National Creation: I Added An Auction Group

Chapter 429:

Chen Mang couldn\'t help feeling sorry.

He was really upset.

The nasty character of the quasi-mentioned is second.

The point is that Quan mentions that he wants to plot against his followers.

Fortunately, he found out.

Otherwise, the consequences cannot be imagined.

Even if it is, he doesn\'t care.

However, just now, the girl had clearly said that she would sacrifice the elixir to him.

He clearly knew that this was his good fortune, and Zhunti had to cut Hu directly.

Those two things alone made Chen Mang want to shock him to death.

Now, Chen Mang really doesn\'t want to make a deal with Zhun.

Because there is no benefit, Zhunti will not trade with him.

"Would you like to pull Tongtian into the skirt?"

"Let Tongtiandou be sure to mention it!"

"I wonder if creating a saint\'s corpse in the world of creation will be rewarded?"

"Or what kind of crazy rewards will you get for killing the Crusaders!?"

I have to say, Chen Mang is really daring.

I have to say that once Chen Mang becomes crazy, there is really no taboo.

Now, he wants to kill the saint.

He really wanted to know what kind of reward he would get for beheading the saint.

He has no chance to kill the saint\'s ability.

At least not now.

However, that doesn\'t mean he doesn\'t have a chance.

This requires calculation.

There is also a price to pay.

He has to take advantage.

The best thing is to borrow the power of the sky.

Auction skirts can make saints into skirts, and they can definitely pack a remnant saint.

When Can Sage came to this world, Chen Mang really didn\'t believe that the power of taboo and the Supreme Treasure of the Heavens couldn\'t kill him.

However, it is definitely not that easy to get Tongtian to take action.

First of all, let Tongtian be enough to compete with Daozu.

For this, Chen Mang had to pay a certain price.

The sage doesn\'t say breakthroughs mean breakthroughs.

Second, the time has to be very ripe.

"I hope this Zhunti is the Zhunti of the Conferred God period!"

"In this period of Tongtian, the saints may really fight each other!"

"Moreover, Tongtian in this period is absolutely incomparably aggrieved!"

"Sanqing is separated..."

Chen Mang couldn\'t help but think to himself.

Right now, he has the urge to be behind the scenes.

"Not urgent!"

"First of all, first determine which world and period the current Zhunti is a saint from!"

"Secondly, there is a treasure that makes Tongtian\'s heart move, which can improve his treasure!"


Chen Mang thought to himself.

In fact, it is not difficult for Chen Mang to improve Tongtian\'s strength.

Just need to gain Tongtian\'s trust and let him temporarily hand over the Immortal Execution Sword Array to him.

The Immortal Execution Sword Formation was in Chen Mang\'s hands, and it was estimated that it could raise a level in this world.

At that time, Chen Mang will not only get the benefits, but he can also go back and let Tongtian kill the Quartet!

"It\'s not feasible!"

"Why do you suddenly want to kill the saint..."

"However, an invitation to get a chance to kill a saint is definitely worth it!"

Chen Mang murmured softly.

There is no way.

If he wants to open up all the worlds, he can only count everything.

At present, there are only so many top-level creations in the world.

Zhunti is too ignorant, and always wants to cut off his good fortune.

Chen Mang really wanted to kick him out of his skirt.

But now I don\'t have that ability.

Just rely on calculations.

However, I don\'t want to waste a spot in vain.

Only maximize profits.

As Zhunti himself said, he is already detached, so why care about those ants.

Now Chen Mang, in order to be detached, can only treat Zhunti as an ant who doesn\'t care.

"Take it easy……"

"Once this plan is implemented, it must be planned!"

Finally, Chen Mang calmed himself down.

"Although the friends of merit and virtue are terrible!"

"But since I\'ve already entered the skirt, it\'s my chance. Fortune can\'t give in like this!"

"Conferred God is imminent, luck is in my west!"

"It is advisable to plan!"

Zhun mentioned that Chen Mang ignored him.

Also calmed down. pill.

Chapter 421

"Is this Vulcan tree still taken?"

After leaving the Vulcan Tree, the girl asked the girl with heavy pupils.

"Two little ancestors, don\'t mess around..."

The little tower was so frightened that he quickly stopped: "We have enough good fortune... This place can\'t be moved!"

"Don\'t take it first!"

The heavy-eyed girl shook her head.


In the distance, the Fire Emperor finally breathed a sigh of relief.

They really want to take it by force, and there is really no one who can stop them in this lower realm.

"Where\'s Suzaku?"

The girl asked the Fire Emperor with a smile.

"Two little ancestors...that\'s the sacrificial spirit of our country of fire..."

The Fire Emperor smiled bitterly.

"Land of Fire?"

"Hehe, there will be no wars in the world in the future. What do you want to sacrifice to the spirit?"

The girl smiled lightly.

"Before we set foot on the upper realm, the lower realm must be unified, all believe in my god, and those who violate it will die!"

Girls with heavy pupils are more direct and domineering.

"All right!"

"However, can you bring my daughter..."

Taking a deep breath, the Fire Emperor spoke slowly.

Behind him, several girls walked out.


A little Suzaku stood on the shoulders of one of the red-haired girls, called out twice, and asked, "Are you going to take me to hang out with the Great God?"

The words were full of excitement and anticipation.

This made the Fire Emperor roll his eyes.

This little guy has just become their sacrificial spirit not long ago, and now he has abandoned them like this.

However, who in the world doesn\'t want to stay by that kind of supreme side?

If he had a chance, he would not miss it.

No, he fought for a chance for his daughter.

Many people have already found out.

In fact, the so-called sacrifice is to send the sacrifice to the supreme side through an altar.

The sacred spirits of Shengtian Sect were sacrificed to the supreme side, and they were brought back to life with pride.

"Let\'s go!"

The girl with heavy pupils nodded and agreed.

"I have seen two little ancestors..."

At this moment, the fairy and the witch appeared at the same time, saluting the girl and the girl with heavy pupils.

"You guys, do you want to be a sacrifice too?"

The girl asked with a smile.

"I do, but now is obviously not a good time..."

The nine-tailed celestial fox said with a smile, the charm is infinite.

"Two little ancestors, we want to ask a question..."

Fairy Zen took a deep breath and asked slowly.

"If you want to know the truth, go and find out for yourself!"