New Empire at the End of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 325

Hong Chengchou is from Yingdu, Fujian. In his early years, his family was poor. The young Hong Chengchou was intelligent and liked reading, but his family was poor and unable to provide for his studies. Hong Chengchou had a good life and met the famous scholar Hong Qiyin, who supported Hong Chengchou\'s studies.

Hong Chengchou studied hard and finally entered the official career in the 44th year of Wanli. Similar people and things in history include Wang Mian and Kuang Heng.

Hong Chengchou is a great man. In the 43rd year of Wanli, Hong Chengchou, 23, went to the province to take part in the rural examination, ranking 19th in Yimao middle school.

In the 44th year of Wanli, Hong Chengchou went to Beijing for a joint examination. Lian Jie became the 14th in the second grade of the c-chen palace examination. He was given the background of a scholar. At the beginning, Hong Chengchou was awarded the position of head of the Jiangxi Qing official Department of the Ministry of punishment, Li yuanwailang, doctor and so on. He served in the Ministry of punishment for six years, which can be said to be smooth sailing.

In the second year of apocalypse, Hong Chengchou was promoted to Zhejiang to study and work. He was highly educated. All the selected talents were handsome and valued by the imperial court. Two years later, he was promoted to liangzhecheng and announced that he was a political left counsellor. In the seventh year of apocalypse, Hong Chengchou was promoted to Shaanxi governor and grain counsellor, officially becoming a senior official.

In July of the first year of Chongzhen, a civil uprising broke out in Guanzhong area. The imperial court ordered Yang He on the three sides to suppress and pacify, focusing on pacification. In the second year of Chongzhen, the rebel Wang Zuoguo and Miao Mei led troops to attack Hancheng. Yang he had no generals in his hands. In a hurry, he ordered Hong Chengchou, who was still in charge of supervising grain roads and participating in political affairs, to go to war. Hong Chengchou did not live up to his expectations, killed 300 enemy soldiers, solved the siege of Hancheng, and immediately became famous.

In June of the third year of Chongzhen, Hong Chengchou Jigong was appointed governor of Yansui. Wang Zuo defected and was killed by Hong Chengchou. As a cadre under Yang He, Hong Chengchou should have supported his boss\'s appeasement policy, but Hong Chengchou made great efforts to suppress the bandits.

Moreover, he not only suppressed the bandits, but also killed and surrendered. At that time, he killed tens of thousands of surrender bandits. He was ruthless and famous all over the world and was called Hong devil.

However, he was only responsible for one side, and the overall situation did not change much. In the fourth year of Chongzhen, Yang He, the governor of the three sides, was dismissed from office and jailed for his failure to suppress bandits, and Hong Chengchou succeeded the governor of the three sides of Shaanxi. Hong Chengchou changed Yang He\'s policy of suppressing and appeasing at the same time to the policy of full elimination and suppression, first suppression and then appeasement, and concentrated his troops to attack popular places.

In the spring of the fifth year of Chongzhen, a stream of people broke through to Qingyang because they could not withstand the pressure of the officers and troops. Hong Chengchou personally went to Qingyang to command the battle and encircled and suppressed the rogue bandits together with general Cao Wenzhao and he Huchen. The two sides fought dozens of times in Western Australia. The rogue bandits suffered heavy losses. The leader flew all over the sky and was killed. General Bai Guangen surrendered. Relying on Cao Wenzhao to suppress the thief at awl mountain in Yaozhou, the thief killed the lone wolf and surrendered, Hong Chengchou ordered the slaughter of 400 people, and the rest were dismissed.

The latter roving aggressors moved to the west of Henan and the north of Chu, where the Ming army was weak. With Yunyang as the center, they crossed between Henan, Chu, Sichuan and Shaanxi to carry out guerrilla mobile operations. In order to change the passive situation, Hong Chengchou surrounded the central area of the rebels with heavy troops and carried out key attacks. Gao Yingxiang\'s rebel army lost one after another to Queshan, Zhuxian Town and other places, and was forced to turn to the western mountainous area.

In order to change the passive situation of different powers and watching each other, the Imperial Court changed to the policy of concentrated troops and comprehensive encirclement and suppression.

In December of the seventh year of Chongzhen, Emperor Chongzhen removed Chen Qiyu who had failed in the encirclement and suppression. Hong Chengchou was still the governor of the three sides. However, he served as Prince Taibao and Minister of war. He was the governor of the military affairs of Henan, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Huguang and Sichuan provinces, and became the main military commander of the Ming government in suppressing the peasant uprising.

However, when he mobilized the officers and troops to go out of Shaanxi and reorganize the siege, there were more than 200000 peasant troops gathered in Shaanxi at that time. Among them, the most powerful force was Chuang Wang Gao Yingxiang and his subordinate Li Zicheng. Hong Chengchou ordered the chief soldiers he Renlong and Zuo Guang to attack first. The rebel army broke through the siege and went east into Lingbao and Sishui.

However, in order to stop the exiled bandits, the imperial court desperately transferred troops everywhere, resulting in a void of defense. The exiled bandits took advantage of the loophole and invaded Fengyang, the capital of China, causing a sensation all over the world.

Hong Chengchou also ushered in the biggest crisis after he became a politician. Although Fengyang is not under his jurisdiction, as the governor of five provinces, he has the responsibility to suppress the bandits and can only lead the army to rescue.

