New Empire at the End of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 324

Since the conflicts between Hong Chengshou and Zhu Dadian, Lu Jiude and Liu Bu became public, they began to talk to each other. They were divided into two factions in the city.

Hong Chengchou wrote directly to the emperor. He pointed out a problem, that is, the elimination of the roving bandits has achieved phased victory. Now they are recuperating and training a elite army. When the roving bandits relax, they will give them a fatal blow.

Hong Chengchou always believed that the number of elite soldiers under his command was insufficient, and it was not time to fight against the roving bandits. At the same time, he wrote a letter praising Liu Jiajun\'s combat effectiveness and their weapons and equipment. He was very impressed. Liu Jiajun actually got a red cannon, which even shocked Hong Chengchou, so he wrote to the imperial court and requested that Liu Jiajun be transferred to his command, Under his direct command, Hong Chengchou promised that if you transferred Liu Jiajun to him one year, you would wipe out the roving bandits within one year, or you would resign.

In the final analysis, he still wanted to fight Liu Jiajun again. If he could transfer this elite army to his command, he would be more confident when fighting. Such a powerful army is equivalent to an elite army. He just wanted to make good use of them and whether they would be consumed after they are used up. This is not his consideration, He has many things to consider, such as how to eliminate the exiled bandits and how to solve problems for the imperial court.

He always believed that wandering bandits were the problem of the imperial court, and Liu Jiajun also had the problem of the imperial court. If it could be solved at the same time, it would be the best. Therefore, he privately gave a secret discount to the emperor and explained this reason. Moreover, this was not the first time he sent a secret discount to the emperor on the same thing, but the second time.

Hong Chengchou believed that if emperor Chongzhen trusted him and valued him, he would certainly accept his opinions and seriously consider his proposals. If the emperor no longer trusted him, it would be hard to say.

Of course, they can make demands. Lu Jiude and Zhu Dadian also made demands. Zhu Dadian directly impeached Hong Chengchou and sat down with hundreds of thousands of troops, but hid in Fengyang city. He wanted soldiers to ring, coveted leisure and pleasure, and hesitated to go to a decisive battle with the roving bandits.

Zhu Dadian pointed out a problem, that is, the rogue bandits have just suffered a tragic defeat, their momentum is in chaos and their people are distracted. If we give them a fatal blow at this time, we can completely solve the problem of the rogue bandits in the short term.

As for Liu Jiajun, he also has his usage, that is, the military strength in Fengyang area is very empty. It is also the capital of China and the foundation of the world. The Royal ancestral mausoleum is located. We must send an elite army that can recruit and be good at war. Only by garrisoning here can we ensure that Fengyang is safe. Otherwise, if tourists show up again, no one dares to guarantee that Fengyang is safe.

And all people believe that as long as Liu Bu sits in Fengyang, the rogue bandits will never dare to come, because Liu Bu has been famous all over the world and deterred the rogue bandits. Among the rogue bandits, they are singing a children\'s song: "it\'s better to meet a tiger than Liu bu."

They were extremely afraid of Liu Bu, so everyone believed that as long as Liu Bu, an army, could garrison here, they could stabilize the situation, stabilize the situation in Fengyang area and ensure the safety of water transport. At the same time, they also attached tens of thousands of words from tens of thousands of people, praising Liu Bu and asking him to stay in Fengyang area to ensure that there was nothing wrong here.

Now the situation has become that they are all playing the idea of Liu Bu and Liu Jiajun. Everyone knows that Liu Jiajun is well equipped and extremely strong. With him, they can ensure invincibility.

Liu Bu didn\'t expect that he would one day become a hot pastry for everyone, but he also understood that Hong Chengchou\'s competition for him was not for his good, but to kill him and consume Liu Jiajun, so he stayed here to watch the change.

Although Liu Bu was watching the change, he didn\'t stop. He always publicized the benefits of Liu Jiajun and the terrible place of the exiled bandits, creating a situation that Fengyang would be safe only if Liu Jiajun was there. If Liu Jiajun left the exiled bandits, he would counterattack Fengyang on a large scale, so the people in the city also wanted Liu Jiajun to stay one after another, The people also responded to governor Zhu Dadian\'s 10000 words.

In particular, after Hong Chengchou\'s army entered here, Hong Chengshou\'s army suffered from corrupt military discipline, petty theft, robbery and theft, which annoyed the local people.

