New Empire at the End of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 369

Hong Chengchou thought that he was deeply indebted to the emperor, so he should be crushed to pieces for the emperor to repay his great kindness.

After being an official for so many years, he found that the problem of Daming was very serious. All kinds of chaos were the phase of the end of the dynasty. This situation surprised him. He studied hard in the cold window for ten years. Once he was named on the golden list, he didn\'t want to be a minister of the subjugated country. He wanted to be a famous Minister of the whole family, the rule of the country and the world.

To achieve this kind of person, we must have one thing, that is, dare to do what others dare not do. If you think about everything, you will offend others. If you think about whether it is good for you, you can\'t do anything.

After he became an official, he found that the Ming court was so poor, while the people of the Ming Dynasty were so rich.

It can be said that the Ming Dynasty was tightening its belts, while the rich people, especially those in the south of the Yangtze River, were more luxurious than the emperor. However, he was deeply aggrieved by this situation.

The country is poor and the people are rich. After the collapse of the country, who should these huge wealth belong to?

In the past, he didn\'t understand Zhang Juzheng and thought he was too fickle and regardless of etiquette and righteousness. Now he understands that Zhang Juzheng did very right. His tax collection method of robbing the rich and helping the poor has made Daming ZTE for decades. It is also a style that people dare not do, making him the last famous official of Daming.

He hongchengchou served as Tian sherang in the Dynasty and ascended the emperor\'s Hall in the evening. When he ascended the emperor\'s hall, he had the pride of governing the country and the world. He hoped to help the emperor and achieve a career with his own knowledge.

Seeing that Daming is now full of chaos and difficulties at home and abroad, he is like an old man in his twilight years. Moreover, the old man is still moving forward with a heavy burden. How can Daming put down the heavy burden and revitalize Daming? This is what he, a famous minister who compares himself with good looks, should consider. As for the princes in the imperial court, He Hong Chengchou is also a little dismissive. He believes that these people will not do anything else except fighting for power and profit.

How to save Daming? He thought it would be very simple. As long as he eliminated the rogue bandits, the world would be peaceful. But now he understands that even if the Ming Court has the ability to eliminate the rogue bandits, he still has a lot to do. He wants to enter the cabinet and has to do a lot of things. Now he understands one thing, that is, if he wants Daming ZTE, We must do one thing, that is, robbing the rich to help the poor. Robbing the rich to help the poor is the best way to save Daming now.

yes! To save Daming, we can only rob the rich and help the poor, which is the move used by the heroes in Shuibo Liangshan. Although the imperial court is very poor now, Daming\'s people are not poor, but the way he stores Daming\'s folk wealth is also very unreasonable, that is, a lot of money is concentrated in the hands of the rich, who live a life of extravagance and lust, But ordinary people are worried about three meals.

The way to save Daming is to divide the wealth of the rich and noble people equally among the poor and ordinary people by robbing the rich to help the poor, so that Daming can regain its vitality and move towards ZTE again. However, it is not easy to do this. You know, so many reforms in history can also be said to rob the rich to help the poor or challenge the existing interest classes, Let them share more wealth and interests to the new power class.

However, many people have failed and are bleeding under such changes. Even Zhang Juzheng is no exception, which is enough to make others feel like setting an example.

Hong Chengchou is only one of the powerful ministers of the Ming Dynasty. He still has a way to go before he enters the top cabinet, but he has been thinking about how to help the Ming Dynasty. He has always thought, if I am allowed to enter the cabinet and become a cabinet minister, how can I help the emperor calm the world?

He thought of robbing the rich and helping the poor, but how should he take it as the starting point, which is the key to the problem. In fact, there were many reforms in the history of the Ming Dynasty. For example, Zhang Juzheng used a whip method in that year. What way should he use to plunder these wealth and let him return to the people?

Hong Chengshou was one of the literati bureaucrats of the Ming Dynasty, but he knew that these literati bureaucrats were powerful. When they united, even the emperor had to bow his head.

The emperor had known the inaction of the Donglin Party and just drove several leaders of the Donglin Party out of the court, but he could not change the situation that the whole court was a follower of the Donglin Party. At the same time, he could not change the Donglin Party and refuse their interest demands.

In this case, Hong Chengchou felt that it was difficult for a skillful woman to make bricks without rice. He was also thinking that he had read so many books of sages, but he was helpless when the emperor was going to be in danger at the end of the imperial dynasty. Did he read the books in recent decades even in vain.

