where it lines up with Theon, Lianya thinks.

If Zion was the opponent, how far would he have gone without continuing to ramble on his own and putting in a tight penetration somewhere before returning to this world?

"Fishing is strictly forbidden on this shoreline, isn\'t it?

"Yeah, it\'s on the stand there, but is that it?

"If my eyes are not seeing illusions. There\'s a guy fishing?


Lianya points behind Lorna.

Lorna froze with her mouth half-opened unintentionally at the sight that was there, looking in the direction Lotus Yaya pointed at, thinking what was absurd.


Along with the voice of a very masculine temper, I am so worried that the thick fishing rod will break that there will be a few m.

Red eyes with an atmosphere that seems to have slept somewhere half-eyed in a twin-tailed hairstyle that ties long dark hair to the left and right of the head.

From the top of a plain brown shirt and trousers, he is wearing a dull gray cape, with a large pouch hanging on his right hip.

From Lianya, there was the sight of a girl like the one I saw somewhere wrapping a skinned belt around her waist, supporting it and desperately pulling a fishing rod several times her length.


When you see something you didn\'t even imagine, the reaction is people\'s, but in Lorna\'s case, the thought stops.

With a word out, Lorna just stares at that fisherman and stops moving.

It seems to be an incredible sight not so long ago, but from Lotus Yaya without prior knowledge, even if she supports the fishing rod with her waist belt without a stopper at her feet, it will be for a moment when it is taken, that\'s about all I think.

"Nooooooooooooo! I don\'t know! But my breakfast! I won\'t let you get away with it!

"Hey, hey!? What are you doing!?

Apparently, the thought has finally restarted. Lotus Yaya slowly walks out while Lorna rushes off.

Lorna is worried because she would be in trouble if Katru came out with the case, but Lianya has decided that it\'s probably not the one the girl is hooking up to the fishing pole right now, so there\'s no rush at all.

If such a monster caught on the pole, the girl\'s body should be drunk between the waves without having time to compare forces.

"Oh? Something\'s come up. Good evening!

She is the girl who greets approaching Rhona in the morning with discipline, but does not try to let go of the rod that is.

Looking at the end of the fishing line, I could see that the sea level was spurting heavily and running left and right, with some big deal on it.

"Who is eh nae-nae!?

"Is that it? Because it\'s not? I thought you were going home from work."

"What do you do!?

What Lianya says since she was nursed for that purpose, Lorna wears clothes that fit her body\'s size properly.

I wear it, but the original volume is still supposed to be pretty stiff, so the atmosphere that drifts is far from clear, even when wearing regular monk clothes.

"Lenya, what are you wearing a convincing look?

Lianya flaunts her shoulders unanswered to Lorna\'s question as if she had pushed and killed both emotion and discouragement.

"Is that it? Your brother... somewhere, like we met... hey!?

The girl who saw Lianya\'s face, the word she was about to say turns into a scream along the way.

A prey waving a fishing line to the left and to the right began to flee all the way offshore.

The thrust seemed considerable, and Lianya quickly approached him and squeezed the pole with one right hand where the girl who had laid back before him was about to be taken by her body.

The girl\'s body, which was about to be taken to the sea, stopped lightly with the support of one hand of Lianya, and at the next moment Lianya had no particular voice of temper, and when she lifted the girl\'s body with one hand on every pole she grabbed, she threw its body to the land side very unraveled.

A girl who flies as she screams.

Try to chase it, a huge silver fish caught dancing through the universe.

"Um... Lenya, for once they\'re like women... treat them better..."

Lorna, who was rooting for being treated like a businesswoman, thought it was terrible.

I feel like I\'m done with my job, and I try to complain to Lianya, who says she\'s not even sweaty, and makes me wipe her forehead, and I see a fish body that was dancing in space over the body of the girl who flew away, and it blows out small.

"Drop the fish on the cobblestone and it\'ll hurt you."

To the words of Lianya, who apparently did it for him, Lorna asked him to give a thumbs up for Lianya, though softly, after she had done her eyes to the girl who was turning her eyes while being sandwiched by cobblestones and fish for a while.