New Empire at the End of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 359

Under everyone\'s eyes, Gao Wang had no choice but to reduce it by himself and said, "since the commander-in-chief asked for 10%, I\'m embarrassed to ask for more, so as not to affect the distribution. I could only ask for 0.80%

He also knew that the distribution had been completed now. So many big men, everyone reached out here. Even the big officials in the court had to take care of it in order to cover it up and cover it up. He wanted to get 30%, which was a little much. He asked for 0.80%, which was actually the third most.

You know, all the people sitting in this yard are powerful and powerful. The backers behind everyone are not much higher than his expectations. Some are even more powerful and powerful. If he wants to fart in his nest and swallow it alone, it is estimated that these people will not agree and he can\'t do it. Apart from others, governor Zhu Dadian can eat it to death.

Liu Bu, as the chief soldier, can also jam it. These people are involved. It\'s impossible for you to divide him.

As a result, Gao Wang asked for 80% of the price, which is still high, because they are used to dividing pork. In fact, there are rules for how much each person should take. Of course, this rule depends on who leads. If Gao Wang leads, most of them can ask for 30%, but now none of them can eat the plate and no one can monopolize it, Therefore, we can only share it together, everyone has a share, and they have considered it relatively carefully this time. Even the governors of the five provinces have given a sincerity, and all the big men in Beijing have paid dividends one by one.

After talking for a long time, they finally talked about the share. In the end, Gao Wang only got 0.70%, and even Liu Bu got 0.90%. There was no way, because there were too many big men to manage.

So many big guys talk about sharing here. Everyone is happy to share, but there is one very strange thing, that is, fan Ruoshui, the leader of this matter, no one cares about him and no one cares about him.

You should know that fan Ruoshui is the leader and initiator of this matter. As an immortal, Baiyun immortal is only willing to hatch silver for him. For others, listen to the tone of Baiyun immortal, he doesn\'t care about anyone.

But what\'s the problem? no problem? He is a small role. No one cares about him at all. After they have made a decision, they can directly tell him what to do.

Not only other people think so, but even Tian tiger thinks so. Others say so and think so. Why talk about these important things with his second ancestor? Just let him do it.

If he wants a woman, give him a woman. If he wants to drink, give him a drink. What else can he do?

In fact, fan Ruoshui is the key figure in this matter. On the surface, no one can play without him, but this is the case. All dignitaries don\'t bird him, a rich fourth generation, so they let him have fun and play with women in the yard next door. If there\'s anything to tell him to do, there\'s no need to discuss with him, As for fan Ruoshui\'s imagination, he wants half and 5 million Liang. It is estimated that this is impossible.

Fan Ruoshui unknowingly made himself a marginal figure, another 5 million dream broken person.

Now that we have divided the pork, we have divided the pork, and then we don\'t have such tension and mutual dissatisfaction when we come. After all, we have talked about how to divide the pork, it\'s time to cooperate together and make money with peace.

Wu Fugui smiled and said: "We are all here fighting about how to spend this money. Now there is a question, that is, does this immortal Baiyun really have such means? Can he really hatch the silver? Lao Wu, I have lived for decades. I have never heard of a hen producing a chicken. I have never heard of silver producing silver. If silver can produce silver, it will be fine If you don\'t get rich, isn\'t it equivalent to silver falling from the sky? In the future, big guys don\'t have to work? Just concentrate on incubating silver. "

A salt merchant surnamed Wu had a good relationship with Wu Fugui. He also joked and said, "you think your old Wu is a hen. If you want to hatch, hatch."

But his words were interrupted by Tian tiger. Tian tiger said, "don\'t make fun of real people."

The hen certainly won\'t hatch silver, but this Baiyun immortal does. If he really has this kind of magic power, it\'s really worth everyone to worship him as a God.

However, when Wu Fugui said this, he actually made everyone smile. In fact, everyone wanted to say this sentence. In the past, it was only heard that the earth would produce silver, and silver grew from the earth. Now, even people can hatch silver and produce silver. In the future, they don\'t have to work and concentrate on producing silver. "

Tiger Tian said: "It\'s really hard to say such a thing, but I can assure you that it\'s not easy for him to cheat me. You know, this immortal Baiyun has magical powers. He has great powers and is not an ordinary person. Besides, what\'s the advantage of him doing this? Can\'t he cheat me? Tian\'s plan is to take 10000 liang of silver and let him incubate it In a year and a half, we can naturally get tens of millions. Isn\'t that good? Even if he deceives us, he can only cheat us 10000 liang of silver at most. What else can he do? "

Tian Laohu\'s remark won everyone\'s unanimous approval, and everyone also thought so. Even if he cheated 10000 liang of silver, what is it? There are so many people sharing the 10000 liang of silver, it\'s not a thing. At most, it\'s only a small investment failure.

