Nidome no Jinsei wo Isekai de

212 I hear you're talking to Mr. Killier.

"Ha, customer. I saw you in a strange place."

On a net glued on top of a burning fire that raised red flames, fish fillets were baked making a pleasant noise in their ears all the time, and the fat dripped over the burning fire beneath them.

A light but soy sauce was applied to the surface, which smelled like baked soy sauce at the same time, and it was mixed with the smell of baked fat to braid an unusually appetizing aroma.

Although the lack of white rice is a rare circumstance, Lotus Yashi on the boulder is not willing to cook there, even if the shoreline where we are now is somewhat spacious.

However, when I thought about it, I just caught the fish I caught in front of me, cut it into crisps, started a fire and made a kamado out of stone I had brought it from somewhere, and handed it a gold net and started burning the fish. The girl\'s behavior in front of me was a substitute for common sense, even by Lianya\'s standards.

"I know you, is it?

Singing a nose song or something, Lorna, who stood a little further away from Lianya, right next to the girl who had no trouble baking fish, reluctantly asks Lianya.

I clearly found out that the subtle sense of distance was going to pretend to be irrelevant to others as soon as possible if anything happened, but it was Lianya who was letting it stay that way because there was no point in pointing it out.

"A little before. He\'s the merchant who sold me my sword."

"I\'m a traveler."

As if that one letter were very important, Killier prompted an immediate amendment.

"Was that the Sinai the customer gave you after that? That didn\'t sell high. Hey, what you call a favorite is what you are after all. Oh, I can\'t tell you who I sold it to, can I? Confidentiality."

"The sword I got replaced is a treasure, so that\'s fine... is that really just a knife?

I\'m not talking about where the performance is too good.

You don\'t spill a blade when you meet with a big sword that\'s many times thicker and heavier.

There is no way it falls within the scope of valuation, such as that of a product.

I thought Lianya might know something if it was her who had it, but the answer returned was really light.

"It\'s a sword, isn\'t it? I don\'t know the details, though. I got it from somewhere else, too, so I can\'t even tell you where it came from. Because this is also the merchant\'s confidentiality scope. How dare you call me a customer?"

"Customers, it\'s also kind of like being called with a customer..."

"No, because when we made the deal during this time. I named you, sir, but you didn\'t, did you?

Lianya explores memories when told.

Even if I only tried to capture what I remember in my memory that seemed like a long time ago, I did remember the other guy naming me, but I don\'t remember naming him from me.

"I\'m sorry about that. I say Lenya-Knugi. The Earl of Triden."

As soon as the Count and Lianya spoke, Lorna just gave her a pitiful look.

For once, from Rhona, who is in the aristocratic classification in the Principality of Triden, he is quite a high place with the Count and, quite apart, he is not what he calls "what is", but from the values of Lianya, it doesn\'t matter. It\'s just a name.

"Oh? Like you were an adventurer when we met before? You were born."

"When will you do it? It\'s not what I wanted, it\'s not what I got."

The majority of people can\'t get it even if they want it, but what is a whine that Lorna accidentally leaked, but the voice didn\'t sound like Lianya or Kirier.

It\'s the fish at the place.

"Oh, do you want some? I recommend it, don\'t I? It\'s a silver toon with fat in it."

That\'s what they call it. It\'s a fish.

On top of being round and fat, it is a fish about half the size and back length of Lianya, and the smell of baking is wonderfully appetizing.

If you\'re saying you\'ll split it, there\'s no reason why Lianya refuses to do this.

"Well, let\'s have a little company."

"Hey, hey you two!?

Lotus Yaya and Kirier, who tried to lower their hips by the cobblestone beside the burning fire, are stopped by a panicked Lorna voice.

You two were about to say, "Something?" If I turned my gaze with a strange look, it was Rhona, bare as she was pressured for a moment, but she immediately remembered what she had to say, strengthening her narrative and stuffing it to the two of us.

"Is this where you eat!?

"Oh, can\'t you?

"If you don\'t eat baked fish, you\'ll be rude to baked fish when it\'s cold, won\'t you?

Lorna nodded on the spot with an unexpected head at the two answers, but when she immediately regains her mind, she stuffs them again.

"By and large, it says no fishing here!

"I didn\'t get caught up in saying that Katru or anything, so why don\'t you just shut up?

"That\'s a theory of results!

If it is clearly determined, I have no objection to Lianya either because she is indeed right.

"Ah, Mr. Lenya. It burned, didn\'t it? This place feels good, so go ahead for the plate."

"I\'m sorry. Thank you."

"Listen to me!

It was Rhona, who almost punched her magic into the burning fire that was impulsively burning fish, but she thought of it everywhere.

Because I know that if I do that, I will surely turn Lianya against my enemies.

If you ruin a grilled fish made with fresh ingredients, it is certain, but not a figured out, that Lianya will come out in what retaliatory action.

"I\'m so angry, Lorna. Then would you be satisfied if you threw her into the ocean according to what the sign says?

"Oh, that\'s..."

Lorna can\'t ask for anything at all.

It might be helpful if we could get up to land right away, because Killier\'s death will be confirmed the moment he is detected by Katru.

Sure, it\'s reprehensible that you were fishing in a restricted area, but it\'s hard to tell you to come to death because it\'s up to you under the status quo, where nothing happened.

"Well, well, well, well. Eat even fish..."

"Who the hell is that?! I have a name for Lorna!

"You\'re Rhona. Greetings."

If you look at Killier\'s face with a slight smile on it, Lorna can\'t even speak any more words.

