New Empire at the End of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 360

Fan Ruoshui also knows that Baiyun immortal is his biggest dependence. He just recognizes the fan family and doesn\'t recognize other people.

He won\'t hatch silver for other people. It can also be said that he is an indispensable key figure. Without him, they can\'t play. Why should he take such a small share and others take such a large share? Fan Ruoshui is just a coward, not that he is stupid.

He knew that he had been calculated by others this time and fell into the trap of others, just as he had fallen into the trap of Tian tiger before.

Now he is a little aware. He found that he seemed to have been cheated by others. Typically, he was sold by others and counted money for others.

So fan Ruoshui said to him, "immortal Baiyun promised to hatch silver for me, but didn\'t promise to hatch for you. This is what you promised to others. This is your business. Anyway, my five million can\'t be less than one or two."

He is a typical rabbit that will bite when it is urgent.

He knew that he had no money and would be killed by people. His 5 million dream was broken. He looked very angry, so he wanted to resist, regardless of whether he was a tiger or a wolf.

If fan Ruoshui is a tough man, he may be taboo against Tian tiger, but he is not. He is a gluttonous, lustful person, and a spineless person. If he had backbone, what would he have done? Now people will toss about these things. This is a typical spineless person. It is doomed that people are good at being bullied. Fan Ruoshui is such a person.

Tien tiger has the final say, "you must understand that you are here in Yangzhou, and that is what the people say. You can do nothing here without them nod. You don\'t want to mix in Yangzhou."

Fan Ruoshui said angrily, "that\'s no problem. I\'ll move my family to Nanjing tomorrow. I don\'t believe it. These salt merchants can control Yangzhou and Nanjing."

Tian tiger said, "it\'s too late for you to think of this now. But you know that you can\'t do anything without their nod on this land. This also includes you leaving here. It\'s impossible for you to leave here without their nod."

Fan Ruoshui was shocked and angry. He said, "what does this mean? This is imprisonment."

Tian tiger said with a wry smile, "if you understand, not only you, but also my brother, I have been imprisoned and secretly monitored. If you do this for them, it will be good for everyone to make a fortune. If you dare to play tricks in secret, it is estimated that today next year will be your death day."

Even Tian Hu said that, and he seemed a little heroic. Fan Ruoshui was so scared that he was pale that he didn\'t dare to say any more. He knew that even Tian Hu couldn\'t carry it. He was even more unable to carry it when he had no wealth and power. It was really a word for the other party to make him. How should this be good?

Tian tiger said, "now the only chance is to persuade the real person to hatch more silver for us. Now it is clear that the more silver, the more we share. After all, this is a business without capital. Everyone wants to participate in it. So we strongly suggest that you can do this. You can hatch more real people and everyone can share more."

Fan Ruoshui sighed and said, "do you think immortal Baiyun is really so easy to talk? He won\'t even hatch 5 million more for you, let alone others. You\'re embarrassing me, adoptive brother."

The bond between them was full of exchange of interests, and fan Ruoshui also knew that the other party was hypocritical to him and used him, but he also benefited from this bond. At least with fan tiger\'s tiger skin, he was a fox pretending to be a tiger, and he was really powerful.

Tiger Tian must have wanted to use fan Ruoshui, but what he never thought was that when he used fan Ruoshui, they became two grasshoppers on a rope. They can be called sympathizing with each other, so they also have a feeling of sympathizing with each other. He said: "I don\'t know which damn bastard leaked out. He got our brothers and wanted to make a lot of money quietly. It became a bubble."

You should know that this thing is great fat. Everyone wants to take a share and grab a share. How can these greedy people not be moved.

In fact, he was not such a person. He also forcibly occupied a share and robbed a share because he heard that the fan family had such oil and water, but when others did so, he seemed very angry and angry.

Fan Ruoshui said to him, "elder brother, you are also a talented and powerful man. Why don\'t we look at their faces and be a man? Why don\'t our brothers escape from Yangzhou overnight and make a decision later."

Tian tiger was a little excited about this proposal when he escaped from Yangzhou overnight, because they seem to be controlled by these dignitaries and work for others, but he has some concerns. In case they leave the treasure gathering place in Yangzhou, it will be difficult to come back. He offended the dignitaries in Yangzhou. Even if they can\'t come back in the future, they will face each other\'s pursuit The biggest problem of killing is whether immortal Baiyun will follow them and continue to hatch silver for them when they escape.

