Nidome no Jinsei wo Isekai de

210 Apparently the purpose of the visit

After the battle between Lianya and Lakes.

For some reason, Lotus Mita received a great deal of hospitality from the people of Baron Gouldner territory.

Without knowing why, he was apparently even brought to the dining room of Baron Goldner\'s mansion, where he was invited to a meal full of what he called secret liquor and secret food.

The way the Lord entertained Lotus Mita with a smile even though he said he had fallen as a result of the battle, I wonder if Baron Goldner was the kind of person he hated from the people and servants, but when I asked him about the circumstances, he seemed a little different in fun.

Lotus Yaya had heard beforehand that the Baron, who had previously placed him in a battle with the Demons and had lost his wife, had been in a semi-collapsed state with a pull to the territory since.

The information itself was not incorrect, but the baron repeated quite a mess in the tugged territory.

He kept going hunting dangerous demons in the woods, specifically because no matter how much the perimeter stopped him, and even said he was bringing back the material of the hunted demons, and the people around him were very worried.

Speaking of how that connects to this one, I would say that the sword that Lianya laid waste to was Baron Goldner\'s favorite sword, and yes, it was not a substitute for anything else.

In addition, I was told that the damage I received from Lianya this time was slightly deeply damaged at Lorna\'s clinic and that I should be at rest for a while.

It was the old butler with the baron who told me in tears that the view had widened from these two points to say that the baron would also be adult in the hall for a while, leading to the hospitality for Lianya that caused it.

Emil eats and fishes the dish served while listening to the story as disinterested as usual, and more modestly with his hands on the dish, Scion and Lorna, who had a question mark over their head, look like they were good at it.

One, Lianya was the only one who looked a little sorry and remembered the self-reflection that she might have done something wrong.

That was somehow because I understood the Baron\'s feelings of going hunting in the woods while being stopped because it was dangerous around me.

The Baron has lost a large number of his men and companions in the battle against the Demons.

It is not hard to imagine that they were all important to him.

What was the Baron\'s feeling when he abruptly, and secretly, took them away?

Perhaps Lianya wished for her own death.

But Lianya thinks that the quickest way to not bother the surroundings would be to stick a white blade in her neck, but it is also understandable that it is one way to be a samurai again to say that it is not good.

In other words, Lianya wondered if the Baron\'s desire to die at the end of the battle ahead of him had even continued to fight so much that his surroundings were worried.

Lotus Ya stopped the baron from saying what he wanted, that he didn\'t know.

Lianya exhales deeply into something sprouty, boiling in her chest.

Guilt, I think, but I can\'t help but feel something similar.

I feel that I, the outsider, have interrupted the samurai\'s decision.

Of course, it was from the Baron who had set me up, and it may not have been like Lotus Ya was sick, but Lotus Ya can\'t stop herself from thinking that she still is.

For those who make battle a business, the blank time they tell you to stay at rest will just blunt your body.

It would still have been possible to get it back in training, etc. if you were young, but even if you could get it back in the old baron\'s body, you would need a fairly long period of time, and maybe it would be difficult to get it back in itself.

Besides losing your favorite weapon, you shouldn\'t be able to fight very well with your body in that condition.

Still, will the Baron go on another reckless hunt when the wounds heal?

"Lenya, are you okay?

To the worrying Sion voice, Lianya restores consciousness that was sinking into her thoughts.

Scion, sitting next to him, was gently putting his hand on his shoulder.

From the look on his face, he realizes that his feelings had apparently appeared intact on his face, and Lianya smiles on his face in a slight panic.

To that change in expression, Shion apparently guessed what Lianya had in mind.

"You mean the master?

"Oh... a little too much, I guess."

"It\'s unusual, I can\'t believe Lenya reflects"

If Emil, who was sitting opposite Lianya, said so with a slightly disgusting grin, he would shut his mouth because what was pointed out was true, although Lianya did not even remember a slightly muddled emotion.

To such a Lianya appearance, Theon said with a little force in the hand he had placed on Lianya\'s shoulder.

"Lenya, the master is also a swordsman who makes battle a business. That should of course be more than pulling out the sword, and I\'m not the kind of person to complain about the results anyway. For a short time, I\'ve been taught. I guarantee it."

"Well, let me just say that I\'m sure it\'s not something the Count would want to do."

Lianya, who was surprised that it was a very rare and decent opinion for Zion, is further amazed by the voice called from behind.

Looking back, there was a look at Lakes dressed in a black toned outfit and smiling in the form of his hands behind his hips.

Surprisingly, a butler who earlier explained his hospitality to Lotus Masaya near Lotus Masaya without a voice shivers his voice.

"Was that damage not enough to stop the Hall"

"Tell me you\'re old. Not yet, but this time it\'s still a little tight. Oh, may I be next door, Count?

If Lianya nods without being able to speak, Lakes sits next to Lianya with a welcoming voice.

"It\'s scary how old this body is when it\'s more than twelve minutes old."

"Baron Goldner......"

"Please don\'t, Lord Kunugi. If I\'m the one who set you up, I\'m the one who lost. Besides, I\'m too ashamed to let the Count get away with it."