What bothers the common people even more is that Hong Chengchou\'s more than 100000 troops stationed here must be supported by the local government. Fengyang has been very empty and weak after being looted by exiles. In this case, in fact, they also need to transfer more food from Nanjing and Jiangnan to support them, As a result, they have to produce a lot of food to support Hong Chengchou\'s army. If they don\'t give them money and food, they will steal and rob by themselves, resulting in the miasma of Fengyang City, and the people complain.

Many people wrote to the court one after another, asking the court to transfer this army. Don\'t come here to harm the people and the hometown of the throne.

Hong Chengchou is also a person who cherishes his feathers very much. He also sent law enforcement teams and strictly implemented military discipline. However, now everyone knows that his governor is fighting with the governor and has suffered a lot of losses, so many people don\'t buy his account.

Even several other generals were indignant when they saw it. Now the contradiction between soldiers and officers has been provoked. Many soldiers are asking a question, that is, why are the food and welfare of Liu Jiajun so good while they are so poor?

There were even scenes in which many troops fled in teams or went to Liu\'s army. Of course, Liu Bu did not dare to take these people in easily, but just sent some rice grain to send them away.

Liu Bu knows that if he openly takes in deserters from other armies, it will completely intensify the contradictions between them and make the balance they are trying to maintain no longer exist.

Moreover, there is one biggest difference between Liu\'s army and other armies, that is, other armies force strong men into the army. Their Liu\'s army recruits are selected by thousands. Not everyone is qualified to join their Liu\'s army. They have strict requirements. They won\'t fight for many years because they are the elite soldiers of that army, Then they can\'t wait to recruit Liu Jiajun. He can maintain strong combat effectiveness now because they have been implementing very strict standards.

That is, because they have implemented these strict standards, they have maintained the number of troops. At the same time, their combat effectiveness has not decreased because of the expansion of the number of troops.

Liu Bu knows that forging iron must be hard. The Liu family army can have today\'s prestige depends on their strong combat effectiveness. If their combat effectiveness does not exist, he, the Fengyang general army, will come to an end.

He is not an iron rice bowl as a Fengyang general. He was promoted to be a Fengyang general because he suddenly made great contributions. He may also be pushed to the end because he lost the war. In the final analysis, strength is the last word.

After entering Fengyang City, Liu Bu did not care about the competition and win over between Zhu Dadian and Hong Chengshou, but went all out to train his army.

Liu Jiajun lost hundreds of people here, but they successfully called back more than 3000 people. These people are good seedlings. They are undergoing strict training. If they can train this army, their combat effectiveness can be further expanded.

Since Liu Bu is the general soldier of Fengyang, he can legally have more troops.

In the past, the imperial court would restrict his troops, but now the imperial court wants him to recruit more. It\'s best to have 30000 or 50000 troops to deal with such a big situation.

The place where the Fengyang chief soldier is in charge is equivalent to a province, and it is also the essence area of Daming and the rich areas.

The former Fengyang general army also had tens of thousands of troops, but they ate too much empty pay. In name, there were tens of thousands of troops, but in fact, they were only thousands, and most of them were old, weak, sick and disabled, and could not fight at all.

Liu Bu\'s army is solid. Each of them is a tough and strong young man and a brave soldier who can fight and kill. Moreover, they do not count the baggage troops. Their baggage troops are their temporary workers and auxiliary soldiers.

They are very advanced in this regard. We should know that even in the era of World War II, Japan did not have a special baggage force. In this regard, they are moving forward and taking the road of elite and specialization.

For example, many famous emperors and generals in history have mobilized hundreds of thousands of troops. In fact, there are not so many real main armies. Most of them are auxiliary soldiers and civilian men responsible for transporting food and grass.

They also count them in. Although they can\'t fight, the military also counts them in.

For example, when Cao Cao went south on an expedition to Soochow, he sent no more than 200000 troops, but he dared to claim 830000, most of them logistics personnel.

Liu Jiajun\'s troops are as many as they are written, and they are all elite soldiers, and they are only a lot more.

In the past, Liu Jiajun may have to hide and tuck in when training troops, but as the Fengyang general army, he doesn\'t need to hide and tuck in. He can directly recruit troops and horses openly and expand his troops. It\'s normal for him to have tens of thousands of people and horses.

It\'s no joke that he is not the chief soldier of Fengyang. He has become one of the leaders of the military. In Fengyang area alone, he is already a top figure. In terms of his status in the military, he is not under his father-in-law, or even better than his father-in-law\'s Dengzhou chief soldier. After all, Fengyang is the most important place in the world and the recognized rich place, He was able to take charge of soldiers in this area and become the chief soldier, which made other people very jealous. For example, none of the more than a dozen chief soldiers under Hong Chengchou was better than Liu Bu, but they were jealous.