National Creation: I Added An Auction Group

Chapter 430:

The girl with heavy pupils saw through their minds at a glance and said lightly.

Then, with a wave of his palm, he took away several princesses of the Kingdom of Fire and Suzaku.

"More arrogant and arrogant than you... Fairy!"

Looking at the girl with heavy eyes leaving, the witch said with a smile.

"She has this qualification!"

Fairy Zen murmured softly.

Then she fell into contemplation, she always felt that something unknown must have happened when the two young supreme beings in the lower realm were dueling.

Moreover, this matter has something to do with that mysterious Supreme Being.

She instinctively felt that although the realm and cultivation of a girl with heavy pupils had not broken through, it had become even more terrifying.

At least it\'s almost the same level as the invincible girl.


The heavy-eyed girl ignored this.

He and the girl returned to Shengtianzong for the first time.

Today\'s lower realm already has many statues of Chen Mang, big and small.

However, the deity here is Chen Mang\'s first deity.

Here, there is an altar built by Chen Mang himself.

Grand festivals are usually held here.

Today\'s Shengtianzong has completely gone out.

The forces that are willing to believe in Chen Mang will get their support, and those forces are also willing to accept the instructions of the Holy Heaven Sect.

The elders of Shengtian Sect also built altars under the statues for these forces.

Build the altar in the shape of the general altar.

you can say it this way.

Chen Mang now receives offerings almost every day.

These sacrifices were directly sent to the first heaven and earth by the godhead.

It\'s just that Chen Mang was too lazy to pay attention.

Moreover, he gave an instruction to the Godhead.

If there are no sacrifices with super potential, don\'t waste your divine power to baptize them.

With so many sacrifices every day, if Chen Mang was before, he would be ecstatic.

But now he basically ignores it.

Because the sacrifices are too low-grade, they have absolutely no effect on him.

Of course, he is also brewing a plan.

These creatures or objects that were sacrificed were kept for the time being.

In the future, after gathering tens of thousands, 100,000, or millions of species, Chen Mang will sacrifice it all at once.

He wants to see what kind of rewards the creation of the world will give him, creating millions of species in an instant...

"Has the girl finally sacrificed?"

I felt the baptism of madness at the altar.

Chen Mang smiled.

Then he entered the Godhead world for the first time.


The first thing that caught my eye was a seedling.

Golden seedlings!

Exudes an extremely pure and terrifying vitality.

That vitality is actually golden.

There are endless rules of life intertwined.

"Golden life!"

"The rules of life!"

"Is this the tree of life?"

Chen Mang was shocked, then ecstatic.

The secret pattern of life, the law of life, has always been what he has been looking forward to for a long time.

Now, it\'s finally here.


With the baptism of heaven and earth, the tree of life seedlings began to grow, spraying terrifying golden life.


Seeing the little flamingo that was releasing its incomparably flaming vitality, Chen Mang said with a smile.

The little girl and the girl with heavy pupils are very powerful this time!

"Well, Xiaota, this time I will give you the merits of heaven!"

Through the channel of belief of the little girl and Chongtong, Chen Mang instantly understood the whole story.

"Ancestral spirits!"

"There is an ancestral spirit!"

"That world has such good fortune!"

"Next time I show up, I will definitely take it!!"

Got the breath that belongs to the ancestors.

Chen Mang\'s heart suddenly became extremely fiery.

Ancestral spirit, for him now, is definitely a creation against the sky.

If nothing else, the fact that it can continuously create spiritual energy is really unbelievable.

In the end, Chen Mang\'s eyes fell on several girls, and he was slightly stunned.

"Princess of the land of fire?"

"Huo Ling\'er!?"

"The girl actually sacrificed all these princesses..."

Chen Mang was suddenly dumbfounded.

These are all humans.

However, it seems that their potential is definitely quite good.

Otherwise, they would not be eligible for baptism at the altar.

Potential is judged by the godhead itself.



Soon, Huo Linger and Suzaku began to break through frantically.

This is also the reason why Chen Mang gave orders to Godhead.

Because baptism is horrible.

And the degree of baptism is also related to his realm.

If ordinary creatures were also baptized, how much divine power would be abolished by the godhead. .

Chapter 422

"Ling\'er pays respect to my god..."

"Meet my God!"

After the breakthrough stopped, the princess of the land of fire, headed by Linger, hurriedly saluted respectfully.

Extremely excited.

Sure enough, as their father and emperor guessed, coming to the supreme side will definitely get the supreme fortune.

Now, it has really been fulfilled.

Not only have they made breakthroughs, but their potential has been fully developed.

"Get up..."

Chen Mang said calmly: "Come here, just live in this world and live a good life..."

Soon, it will be at war with the abyss army.

At that time, let them also make soy sauce.


Suzaku also completed the baptism and turned into a flaming flamingo, flying in the air like a fiery red color training.

"I have seen my god, my god, you are really too mighty, too domineering, too powerful, you are truly the supreme..."

The little Suzaku landed beside Chen Mang, chatting and flattering the whole.

Chen Mang just smiled.

This little Suzaku originally had 18 broken mouths.

In the battle of tongue and gun, it is estimated that there are really few people who can fight it.


Chen Mang came to the side of the elixir of life.

At this moment, the fairy medicine has risen a lot.

The vitality that exudes is extremely terrifying.

Anyone who stayed by Chen Mang\'s side could sense the infinite vitality.

The body is faintly about to recover.

"This is definitely a supreme treasure..."

"Whether it\'s a girl or a girl with heavy eyes, they will keep it in their caves or in their bodies, and they will get a steady stream of vitality and constant baptism!"

"Although they want to cultivate the elixir of life, they need endless years and resources."

"But it\'s totally worth it!"

"However, they still sacrificed to me."

Chen Mang couldn\'t help but murmured, "What should I give them?"

"God power!"

"Plus the first open sky catalog!"

Chen Mang finally made a decision.

Divine power can continue to baptize them and improve their physique.

The first picture of the opening of the sky, if they can understand one or two, they can definitely display the most terrifying combat skills.