It can be said that the capture of Fengyang by the roving bandits has brought great passivity to Hong Chengchou, which is also the most serious crisis in his political career. Not only others are full of doubts about him, but even he himself is full of doubts about himself. However, Hong Chengchou has the advantage of all great achievers, that is, firm will. He still believes that his strategy is not wrong, Train an elite army and give the rogue a fatal blow.

Don\'t talk about the combination of suppression and pacification. There is only one word, that is, kill. Kill all these people. If you are afraid of killing them, you can naturally solve their problems. At present, he has been using this strategy, and there is nothing wrong at least so far.

After they had temporarily gained a firm foothold, he did not catch up with the roving bandits to fight a decisive battle. He still tried to take a break here, take a breath, and prepare to train an elite army to come out and fight the enemy to the death

But Hong Chengchou thinks so, but others won\'t allow him to think so. He plays a good calculation, but others won\'t cooperate.

As far as Fengyang is concerned, I wish they would immediately wipe out the roving bandits and the enemy, so as to reduce the local pressure.

Not only Fengyang local officials, but also other people think so, even the imperial court, because as long as they eliminate the roving bandits in advance, they can reduce a lot of military expenditure.

It\'s not the first time, let alone the last time, that is, when there was a war, the emperor and his ministers were urging them to go to war and work hard. Finally, they screwed up and made things miserable.

Therefore, there is a market for Zhu Dadian to put forward such a counter argument proposal. After all, from the standpoint of the imperial court, the sooner we can eliminate the exiled bandits, the better. Even if he is stationed here, he will have to spend a lot of money and food.

Now the Ming court is overwhelmed by all kinds of expenditure and military expenditure. They have huge expenditure every day, and their income is getting less and less day by day. Even people who don\'t know more understand that if they can reduce their expenditure, they will make Daming\'s life much better.

So Hong Chengchou wanted to calm down and concentrate on training soldiers for a few months, and then look for opportunities to fight with the roving bandits. It was impossible.

Lu Jiude and Zhu Dadian have a clear mind about this matter, so they also know that Hong Chengshou wants to make suggestions to the emperor. The emperor can\'t agree, so they will have their own defense.

Now the Ming Court has been scared by the rogue bandits. They will never hesitate to destroy the rogue bandits. Moreover, even the ancestral tombs of the Ming Dynasty have been lost, which is an unprecedented blow to the Ming court. The attack on the confidence of the Ming court was unprecedented, so they had no choice but to order them to eliminate the bandits as quickly as possible.

Another thing is that now the Ming Court has been hit by roving bandits. This time, it lost Fengyang, the capital of China. Even the emperor ordered him to sin and severely criticized himself.

You can say so. If it is the loss of Zhongdu Fengyang again, it is definitely not just for the bearing domain. It is not easy for them to leave the whole body.

Zhu Dadian insisted on this point, so he never nodded. It is impossible to transfer Liu Bu\'s soldiers. He is the governor of Fengyang. What he has to do is to keep Fengyang and keep Fengyang intact. If he wants to transfer a soldier from here, he will not be responsible for Fengyang. As a governor and a local feudal official, His defense and statement like this are very strong and powerful. Even the emperor and the court must pay attention to his opinions.

If Liu Bu is transferred, he will not take responsibility, which will make many people worry and panic.

In Zhu Dadian\'s eyes, it was Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, who eliminated the roving bandits. Even if he eliminated more roving bandits in the territory, he was still governor Fengyang, and he could not be promoted. Even if he sent Liu Bu out to fight, he fought for others. He couldn\'t benefit himself, so he wouldn\'t let Liu Bu leave.

Moreover, Zhu Dadian is extremely selfish. He knows that Liu Jiajun has strong combat effectiveness. With Liu Jiajun, they don\'t have to worry that the roving bandits will fight back against them.

Without Liu Jiajun, he would probably be hit again by roving bandits. Therefore, under such circumstances, he would not let Hong Chengshou transfer Liu bu. He promised Liu bu that everyone would be here together, cooperate together and make a fortune together. Even if the emperor transferred Liu Bu, he would not allow it. Governor Fengyang disagreed. It is estimated that the emperor forcibly ordered it, He can also return the edict.

Liu Bu is full of confidence because of Zhu Dadian\'s guarantee. In fact, Zhu Dadian doesn\'t guarantee, and he doesn\'t have to worry. Now he has become famous, famous all over the world and has his own strength. If he doesn\'t agree, no one can encourage him.

He doesn\'t look like Cao Wenzhao or Zu Kuan. Hong Chengchou and the imperial court want to fix him in one sentence. As long as they make a card from his military pay and personnel power, they can be stuck to death and let them obey obediently. However, Liu Bu is completely different. Liu Bu pays the military pay of his Liu family army and gives a lot of subsidies, Even if the court doesn\'t give them money and food, they will have a way to get it by themselves and can afford it by themselves.

Therefore, Liu Jiajun\'s nature has been determined since his establishment, that is, he serves for the interests of the founder, not for the Ming court. If he is not good, he will not go out easily.

Moreover, after he owns Fengyang, it is the richest area in the world. Here he can share the stolen goods, make a lot of money, and go to other places to fight desperately. That\'s a foolish behavior, so he made a condition for cooperation with Zhu Dadian, that is, he can cooperate with each other to guard Fengyang, but he won\'t be transferred, Zhu Dadian immediately agreed with this.