New Empire at the End of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 326

Liu Bu stood still, and Hong Chengchou had no choice. The imperial court and the local government were forced and urgent. He could only send Cao Wenzhao and Zu Kuan, the generals under his command, to send troops to pursue and suppress the roving bandits.

Now, before Liu Bu\'s rise, Cao Wenzhao had the title of an unparalleled good general. Liu Bu became famous in the first World War and caused a sensation all over the world, while Cao Wenzhao accumulated his title of a famous general through bloody battles.

And like most famous generals of this era, he first joined the army from Liaodong and grew up in the worst environment of Daming.

He fought in Liaodong until there was chaos in the pass. The people in the Ming Dynasty could not bear it and had no choice but to mobilize Cao Wenzhao to lead his elite troops to enter the pass to fight and eliminate the exiles. As an elite border army, he performed well in countless battles.

Before that, both the Ming Court and the officials and gentry of the Ming Dynasty liked Cao Wenzhao very much, mainly because of his policy towards the exiled bandits. Cao Wenzhao was among the Imperial Army pursuing and suppressing the exiled bandits, and he performed better. He was ruthless and ruthless, and showed no mercy to the exiled bandits.

Cao Wenzhao can be called the first executioner. In the third year of Suizhen, Cao Wenzhao became the deputy chief soldier of Yansui East Road, and also participated in the suppression of Shaanxi roving bandits. In successive battles, Cao Wenzhao successively defeated Wang Jiayin, DengZi, Li laochai, lone wolf and other roving bandit leaders.

Moreover, Cao Wenzhao\'s means are extremely cruel. Generally, the general of the Ming Dynasty will only kill the other generals, and the rest will be released. However, for Cao Wenzhao, he will kill everyone and leave no survivors, and his nephew Cao Bianjiao has changed into the same style. He will not leave any survivors when he sees the enemy.

Moreover, Cao Wenzhao was a man who liked to chase and beat fiercely. He would not have any fear when encountering an ambush.

At that time, several giants such as man Tianfei, Hao Linan, Liu Daojiang and others ambushed tens of thousands of elite soldiers to ambush Cao Wenzhao. But the result was very shocking. Cao Wenzhao was not afraid at all after being ambushed, and charged back and forth with a spear. He didn\'t pay attention to the tens of thousands of ambushes at all. The morale of the Ming army was also greatly encouraged, and finally killed the bodies of the ambulances everywhere.

Cao Wenzhao has always been victorious, and in the memorials, Cao Wenzhao\'s troops have won the first level in previous battles, a total of more than 36000, and their military achievements are also the first. They have won complete victories in dozens of battles. These hooligans can\'t stay in Shaanxi and can only escape into Shanxi in the end.

However, he was too popular and did things too ruthlessly, which offended many people. In the first month of the seventh year of Chongzhen, the Ministry of military said: "Cao Bianjiao\'s brigade was greatly harmed by the people. A few days ago, the officials of the Ministry received a ballad along the way, saying:" rogue thieves rob limited, Cao Bing does endless harm. Rogue thieves rob people\'s wealth, Cao Bing kills people\'s lives. "

But Chongzhen liked Cao Wenzhao very much and ordered him to fight in Shanxi. After Cao Wenzhao arrived in Shanxi, he was still very fierce. Cao Wenzhao led 3000 people and horses to fight in suturing, Yuxian, Shouyang, Taigu, Fancun and Yushe, and all won victories. He soon eliminated all the bandits in Shanxi. Cao Wenzhao had no way to stop them on the battlefield

Later, when Cao Wenzhao garrisoned in Datong to block the construction of slaves, because the power of the construction of slaves was very strong, he lost the city and land, so Cao Wenzhao, Zhang Zongheng and governor Hu zhanen were convicted and exiled to the garrison in the border area. However, he was eventually sent to Henan to participate in the battle against the peasant army.

At the beginning of the year, the epidemic entered Fengyang and dug up the ancestral Mausoleum of Fengyang. This made emperor Chongzhen very angry, so he ordered to eliminate all the peasant troops six months later. Cao Wenzhao was one of the main generals ordered to go into the Huai River to suppress thieves.

Hong Chengchou\'s plan is wishful thinking. He is ready to let him rest for a few months and implement the strategy of elite soldiers after training a elite army. However, the imperial court is unwilling to give him time. Just before his memorial reaches the capital, the capital\'s will for him has arrived. That is to order him to send troops immediately to eliminate the wandering bandits. The battle must be completely solved within six months.

The imperial court\'s order is firm and non-negotiable. In the words of the central court minister, the imperial court\'s patience with the roving bandits has reached the limit, and has reached the point of life and death. Therefore, the whole imperial court believed that it was precisely when Zhang Xianzhong\'s army was defeated and Zhang Xianzhong was captured alive, and their morale was in great disorder that they took the opportunity to send a large army to give a fatal blow to the enemy, It is a good time to annihilate it in one fell swoop.

