National Creation: I Added An Auction Group

Chapter 428:

"Not to mention the girl, any member of the skirt, as long as they are willing to believe me, even if they offer a mortal thing, I am willing to accept their wishes..."

Chen Mang said lightly.

"Friend Daoist has been detached, why do you care so much about the mind of the ants?"

Really puzzled.

Friends of merit and virtue, absolutely sanctified

Even above the saints.

There are ants under the saints!

However, he felt that Chen Mang really cared about these skirt members.

It seems that Chen Mang has feelings that belong to ants.


"Who is not an ant? Are you not an ant? You and I are both ants!"

Chen Mang smiled lightly and replied to Zhun.

"What do you mean, fellow Daoist?"

Zhun mention was taken aback, and then asked.

Saints are ants?

The tone is arrogant! ?


"Who are you out of? What are you out of?"

Chen Mang asked calmly.

In a word, Zhun Ti fell into silence.

"Dao, who created it!"

"Fa, why did you come?"

"Pangu opened the sky, why did Chaos come into being? Where did Chaos come from?"

Seeing that Zhunti was silent, Chen Mang directly asked three times.

Zhunti was even more stunned.

Dao and Dharma were first comprehended by themselves. Later, when Dao ancestors opened an altar to preach the Dao, they obtained the way of proving the Dao.

Finally sanctified.

However, where did the original Dao and Fa come from?

If the world was born by itself.

Then this world Dao and Fa should be the birth of a chaotic world.

However, how did the chaotic world come into being?

Who created chaos?

Chaos relies on... Heaven and Earth?

What a world! ?

Where did the original Dao and Dharma come from?

These problems instantly made Zhunti fall.

Because this question was raised by Chen Mang.

One may be raised by beings above the saints.

So, Zhunti felt like he had caught something.


Zhunti felt his Yuanshen tremble violently, and he woke up instantly, and found that some holy blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

"Fellow Daoist, you are plotting against me!!?"

Zundi asked in astonishment.

These problems, he found, were terrifying.

Put him in a terrifying cycle of death.


Chen Mang said lightly.

These questions, if you think about them normally, are definitely nothing.

However, if you want to use Taoism to think and deduce, you will definitely be hit.

Because, this question is some of the questions he summed up after he realized that the unknown immortal soul almost burst.

That\'s from the unknown.

true unknown!

Especially the first and second questions.

Under never-ending, this is an unsolved problem, a problem of eternal ignorance. .

Chapter 420

"It\'s fortunate that you reminded quickly, otherwise it will really get deeper and deeper!"

"Sure enough, the saint is just a realm, just a station in the endless!"

Chen Mang shook his head.

He believed that Zhun Ti was absolutely shocked this time.

"Is this... is it taking advantage of dimensionality reduction to strike?-"

Chen Mang couldn\'t help but think to himself.

He dared to ask these questions.

It is because the unknown cave can surpass the taboo cave.

Explain that these questions are absolutely beyond the taboo.

Even, he suspects that these problems are unknown problems in the created world.

These are scary.

Even a little scared.

Sometimes Chen Mang couldn\'t help but think to himself that when he could comprehend and solve the unknown rune, he would definitely be able to transcend the world of fortune, jump out of the world of fortune, and take charge of the world of fortune.

Although these ideas are really crazy and crazy.

However, Chen Mang\'s mind would pop up occasionally.


Tsunade murmured softly.

Inwardly, she was extremely horrified.

"What kind of realm is the meritorious fellow?"

"Is this the question of his enlightenment?"

"Or has he figured it out?"

"Why is his tone so contemptuous?"

"Is it because I can\'t even comprehend these questions?"

Zhunti was really stunned.

He was calmed down by several questions thrown by Chen Mang.

Chen Mang\'s heels, he couldn\'t deduce at all.

However, Chen Mang was very clear about him, the world he was in, and even the Taoist ancestors.

Now, Chen Mang threw a few questions and almost messed up his soul.

This is really terrifying.


Zundi couldn\'t help shaking his head.

Daozu, Sanqing, and senior brothers are all better than him, how can he be detached?

"Fellow Daoist, you were in a hurry just now!"

"Don\'t blame me!"

Zhunti quickly apologized.

"Ha ha……"

"Stop it!"

Chen Mang smiled coldly.

This time, he didn\'t respond.

Instead, he chose to hang him.

Now, he can basically make a decision.

As long as he doesn\'t overdo it, he can shave wool on Zhunti\'s body.

"Five realms are covered in circles!"

Chen Mang narrowed his eyes slightly.

Now that the quanti has been restrained, the next step will be easy.

After the new domain was opened, the human race joined the circle.

He went to the circle to look for some good fortune.

Those who defy the sky, have been created by good fortune.

For this world, it has been absolutely discounted.

However, for Chen Mang.

That\'s an absolute treasure.

Because, he can be used to trade with the quasi.

For example, if the alliance circle has spiritual roots.

Chen Mang found a way to get it, and then made a deal with Zhun.

He believes that Mengquan must have treasures that are not found in the prehistoric times.

Use these treasures that have been created in exchange for treasures that have not been created.

Right hand left and right.

The difference in the middle is absolutely worth more than the treasure.

Moreover, Chen Mang doesn\'t need to pay anything at all, he can earn a lot of gold leaf.

"Fuck, I\'m really a genius!"

Chen Mang couldn\'t help but laugh.

"Why quasi mention?"

"It would be even better if you put on another saint\'s skirt!"