New Empire at the End of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 361

At this stage, Tian Laohu can\'t have any good ideas. His only idea is to persuade fan Ruoshui to ask immortal Baiyun to pay more silver. As long as the amount of silver is enough, they can also share a large sum of money.

But how much should this sum of money be? Maybe it really belongs to astronomy. There is no concept of astronomy in this era. It can only be said that it is a lot.

Fan Ruoshui also understood that, after all, man is a group animal and must live in society. He can\'t survive alone in the wilderness. Moreover, he wants to escape and take his family with him. With these people, he wants to eat, drink and everything. It is estimated that it is impossible to escape the pursuit of the enemy. He feels that he is still too stupid and too tender.

When immortal Baiyun came to his home, he should be a low-key man. Don\'t pass it on to anyone. Even the most trusted family can\'t say it. Only one can know it.

Now that I\'m well, I tell my family that they all have money. I went to Lichun hospital to spend a lot of time and wine for the first time. I spread the matter and attracted the coveted hearts of all parties.

He is a bit like Shen Wansan, who has a cornucopia in history. Before he became Shen million, he kept a low profile. After he became Shen million, he was very high-profile and very publicized.

Even after he became Shen million, when he was rich, he became high-profile and publicized. As a result, the emperor Taizu killed him in one sentence. Therefore, even if people like them were rich, they were a piece of fat in the eyes of the people in power. If the opposite party wanted to take him, it was a matter of one sentence.

He fanruoshui figured out these joints and became rational. He acquiesced to the fact that life is like this. You can only adapt to it, not to you.

Fan Ruoshui had to bite the bullet and went to Qingyun temple again. He paid a visit to Baiyun immortal, hoping to convince him.

Fan Ruoshui thought it would be very difficult, because he knew that the other party was a fairy with great powers. He had one characteristic, that is, he was very determined and would not easily change his decision.

But to his surprise, when he put forward this idea, the other party directly agreed. He promised so readily, which made fan Ruoshui wonder if he had heard wrong and if there was anything wrong.

When he was about to ask, immortal Baiyun said it himself. He said, "now that I have entered Yangzhou, I thought that if I enter the mortal world and get contaminated with human fireworks, I will not be exempted from cultivation. Who knows that I have been practicing here for many days, my cultivation has not decreased, but improved. This is the truth that entering the world is avoiding the world."

It turned out that his accomplishments had improved and his skills had increased. No wonder he would be so happy. Fan Ruoshui was also happy to hear what the other party said, so he said everything he said.

Immortal Baiyun said to him, "to become an immortal, you must have the mind to popularize all sentient beings. The Bodhisattva of the Tibetan king said well that hell is not empty and vowed not to become a Buddha. The sage also said: it is also a kind of practice to have tens of thousands of buildings, shelter all the poor people in the world, and have the ability to help the world."

Fan Ruoshui was very happy to hear what the other party said, which means that they let immortal Baiyun incubate silver, which is in line with his practice. It comes down in one continuous line with him, and there is no conflict with his practice, which means that he will agree to it.

Sure enough, immortal Baiyun said to him, "I have decided to help the world at the same time, but there is one thing you must do, that is, you must donate more than 30% of the silver you hatched today, otherwise these easily obtained money will damage your Yin virtue."

Fan Ruo Shui only cares about the other side\'s answer, but the other side agrees. He is simply happy and unhappy. As for the donation after the event, he has the final say. At that time, the white cloud man became a celestial being and became a immortal. Did he still ask me to donate money?

So after the other party agreed, he looked very happy and kowtowed directly.

Fan Ruoshui said goodbye to immortal Baiyun, returned to Tian tiger\'s villa and said it happily. He was not only very happy, but also Tian tiger was relieved. Since immortal Baiyun nodded, it means that they have great prospects.

You know, his pressure is also very great. If Baiyun immortal doesn\'t nod, he can\'t help it.

More importantly, since he nodded his head, his own business will go smoothly, and many of his plans can succeed.

Why does fan Rushui like to run into Tian tiger\'s villa when he has nothing to do? Because there are many beauties in fan Ruoshui\'s villa, many of whom are virgins without personnel. This is equivalent to fan Ruoshui stepping here, which is equivalent to the No. 2 person. If he wants a girl, he just needs to hook his fingers. Therefore, he has never thought of going home at all, but directly regards Tian tiger\'s house as a family.