This opinion was unanimously agreed by the emperor and Wen Tiren, the head of the cabinet. They signed together and issued a decree to let him send troops immediately without hesitation.

As for Liu Bu\'s troops, there are also arrangements, that is, to order them to guard Fengyang and be responsible for exterminating the roving bandits in Fengyang area and ensuring the safety of these places.

This is actually the intention of the imperial court. The imperial court\'s will was issued before Hong Chengchou and Zhu Dadian reached the capital. On the contrary, it is more in line with Liu Bu\'s plan.

Of course, this situation is not accidental. It\'s not that Liu Bu comes to whatever he wants, but that they have already started activities.

Liyuan bridge was the one who planned and then moved. He predicted this possibility after the imperial court appointed mizhu as the chief soldier of Fengyang. He knew that it was difficult for him to return to the north and Shandong. As the chief soldier of Phoenix, he was also a fat job. In this way, he asked the Liu family military department to deploy in Fengyang area and in the heart of Daming. In fact, anyway, The imperial court appointed him as the chief soldier of Fengyang. In fact, he was also a fat and poor man. Countless people were jealous and stared at him?

Liu Jiajun of Liu Bu won the lottery, while Cao Wenzhao was unlucky. Cao Wenzhao had experienced hundreds of wars and fought countless wars and hard battles before he had today\'s situation.

You know, he has been in this business for several years. He killed several giants of the early rogue bandits. His fame in this business can be said that Liu Bu was still wearing open crotch pants when he was exterminating the rogue bandits?

However, Liu Bu came from behind and won the biggest prize since the suppression of the roving bandits in the Ming Dynasty, which doomed Cao Wenzhao to be very jealous.

But jealousy is jealousy, and the war still has to be fought. The emperor\'s court ordered him to fight the rogue bandits, but he dared not learn from Liu bu. Like them, he had so many fancy intestines and so many ideas. Since he received the court\'s order, Cao Wenzhao didn\'t hesitate, so he immediately pulled out his camp to pursue and suppress them.

At the same time, Guan ningbing of Zu Kuan also set out together. They don\'t have the confidence of Liu Jiajun and Liu Bu\'s courage. They can only have today by the imperial court. If the imperial court moves his food, they can\'t mix up immediately. Moreover, if the imperial court wants to remove him, that is to say, they will be removed, so they are both rebellious, On the battlefield, they are extremely brave and powerful people, but Hong Chengchou ordered them to start immediately, which Hong Chengchou liked very much.

For Liu Jiajun\'s troops, it seems to be out of control. Of course, at present, Liu Jiajun has not done anything to disobey military orders or court orders, but they have been fighting with Hong Chengchou in the open and in the dark. The people outside can\'t see anything, but for the two sides of the struggle, They know very well.

In fact, Cao Wenzhao hated and was extremely angry about the arrangement of the imperial court. He thought that such an arrangement was very unfair. People like him who fought for half of his life and killed people, but now he is only an ordinary general soldier, not comparable to the general soldier of Liu Bu, a famous town in the world.

Moreover, in terms of territory, he is far inferior to Liu bu. Liu Bu is the chief soldier of Fengyang, the capital of China, and is also the richest core of the Ming Dynasty. With this place as a territory, it is not a matter of how much money they want to make.

What made Cao Wenzhao even more angry was that after a battle, Liu Bu\'s troops took it away like a baby and refused to let them chase and kill the rogue bandits, but they continued to put on their armor and chase and kill the rogue bandits. The court was so unfair and treated each other favorably, which made him angry. Even Cao Wenzhao, who has always been famous for his loyalty, thought so, Not to mention his soldiers.

If it weren\'t for Cao Wenzhao\'s all-out pressure, it is estimated that his men would have mutinied. Who doesn\'t want to live here or stay here in Fengyang, the capital of China? Who would risk his life to pursue and kill the rogue bandits.

The Ming army is now in the upper hand in the battle with the roving bandits. They have been chasing and killing each other. The other party was beaten and fled by them. Therefore, the Ming army has always claimed that they have achieved absolute victory and upper hand. If the other party did not flee left and right, it is estimated that they would have killed and killed them long ago.

Whether the officers and soldiers or the imperial court, they have always had this idea, but the fall of Fengyang slapped them in the face, which makes these officers and soldiers understand that they are actually chasing a pack of wolves. If you are behind, you will expel them, but he can turn around and give you a fatal blow at any time.

Up to now, I don\'t know how many famous generals have been planted under the vagrants. In addition, big cities such as Fengyang, the capital of China, have fallen. So many people understand that the so-called vagrants in hiding and desperate are already in power. If they are not eliminated as soon as possible, it may endanger the survival of the imperial court.

What Cao Wenzhao admired most was that he was loyal to Yue Fei. He had to stab the words "loyal to serve the country" behind his back. Therefore, he would never do anything unfaithful or disobey the emperor\'s orders. He did not hesitate to implement the orders directly.

Cao Wenzhao, who was brave and good at fighting, led the troops and set out. Zu Kuan, another fierce general, had no choice but to follow.