New Empire at the End of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 368

At the beginning, Zhu Dadian and Liu Bu\'s Liu family couldn\'t pee in the same pot, which was very unpleasant. They also had some conflicts of interests in Shandong, and the two sides have always had conflicts.

However, as they successively transferred out of Shandong and came to Fengyang, they were outsiders in Fengyang. If they did not unite, they would easily be bullied by local people, so they began to hold together for warmth. Their holding together for warmth was also a great success. At least both of them had a firm foothold in Fengyang, Both sides get what they want here.

The alliance between the two sides has greatly expanded Liu Bu\'s power. You know, their power was only in the East Sanfu before. Now he has taken root in the richest Jianghuai area in the Ming Dynasty and expanded to the north through the canal. It can be said that their Liu family\'s power has become a top-level chaebol.

Zhu Dadian, through his alliance with the Liu family, successfully gained a foothold in the local area. Seeing that he dared to work against Hong Chengchou, he knew that he was very happy and confident here.

Zhu Dadian was also very satisfied with Liu Bu\'s knowledge and interest. At least so many officials saw that Hong Chengchou, a bigger official, came and licked his ass. only Liu Bu and his loyal subordinates stood beside him, preventing him, governor Fengyang, from being lonely.

Zhu Dadian narrowed his eyes too. He was thinking about this group of damn dog officials and squires. Just now he was trying his best to flatter him and please him. Now, it\'s all good. It\'s actually that he doesn\'t exist and openly goes to beg for the good of Hong. When Hong leaves one day, we\'ll see how to clean up this group of birdmen.

At this time, the captain of Hong Chengchou\'s personal team came over on a fast horse. He said loudly, "commander Hong Chengchou, governor of the five provinces, is here. You are not coming to meet him soon."

Before Zhu Dadian spoke, Liu Bu said first: "as far as I know, governor Hong was ordered to suppress the roving bandits. You know, the roving bandits are divided into two routes, one back to Shaanxi and the other back to Sichuan. There are no roving bandits in Fengyang mansion, but Lord Hong actually came to Yangzhou. If he retreats from south to north, does he leave his post without permission and take the imperial order?"

These words were originally what Zhu Dadian wanted to say. Since Liu Bu said them publicly, he felt very happy and cool.

In the fight between high-level officials in the Ming Dynasty, they always play with the universe in their sleeves. They fight each other secretly, but on the surface they are friendly.

However, there is another way of struggle in the officialdom of the Ming Dynasty, which is called the following grams, and the small Dou is the big one. However, the following grams, and the small Dou are always the Royal governors of the inspector\'s academy or the middle-level supervisors of the six branches. It is rare that a general of a small generation like Liu Bu dare to choke the governor of the province.

And he openly asked Hong about someone\'s crime, which is very bold.

Liu Bu\'s reply made the captain of the soldiers very angry. He said, "you little Fengyang commander, dare to question the governor\'s order. Aren\'t you afraid to take you down on the spot?"

Liu Bu said disapprovingly, "although this general is a general, which is very far from Lord Hong\'s governor, this general is not in your control, nor is it what you want to take. Moreover, this is the garrison of this general, but not Lord Hong\'s garrison. Why did this general go to visit you?"

After Liu Bu said this, he winked at his men. His men rode together and surrounded Zhu Dadian. It was one thing to ignore each other directly.

He looked very angry. He said, "what a domineering man, aren\'t you afraid of Marshal Hong\'s settlement after autumn?"

Liu Bu, if he dares to do this, he must not be afraid of the other party\'s settlement after autumn.

If he was in hongchengchou\'s ruling area, he was really afraid that the other party would do like this, but if the other party came here, it would be a bad name. He didn\'t bird the other party. It\'s estimated that the other party had no way to take him.

Hong Chengchou came here with more than 100 cavalry. Why not nailiubu? Liu Bu doesn\'t bird him. He can\'t even sustain the sound of grain.

Liu Bu, as the host, has been stationed here for a long time. He has the advantage of playing at home. He stabbed Zhu Dadian and immediately went to Qingyun temple to meet real Baiyun.

However, they ran into a wall here at Qingyun temple, that is, immortal Baiyun sent a message. He is at the critical moment of practice and silver incubation. If there is nothing special, no one will see him.

But Zhu Dadian, as the governor of Fengyang and the chief executive of this place, even if it is a special thing, many people think that immortal Baiyun should come out and see him.

Who knows, his Taoist boy said a word directly, that is: "do you want to see immortal Baiyun, or do you want them to hatch silver for you? If Immortal Baiyun comes to see you, there will be no time to hatch silver."

When he said this, the other party was speechless and dared not speak, because they wanted to see each other. In fact, they just wanted to let each other incubate silver. If the other party refused to incubate silver for them, seeing this face would have any meaning and value, so they had to die and see the heart of Baiyun real people.