Wu Fugui is laughing to himself. If you can handle it so easily, I don\'t have to work hard on this strategy. You have to wait for everything. The world has long been waiting for you. "

After they agreed, they immediately signed a contract to specify how much each person would pay, and then they were ready to make a fortune. They all know that fan Ruoshui, who only knows how to eat, drink, whore and gamble, is the key figure. Only he can persuade Bai Yunzhen to hatch money for them, so whoever controls fan Ruoshui has the initiative, In the past, fan Ruoshui was equivalent to being in the hands of Tian tiger.

But they all think that they can\'t put all their eggs in one basket, so each of them sent a representative and set up a joint monitoring team to take care of fan Ruoshui and prevent him from escaping or anything.

As the only male of the fan family, he inherits the rights of the fan family. If he is gone or something happens, this Baiyun immortal can\'t find anyone to repay his kindness, and he doesn\'t have to find anyone to repay his kindness.

After they agreed, they went to the yard next door to find fan Ruoshui, who was eating, drinking and having fun. Fan Ruoshui\'s name was taken by his father. Naturally, he took the best as water, water conservancy and all things without dispute, which refers to the mind of water. However, he learned this completely, that is, he did not dispute anything, and as a result, his family business fell to the point where there was nothing today.

Now he was in the yard of little pink fairy, singing heartily, eating, drinking and having fun. He was surprised to see Tiantian tiger coming in, many of whom were servants of dignitaries. He quickly got up to salute.

Even if he was the young master of the rich and powerful fan family, he did not dare to despise these people, not to mention that his family is now in decline. At present, he can not offend these people, but must curry favor with them.

With a wave of tiger Tian\'s hand, all the girls withdrew and dared not stay here, because they knew that so many masters came. They must have something to talk about, not indulge in pleasure.

Tian Laohu had to tell fan Ruoshui about it and told him that everyone had made a decision and had a share. At the beginning, he said that their brothers were fifty-five, and this piece was invalid.

Fan Ruoshui was really shocked when he heard these things. Unexpectedly, his 5 million dream was broken overnight.

Fan Ruoshui said to him, "how can it be? How can it be? Everyone has a share. You know, immortal Baiyun owes me the kindness of the fan family. He only cares about the fan family. What\'s the matter with others? Why are they holding a leg?"

This sentence is actually what Tian tiger wants to say. Why do you people meddle in nothing? But he didn\'t dare to say this. He had to say reluctantly: "on the ground of Yangzhou, no matter what things you do and what benefits you have, you can\'t avoid these people. Otherwise, you can\'t do anything."

Fan Ruoshui said to him, "I don\'t need to ask them. We just let real people hatch money for us. We don\'t need stores, capital, anyone, or even the government to sign any permission. I\'ll be my own. Why pull so many people into the partnership?"

Tiger Tian, when he saw what time it was, he still said such childish words.

Tiger Tian had to explain: "I don\'t know who spread the news. Everyone in the city knows it. Now everyone with money and power wants to get involved and share a share. We want to eat it alone. It\'s impossible. But now the share has been considered in all aspects. The great masters in the capital have considered everything. Isn\'t it good? Everyone has made a fortune, The whole world celebrates together. "

Fan Ruoshui was most concerned about the same thing. He asked, "how much can I get in this way?"

Tian Laohu said, "Yidi, you\'ve got the point. It depends on how much you can let immortal Baiyun hatch for us. You\'ll come by one percent."

Fan Ruoshui immediately took his fingers to calculate. If they hatched 10 million liang of silver according to their second discussion with immortal Baiyun, he could get only about 100000 at most, which is far from the 5 million he expected.

He fan Ruoshui is ready to seize the opportunity this time. He is determined to make his fortune. This time, he will have 5 million liang of silver and become the richest group in Daming. Everyone should look at his face and be a man. Everyone should please him, even those in office should please him, but this can\'t be done with more than 100000 silver. What should we do?

Fan Ruoshui had to use his killer mace. He said, "I\'ll tell you. He didn\'t want to be a real person. Now he should be more reluctant to share with so many people."