On the contrary, fan Ruoshui could see through this. He said: "Immortal Baiyun owes us Fan Ye. As long as he still owes this debt one day, his wish has not been fulfilled. He can\'t concentrate on cultivating and seeking immortality. Therefore, wherever we go, he will find us and hatch silver for us. I can believe that even if we escape to the ends of the earth, he can find it with immortal Baiyun\'s magic power."

Tiger Tian heard fan Ruoshui\'s proposal and felt very good. At least they don\'t need to be controlled and work for people. But after thinking about it, he felt it was wrong. Yangzhou is the richest place in the world and the paradise on earth. It can be said that if there is a paradise on earth, it should be Yangzhou. You just took a lot of money to go out of town and work in poor and remote places, What\'s the use if you can\'t spend it?

Tian tiger knows one thing very well, that is, they can\'t use silver, which is no different from scrap iron. That is to say, they can escape the control of these people, but don\'t expect to mix in Jiangnan, or even in Daming. Even if they appear in Daming, they will suffer fierce retaliation from each other, and the consequences are unimaginable.

They are just rich. Being rich can\'t resist the retaliation of these people. It\'s different if they are like the Liu family. Therefore, such a proposal is destined to be only an ideal thing. He pondered for a moment or expressed his opposition.

Tiger Tian said, "Yangzhou is the world of flowers and flowers, so that we can live a life of masters. If we take silver and go to the countryside to hide, what\'s the difference between holding a ball of stones?"

Fan Laohu mentioned this point. Fan Ruoshui also thought of it. He also felt a little helpless. He said, "do we let them bully us like this? You know, they are greedy. Why do we give them a large share of our business? They eat meat, and we can only eat bones?"

Tiger Tian felt the same way when he heard the other party\'s angry questions. He felt a little wronged. He sighed: "The world is inherently unfair. Some people are born to enjoy happiness and eat spicy food, while others are born to suffer. For example, I didn\'t taste the taste of pork until I was ten years old. I didn\'t have a new pair of shoes until I was thirteen years old. If we want to stand out, we must have contacts and abide by the rules of the game , only after you are familiar with the rules of the game can you find a way to surpass them and become their master. "

In fact, he did the same, so he became a famous salt merchant as an ordinary private salt dealer. In many cases, he was very proud of his achievements.

He is proud and proud. In fact, he also knows that this thing of himself is nothing in the eyes of those powerful officials.

So he didn\'t stop moving forward, but wanted to accumulate more strength and continue to climb up.

In the past, he changed from a private salt dealer to a salt merchant who can sell salt publicly. He felt that he had achieved great success. However, after entering this industry, he found that he was simply a small role. Not to mention that he was not up to grade in the salt merchant, even in the eyes of these officials, he was not a matter If the official wants him to donate, he has to donate. If he wants him to kneel, he has to kneel. He\'s thinking, I have to climb higher.

However, Tian tiger knows one thing, that is, he was born too low and has no merit. It is impossible for him to be an official. But he is not an official. His son can be an official, so he puts all his thoughts on his son and asks famous teachers to teach him to read books. He hopes that one day he can become an official, and then their Tian family can really become an official Get up.

On the one hand, it is his idea to let his son become an official. On the other hand, it is his idea to make more money. Even if his son can\'t be named on the gold list, he can buy an official to do it by means of shadow supervision.

This is his real idea. These ideas must be based on his abiding by the rules of the game. If he doesn\'t abide by the rules of the game, he won\'t get anything.

So although he seems to be powerful, in fact, he is also aggrieved and compromising in his heart. That is, when he bullied fan Ruoshui, he directly took 50% of him. When others bullied him, he didn\'t hesitate to take a large portion. This is called big fish eating small fish, small fish eating shrimp, sand eating sand. Fan tiger doesn\'t think there is any problem, because it\'s so dangerous It\'s the rules of the game, so he had to say, "actually, it\'s not difficult for you to have 5 million, virtuous brother. As long as you can let real people hatch more silver, you can get what you want."