New Empire at the End of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 367

Everyone knows that only one month is the time for their last fight. If they can make good use of this month, they don\'t have to worry for several lives. If they miss such an opportunity in vain, it is estimated that they will lament for their missed opportunity and fate in the future

Many times, whether you can make a fortune depends on whether you can seize the opportunity.

This is true in business, but not in officialdom and politics? In officialdom, if you have more money to pave the way and expand your contacts, you can also broaden your path.

Even in the final analysis, that is, being an official for thousands of miles is only for money. In fact, you are an official for money.

Since it\'s so simple now, you can make money directly in front of you, there\'s nothing better.

At this moment, everyone is crazy. Everyone wants to make good use of the last month to double their wealth. Many people have lost everything in order to make themselves rich. They wait for immortal Baiyun to turn his silver into several times before he becomes an immortal.

At present, fan Ruoshui and Tian tiger are really busy. In the past, after counting the silver and sorting out the data, they could have time to rest, spend their time and have fun in the yard, but now he doesn\'t allow it. He can only squint for one or two hours a day at most, and then have to work again immediately, because too many people send silver, Even if they invite a large number of guys and manpower, they are far from meeting the immediate needs.

At the beginning, only a few of them counted their silver for them, and then expanded to dozens. Up to now, hundreds of people are far from meeting their needs, so they can only work shifts and spindles, and they can\'t enjoy themselves at all.

Even fan Ruoshui realized that if he didn\'t grasp the last opportunity and fight hard, they wouldn\'t have much money in their hands, and they would lose a lot in the end.

In his words, if you want to live a life of luxury and wine in the future, you have to work hurriedly now.

Immortal Baiyun is about to become an immortal, which also disrupts many people\'s plans. Many people\'s plans are to take out part of the capital. After incubating for a few months, they can change from a short amount of principal to a lot of money, but it backfires. The current situation is that if you want to make a fortune, unless you take out a lot of money immediately, he won\'t bother to pay attention to you.

At present, fan Ruoshui is confident and courageous. At the beginning, he dare not refuse as long as the powerful squires come. Now, he cares who you are, recognizes money or people, and takes money, so he is reluctant to hatch for you. If you can\'t take money, he doesn\'t care, because you don\'t want to get rich, some people want to get rich, If you don\'t want to get rich, don\'t block others\' way to get rich.

This is also destined to disrupt many people\'s plans. If you want to get rich quickly and double with your little silver, it is impossible.

In this way, many people\'s plans failed and their dream of getting rich failed, including Hong Chengchou.

Since Hong Chengchou knew that there was such a thing as incubating silver, he was ready to visit this immortal Baiyun in person and ask him to incubate 100 million silver for Daming, so as to solve all the problems of Daming.

Accumulating virtue and doing good is practicing. He believes that this Baiyun immortal who is bent on practicing has no reason to refuse his request. Therefore, he has now played a full guard of honor. He has come here with great momentum, hoping to meet him and solve this matter. Who knows that such a change has happened again.

Although Hong Chengchou is an official, he has also dealt with monastic people. These monastic people don\'t care about anything except his practice. He says it is for the common people in the world. If it has nothing to do with his practice, he will never do so.

This also worried him. If they couldn\'t do it, what should he do? Since Hong Chengchou became a senior official, he has always taken it as his duty to govern the country and level the world. He has always wanted to be an excellent official and his name will last forever.

But after he became an official, he found that as long as he didn\'t become a traitor and bad man, it would be good. This time, it was an opportunity for many people, and it was also an opportunity for Hong Chengchou. As a disciple of Confucius, he also believed that Zibuyu, strange forces and gods should not believe these things, but now the facts are in front of him and he has to believe them.

In fact, for a scholar bureaucrat, they would not believe many things even if the facts were in front of them, but it was very good for them, so they automatically chose to believe this absurd thing.

Since the silver fell from the sky, it would be a great sin if he didn\'t catch it, so he immediately led his personal regiment, left Fengyang and went straight to Yangzhou Prefecture.

This is extremely criticized. As the governor of five provinces, the main force of the roving bandits has fled all the way back to Shaanxi and Sichuan. As the commander of the governor, they did not lead the army to pursue, but went in the opposite direction and came to irrelevant Yangzhou.

Zhu Dadian knew it well, but he was helpless. He knew what the other party was thinking, but the other party was not his subordinate, but also his boss in a sense. He had no way but to let it go.

It is said that this immortal has great powers and the mind of helping all living beings and helping the world. Since he can hatch money for everyone, he doesn\'t care about one more person.