However, fan Ruoshui still sells Zhu Dadian\'s face very much. He directly said that no matter how much silver adults have, they can hatch for you immediately, put your silver into the Dharma field immediately, and hatch for you at the first time.

Zhu Dadian also knew that it was time to seize the time. If he didn\'t send the silver in time, it would be too late. You know, the silver turned over in seven days, and falling behind for seven days meant double the money. So he coughed, saw no one around and reported his own figure.

Liu Bu was very interesting. When the other party talked about money, he took the initiative to leave. They were not interested in knowing how much money the governor made.

It is estimated that even the governor would not want his men to know how much money they were greedy.

Now everyone knows that if you come here to make a fortune, you can take out real gold and silver and double it for you in seven days. It\'s impossible if you want to make a direct calculation like you did at the beginning.

So Zhu Dadian obediently took out his silver and honestly let the silver immortal hatch.

Because now we all know that even if you have power, you can\'t press people with power, because those who can squeeze in here are people with power, power and backstage. If you can come in, it means you have ability, but if you want to change money without money, it\'s impossible.

Immortal Baiyun can hatch silver, and he will soon become an immortal. When he becomes an immortal, he will be more beautiful. Anyone dares to offend an immortal, even if he is the emperor. Zhu Dadian dares not to offend an immortal. Although he wants to establish private friendship with immortal Baiyun, he knows that if the other party doesn\'t want to see him, he has no way.

More importantly, if Immortal Baiyun sees him, he will waste the time of incubating silver. You know, he will soon become an immortal. After he becomes an immortal, he certainly won\'t think he will have any silver. Now, he can incubate silver for people up to four times. If he doesn\'t grasp the last time and serve the people, he will miss a good opportunity.

Not only Zhu Dadian, but also Hong Chengchou. However, Hong Chengchou was a little disappointed that he came here with a light car and Jane, mainly to let immortal Baiyun incubate silver for him. However, when he came here now, he found that there were so many powerful people in a small Yangzhou Prefecture. Everyone was rich and powerful, Everyone has money in Qingyun temple. His little governor of five provinces came with hundreds of troops and horses to bully in Yangzhou city. It is estimated that he still can\'t. no one else will bird him.

To his displeasure, he wanted to see immortal Baiyun because he wanted to ask the other party to delay becoming immortal and give them more money.

However, he didn\'t even see the face of immortal Baiyun, and the Taoist boy of immortal Baiyun directly refused. He said very clearly: "the reason why immortal incubates silver for everyone is that he accumulates virtue and does good, and the other is because of practice. If it wasn\'t for practice, he would never incubate silver for everyone, not at all."

Now that he has made his words so clear, Hong Chengchou also understands them. It\'s like people in officialdom. They won\'t have anything else in their eyes except power and money.

As a monk, he has no other pursuit except his Avenue. Once such a person insists, you can\'t force him, so Hong Chengchou has no choice but to take out his gold and let them hatch.

Hong Chengchou brought a lot of gold and silver treasures when he came here this time, which he used to pay his military salaries. But one thing, he brought hundreds of people and light cars. In fact, he only brought tens of thousands of liang of gold, not much silver at all. He also had a large team of people and horses who came later. Only when his team came, could he charge his military salaries and let them hatch, It is estimated that we can only catch up with three or four times at most.

But he was also pleased to think that his silver could be doubled three or four times. With three or four times more silver in his hand, he could layout more calmly and do more things.

When Hong Chengchou came to Yangzhou mansion, he found that things were not as simple as he thought. Yangzhou mansion now gathered too many dignitaries, all of whom had backstage and backers. He originally thought that after coming to Yangzhou City, he could order Liu Bu to obey his orders, act according to his orders, and take over the whole Qingyun temple at the same time, If necessary, he can temporarily requisition all the silver here.

The reason for his temporary requisition and borrowing is that he needs a lot of money to save Daming and fight for the rivers and mountains of Daming. Even if he is a villain and offends the rich in Jiangnan, he will get a lot of money and food from the Daming court. It is estimated that the emperor will not be angry with him or trust him anyway.

Hong Chengchou was deeply favored by the emperor. He also vowed that he could sacrifice himself for the sake of the emperor. There was a great opportunity in front of him. If he could put all the silver brought out by these people in his pocket and hand it over to the Treasury, so that there would be enough Silver in the Treasury. As long as the emperor had enough silver, he could lay it out calmly, Doing many things, this is the only way he can think of to turn Daming\'s current situation around.

These scholars have always had their own style, that is, to be a famous doctor without being a good minister. Now Daming has only one disease, that is, the poor disease. If the poor disease is cured, other diseases will be cured.