Whenever he thought of this situation, he often couldn\'t help lamenting.

Before he became governor of the five provinces, he was in high spirits. He was thinking that one day I would rule the country and the world, solve all my troubles for the emperor and become a generation of famous officials. But now he knows that it is very difficult to be a generation of famous officials.

When he was studying hard in the cold window of that year, he once deeply felt the corruption of the contemporary imperial court and the corruption of officials. If he became an official, he must be a good official. As a clear stream of imperial disputes, he can reverse the bad atmosphere of the imperial court. However, after he became an official, he found it very easy and comfortable to be a corrupt official and treacherous minister, It can also benefit yourself and your family. If you want to be a good official, it is very difficult. Not only you will have a hard time, but the people around you will hate you and hate you. As a result, it is inevitable that he himself has become the kind of person he hated in those years.

In his own words, as soon as he entered officialdom, he couldn\'t help himself. His ideals and blood were also in officialdom, and he spent almost all his time.

So Hong Chengchou changed his ideal from being a loyal minister to being a greedy loyal minister. While he was greedy for wealth, he also worked for the emperor, the imperial court and the emperor.

Therefore, when he turned over to kill the exiled rebels in Shaanxi, he worked very hard and ruthlessly. All the exiled rebels who fell into his hands were executed by him and killed by him relentlessly. His ruthless means for the exiled rebels made him a great success, appreciated by the emperor, promoted gradually, and finally became the governor of five provinces, Responsible for exterminating the wandering bandits raging in the Central Plains for his majesty.

Before he took office, he was full of ambition. He thought that once he took over the brave and good fighting army of the imperial court, he could go all out to wipe out these rogue bandits without mercy. But when he really took this position, he found that you can destroy these rogue bandits, However, they are like ghosts that haunt them. They are reborn again soon. Countless enemies are like leeks. You cut them and emerge again, cut a batch and emerge more. There are signs on one side, and a fire on the other side. This situation makes Hong Chengchou have to face up to a problem, that is, how did he produce roving bandits? After his own research, he came to the conclusion that such a problem is not only the problem of the people, but also the responsibility of the imperial court and the squires.

As a scholar bureaucrat, Hong Chengchou also deeply believes in the truth that the people can overturn the boat for water, and can also carry the boat. He now finds this. The squires and officials are actually going all out to force the people to rebel and play with fire.

This is the current ecology of politics in the Ming Dynasty, that is, the gentry exploited the people desperately for money. When the people had no money to eat, they rebelled, while the government collected taxes from more places to destroy the rebellious people, and more people rebelled again because they had no money to eat. This has almost entered a vicious cycle. The emergence of this situation made him deeply powerless.

He understands that when the current court system is like this, every official is like this, and there are vested interest classes behind each group. If you want to challenge the whole interest group and the whole class with one person\'s strength, the consequences are very tragic. It is easy to let yourself die and be eaten back.

Therefore, he was not surprised when he was made difficult by such powerful officials as Liu Bu and Zhu Dadian. He knew that there were treacherous ministers who blocked the progress of loyal ministers wherever they went. It was precisely because of such people who were desperate for the overall situation that today\'s situation was created.

Hong Chengchou always had the idea of revitalizing Daming, but he couldn\'t get in. He had no way and didn\'t know where to start. Now that this silver hatching fairy appeared, he felt an opportunity.

Hong Chengchou knew that it would be very difficult to plunder the wealth of the rich and the people in the south of the Yangtze River. It is estimated that after he plundered, it is also the time when he himself became an ideal sacrifice. However, if this time is decisive and rapid and completed in the shortest time, maybe he will have the possibility of success.

Just like the military action, he finished it before the other party responded. He snatched a large amount of silver and sent it to the emperor. It is estimated that it is difficult for his majesty to blame him for seeing so much silver.

If we can successfully get so much silver for the Ming court, Hong Chengchou believes that Tieding can solve many problems in the Ming Dynasty. The court can immediately order the people all over the country not to pay taxes, not to collect the people, and can quickly buy a large amount of food to save the people suffering from the disaster, which will alleviate the whole tragic political situation of the Ming Dynasty, It gave the people a chance to breathe.

He himself could calmly deploy the army and wipe out the roving bandits in one fell swoop.

The biggest and most difficult thing to exterminate the itinerant bandits is to destroy them at the source. As long as we find their source and rectify it, we can exterminate the itinerant bandits.