To Lakes, who laughs at him for saying so, Lianya remains silent without knowing what to answer.

"If you look at your face, you can almost guess what you were thinking, but it\'s probably a big street."

"Still don\'t care, do you?

Asked Lianya, Lakes immediately nodded slowly.

"This, too, may be a guide"

"Whose? A guide to what?

"He passed away earlier. He\'s with his men."

Just for a little while, Lakes told me to whine with eyes that looked away somewhere.

"Don\'t come here yet. Or tell them not to come here in that way, etc. Shall we stay around?

"That\'s... your interpretation, isn\'t it?

"Yeah, but for me, that\'s the truth, and it\'s everything."

If they say it out, Lianya has no words to deny it.

Later it\'s a Lakes personal matter, because it\'s not an area where the rest of us can step in.

"Well, that\'s about the damp story, and yet, Count, it\'s a good thing you\'re young"

Quite forcefully, but to Lakes, who raised his voice to switch stories, Lianya frowns.

That\'s because I didn\'t really understand what the word said meant, but Lakes\' gaze, laughing at the garlic, was poured around Lianya\'s shoulder.

There, Theon\'s hand is still placed.

"Much, much admired."

Switching directions. That way.

"Dear Shion, how are you?"

"I don\'t deny that..."

"It\'s good, I was young, too, and that was already a lot of deduction."

Lakes lets you try to turn your chest against me every time I tell you what to do.

It was Lianya wondering how it actually was, but Shion, still holding his hand on his shoulder, whispers softly with his lips in Lianya\'s ear.

"It\'s a fact. He\'s a myriad of floating names he flushed by the time he settled down with his late wife."

"What do you say, Master Zion? If you ask me, I\'m still alive."

With that said, if Lakes waved his eyes at the entrance to the dining room, a yellow voice rose from there.

Looking at what was going on, the entrance to the dining room seemed to be a maid working for Baron Goldner\'s residence, and the women who said they were cooks were belling, and they shouted like screams at one of the barons\' movements.

On a good note, some of them had a red face, and their eyes were either vain somewhere or like they were floating in heat, exposing them to a less normal look anyway.

It is a sight that I must say is too rude for those who work in the noble hall, but Lianya feels somewhat difficult to penetrate, and I don\'t think she has ever crossed it without touching it.

"Have you seen this? This is what I call a really sinister man\'s charm."

Lifting his hair up sarcastically, Shion calmly whispers additional information into Lianya\'s ear in a manner that almost ignores the baron who becomes the Doya face.

"This is why I have heard from my wife many times that it was in her half-kill eyes. Rumor has it your wife\'s magic arm improves abnormally because she practiced with her baron opponent..."

"Let it be."

Theon\'s whisper apparently plugged into a topic area he didn\'t really want to be heard, and the baron\'s voice grows just a little louder with his deliberate cough.

Theon shrugged his shoulders accordingly and stopped whispering, gently releasing his hand from Lianya\'s shoulder.

As soon as his hands are away, Lianya turns her attention to the Baron, feeling only a little remorse for the warmth that is lost from his shoulders.

"What business did the Counts come to the area this time?

"With that said, you were taken to the training ground before you put it to use."

"Ha ha, I forgot about that before"

If Lianya glances at him half-eyed, the baron turns a blind eye to escape that gaze lightly.

Even if he kept staring for a while, he mouthed the purpose of the visit, which he was going to tell the first anyway, understanding that the pursuit was futile, to the Baron, who would not change one complexion except not to look at each other.

"I heard the Baron\'s territory faces the sea. There is no sea in my territory. I\'d love some seafood."

"I see. But as you probably know, the locals don\'t make seafood specialties."

Lakes saying the words as pre-informed.

It is Lianya, who knew, but once again, when the inhabitants of the place say it, a matter arises that they have to confirm.

"I don\'t understand that. There\'s a corner sea. Why?

The look on Lakes\' face when he saw Lianya\'s face he asked was something he wondered what the hell this guy was talking about.

Next to Lianya, who I don\'t think is going to ask such a funny question, Zion raised his voice with a small "ah".

"Baron Goldner. Lenya is a lost person. So there\'s a lot of common sense I don\'t know."

When people say they don\'t know common sense, I think Lianya has a saying there, but there\'s nothing else I can do to explain it, so I have to spoil it and admit it.

"Oh, was the Count a lost man? Then maybe it\'s something you don\'t know."

Baron Goldner seemed convinced, but as Lianya, I have no idea what\'s going on.

Apparently, it\'s almost common sense to say why seafood doesn\'t become a specialty even though you own a territory facing the ocean.

"Count Hall. I don\'t know for sure about other kinds of continents, either, but it doesn\'t always coincide with being able to use the ocean when you put it on a human continent."

I don\'t understand what it means to say that there is an ocean but it can\'t be used.

Sion said why to Lianya, who wondered whether something like a toxin might be spreading by the sea.

"Katru\'s coming out."

"What\'s that?

It was a hard word to hear, but apparently it\'s not a very good thing because of the reaction of clouding or blushing the face that my surroundings showed as soon as I overheard it.

I guess this requires listening in detail, and Lianya started sorting out the things to check in her head.