But Zhu Dadian was also competing. If Hong Chengchou took the lead, he would fall behind. Therefore, he rode a fast horse and came directly to Yangzhou city.

Zhu Dadian, as the governor of Fengyang, Yangzhou is under his rule. He is the supreme officer here. Its arrival is more beautiful and magnificent than when Liu Bu arrived. At least Liu Bu led his personal regiment to meet him ten miles away.

This time, Gao Wang, the governor of Yangzhou, was still in charge of welcoming. When he saw Zhu Dadian, his immediate boss, coming, he didn\'t dare to be slighted. He quickly saluted forward and said, "I didn\'t know that Lord Futai was coming. It\'s far from welcome. Please forgive me."

Zhu Dadian hurried over. Seeing so many people coming here to meet him, he was satisfied with the scene and face.

Zhu Dadian said to him, "those who don\'t know are not guilty. As a member of the officialdom, I can\'t bear to see people coming and going in officialdom." he boasted about himself. Everyone had to boast about him and praise adult Futai for his cleanliness and integrity.

Looking up at him, he said, "we have set up a banquet in Lichun hospital to wash the dust for adults. Please enjoy it."

Zhu Dadian said to him, "it\'s not busy. I heard that there is a fairy in Fanzhai, Yangzhou, who has great magical powers and a mind to help all living beings and help the world. I\'ve heard a lot about your name and want to see you. Does Lord Gao know this person?"

Gao Wang hurriedly said, "of course, I know this Baiyun immortal from Penglai fairy mountain in the East China Sea. He is a fairy with great powers. He is over 100 years old and is about to become an immortal. He also has the ability to kill with a flying sword and become a soldier."

What flying sword kill? It\'s all bullshit. It\'s all legendary stuff? Zhu Dadian didn\'t believe in it either, because no one can do it since ancient times.

If he really has this ability, he hopes that this Baiyun immortal will summon heavenly soldiers and generals to kill these damn bandits for him and let them all go to hell.

But what he is most interested in is how to get in touch with this Baiyun real person, and then get in touch with him, so that he can hatch a sum of money for himself, so that he can make a fortune.

While they were making noise, they saw the dust head rising in front of them and a Biao army flying to them.

Liu Bu was so angry that he ordered his general Xiao Ning to intercept him. Xiao Ning rode out and said loudly, "governor Zhu of Fengyang, commander Liu of Fengyang army is here. Who dares to make trouble."

Xiao Ning galloped out on a high horse in an iron armor. It was very imposing. He also knew that as long as the names of the two great gods were revealed, he would certainly suppress each other and frighten them.

Who knows that the other party put up the banner, but it was Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces appointed by the emperor. Naturally, Hong Chengchou was the governor of the five provinces appointed by the emperor. Since the other party dared to put up his banner, it was Hong Chengchou who came in person to see this team of cavalry, but there were more than 100 people. Hong Chengchou arrived here overnight with hundreds of cavalry, which surprised many people.

Zhu Dadian was very surprised. He was still smiling just now, and now his face is gloomy. This damn Hong Chengchou has annoyed him in Fengyang. Now he is still here. He thinks in his heart that this man is a dog. He can go wherever he has a bone head.

As soon as Liu Bu saw Zhu Dadian\'s face, he knew that he was unhappy. He was not surprised that Hong Chengchou came all night. However, he knew that the other party was a very smart and powerful person. Such a person must be good at seizing and seizing the opportunity.

Hong Chengchou is, after all, an imperial governor of five provinces and a man at the rank of minister of the Ministry of military. His arrival is a local first-class boss. These people who were originally flattering Zhu Dadian went to flatter Hong Chengchou.

This made Zhu Dadian very unhappy, but what made Zhu Dadian seem a little gratified was that Liu Bu and his subordinates stayed with Zhu Dadian and did not follow Hong Chengchou\'s flattery in the past.

Liu bu also whispered around Zhu Dadian: "at the end, only adults will follow."

Liu Bu and Hong Chengchou can\'t pee in the same pot. This is a fait accompli. He doesn\'t need to flatter each other and beg for the good of each other. On the contrary, he has a happy cooperation with Zhu Dadian, which has greatly increased his power. This kind of relationship should be well developed, but don\'t break the relationship between the two sides.

Zhu Dadian said with a sneer, "Hong is just the governor who was ordered by the emperor to pursue and suppress the roving bandits. In the peaceful and prosperous times here in Yangzhou, where did the roving bandits come from? He is not a governor here, but a guest. It is important to treat the guests with courtesy."

Liu Bu whispered knowingly, "the end will understand that there is good wine when friends come, and a shotgun when jackals come."