Once again, the two men, who laid down their hips on the cobblestone, lower themselves on Lianya\'s side, silently receive the plate on which the roasted fish Killier has offered.

If you poke a fork into a fillet on a plate carefully attached to the fork, the elasticity there pushes the tip of the fork back.

If I poked a little bit of force there and lifted him up, the hot, freshly baked fillet smelled like fluffy baked soy sauce, and Lorna, on the contrary, bit the fillet.

"... delicious"

Next to Rhona, who divulges such sentiments, she quietly carries Lianya\'s roasted fish fillet to her mouth.

That fillet on the fat seemed to match Lianya\'s taste, and was consumed by Lianya and Kilier from the edge where the fillets that Kilier was baking one after the other on the net.

Lorna also starts to feel something slightly heavier on her stomach from then on, as two or three foods go on because of their deliciousness, but they are still in a pretty greasy state.

"Both of you, that\'s amazing"

Lorna, who ate three slices and placed a plate, leaked so when she saw the two of them still eating.

Killier answers with a little shame when she hears that.

"It\'s a delicious fish, so it\'s as handsome as it gets. After all, the flavor is a little off."

"What are you talking about?

Lianya asks without stopping the eating hand.

When it comes to eating, Lianya has little interest or compromise.

"What I was after was a fish called Goltoon. I\'m a little small in body compared to Zulbar, but it\'s a fish whose stomach is glowing golden and its fat will be a bit superb if I put a little fire in it. You do a few gold coins that the dish you just gently salted and baked is a big city. It\'s a fish you can barely see in the fish market, and they think it\'s something you can\'t get a ship out of."

"Is it so delicious"

Lianya\'s gaze as she asks is towards the sea.

I have a very bad feeling about Lorna, but I don\'t have the help to stop Killier from explaining it.

"Let\'s see. I had eaten for the weather only once when I made a big deal out of business. It was a delicious flavor just to say boulder luxury, with a fragrance, good teeth and good taste. It was an inland city that I ate, so it was a little fresher, and I just had to strengthen the fire and bake it, but I think I could use some raw food."

Killier continues even more with a lukewarm look.

"The fat dissolves in human skin and the tongue feels like a velvet. If you chew, the taste will overflow, and even the feeling of falling down your throat is regarded as pleasant."

"That\'s in this waters?

"Looks like he\'s here. Sometimes, but you think you\'re going to hit up the shoreline with other fish eating you up? There\'s no boat, there\'s no fishermen, so it must be like heaven for fish."

"Hmm, how far from the shoreline are you?

Lianya unbuttoned her jacket.

No way, while driven by the thought, in front of Lorna, who is staring open and staring at why, when she gently removes her jacket, she also lightly removes the shirt she is wearing underneath and Lianya exposes her upper body.

I wondered if she was quite forged up, and Lianya\'s body doesn\'t look as forged in appearance as she tends to be muscular.

"The sea here seems to be getting deeper as soon as it leaves the shoreline, so I threw a fishing needle thinking I was not so far away. You\'re not in danger of being caught, so you\'re being licked by fish."


Lianya takes off her undressed clothes properly and deposits them with Lorna, who stares without blinking, this time taking off her shoes and barefoot.

On the cobblestone where he was sitting down, sliding his fingers and drawing something, he picked up and pulled up the surface of that cobblestone as if to handle it even with clay.

That\'s all a stone stick with its tip pointed from inside the cobblestone is pinched up.

It was a stone cultivation by alchemy arranged by Lotus Ya by fusing the alchemy Emil had previously shown Lotus Ya with Emedra\'s magical knowledge, but neither Kirie nor Lorna seemed to have that knowledge, and suddenly I\'m surprised by the stone spear that appeared.

"Lenya, what the hell..."

While somehow anticipating the answers to be returned, Lotus Ya responded as Lorna expected to to to Lorna, who could not help but ask.

"I\'m gonna dive in a little and pick it up"

"Huh? No, hey!? No, you can\'t! Because here..."

"If you say if you fish, you throw it into the ocean, you can\'t blame it if you go into the ocean from the beginning, can you?

What that ton of demo theory, and Lorna\'s head freezes, but Lorna shouted, forcing her consciousness back on Lotus Yaya\'s back as she walks over the cobblestone with her peppers and bare feet.

"No, Lenya! No matter how much Lenya, Katru..."

"You\'ll be fine if you don\'t stimulate it. If you can\'t, they\'ll run away."

He waved flirtatiously, uncomfortably saying so, and Lianya kicked the edge of the shoreline.

Lorna, whose figure raises a water splash and drops him off to disappear into the sea, wonders if he should wait here or if he should call people for help.

"Try not to keep the fire on, have you been waiting?

"Feel free to say, you..."

To Killier\'s suggestion, Lorna stares at Killier even for killing, but Killier, who is stared at, has no idea where the wind blows, arms around and tilts his neck.

"That said, you can\'t go after him and jump in. I called someone, and I couldn\'t do it."

"... that\'s for sure"

"Then don\'t you think it would be more constructive to make sure Mr. Lenya hits the fire right when he comes back? Or would you like to jump in after me, Mr. Lorna? Personally, I think Lorna gets hit by tentacles very picturesque."

"What do you expect?"

What is it? I also have magic tools for photography, Kirier, and I started fishing for a pouch that was lowering from my waist.

Because she came out just to walk the city with Lianya, Lorna, who was unarmed, continued to stare at the waves where Lianya disappeared while enjoying her desire to punch her favorite mace into Kirier\'s brain.