Didn\'t he say that? They are sworn brothers. They share difficulties and blessings. His woman is fan Ruoshui\'s woman. Both sides can share. Since Zitian tiger has such a mind, he doesn\'t respect it. His brother should have the friendship of brother-in-law.

Since immortal Baiyun nodded, even if they put down their big stones, they immediately put on a big banquet to celebrate.

If Immortal Baiyun doesn\'t nod, they are really helpless. Maybe they will be forced to death by these dignitaries. But now that immortal Baiyun nods, they can successfully get through this level and maybe make more money.

They all dream of making a fortune. They think that they can hatch tens of millions of silver with thousands of liang of silver, and then they will share it equally. Everyone has become a rich man.

Tian Laohu is still making an idea. He said, "although immortal Baiyun only said he promised 10 million silver, he is mindful of his old man\'s compassion. As long as you ask him more, he will probably promise."

Fan Ruoshui was very proud of him. He said, "this is necessary. Who told my ancestors to save his life? Since my ancestors saved his life, he naturally wanted to repay his kindness, and the silver was only a drop in the bucket for him."

Of course, he is also bragging. He knows that the present Baiyun immortal is his last and greatest backer and greatest reliance. With this identity, he can get everyone\'s special attention and respect. If he doesn\'t have this identity, who will look up to him.

Tian tiger immediately reported the news to the supervision group that had been secretly monitoring them. The members of these supervision groups were representatives sent by the big men. They were secretly monitoring them. They also controlled Tian tiger in case they ran away or farted in their beds.

After they heard the news, they were also greatly excited. You know, this should be the fastest way to make money in the world. If they have more oil and water, they can be rich in the world. They don\'t have to do all the money in the future. Is there such a beautiful thing in the world?

People are selfish and greedy. Even if they are the confidants of the big guys, they are still greedy and selfish. Apart from others, they always do, that is, the bosses eat meat, they drink soup, the bosses eat meat, and they eat bones. This time is no exception.

Unexpectedly, there is such a land fairy who can directly hatch and change the silver. That is the matter of helping all living beings and saving the world. They are one of the ordinary people who should be saved and should enjoy the benefits brought by the fairy. Therefore, they have reached an agreement one after another in private, so they go to Tian tiger, Ask them to arrange an old fairy to hatch one for them.

They are much more kind than their boss. His boss hatched tens of thousands of taels of silver by pointing to 12000 taels of silver. They secretly said that they could come up with 230000 taels of silver, just let the old fairy hatch one.

But he also knows one thing, which is called the seven grade official of the prime minister\'s domestic slave. He knows one more thing, that is, the king of hell is easy to see, and the kids are difficult to deal with. If he doesn\'t take care of these kids, he wants to mix in front of the boss, he can\'t mix well.

Therefore, Tian tiger was embarrassed to refuse these people\'s requests. He felt that the plate was getting bigger and bigger.

Although Tian tiger was worried about this, there was no doubt that in just two or three days, he became the most popular person in Yangzhou city. Many dignitaries asked to see him, discuss with him and participate in a share of things.

Although Tian tiger doesn\'t like being invaded by others, he is still very happy and very happy to see that he is so popular and attracted much attention.

After all, it feels very good to be asked for help and discussed by these dignitaries.

In just a few days, invitations inviting them to dinner and drink were piled up in their concierge, and all kinds of gifts were piled up in their room. Although they didn\'t care about these small gifts, he cared about the respect and admiration of others.

In particular, fan Ruoshui has not experienced such flattery from others for a long time. Even when their Fan family was in full bloom, no dignitaries in half the city flattered him and visited their home.

Fan Ruoshui originally lived in Tian tiger\'s villa, but a large number of people came to visit his house. A large number of people asked them for help. He had to go back to his home and accept their gifts and visits.

At the beginning, fan Shui still hesitated, but it was such a character that he couldn\'t stand the flattery of others and asked others to say a few good words. After flattering him, he couldn\'t help floating. He promised directly to the other party\'s request. Within a few days, he answered dozens of people to participate in shares.

Fan Ruoshui alone promised so many people to participate in the shares, and Tian tiger, who has a bigger hand, also promised many people to participate in the shares. It can be said that the number of people participating in their shares directly doubled in just a few days.