My Wife Is Secretly Dark

Chapter 447

"Qi Dashao is very protective of Miss Xia. You should protect it well. Don\'t let me get into a loophole, or it won\'t be easy for Qi Dashao to want to go back when others come to my hand."

His words successfully changed Qi Yue and Jun Liu\'s complexion and made them angry, but without Xia Yunshu\'s order, they had to suppress their anger angrily.

They admit that Mo Zhi is not an easy role to deal with, but they are not vegetarian. Mo Zhi is so arrogant that he doesn\'t take their leader Yutian seriously. It\'s like that their leader Yutian is separated from Qi Jing\'s protection and has no resistance in front of him!

"Listen to Mr. Mo\'s words. Are you staring at me?" Xia Yunshu laughed.

When Mo Zhi looked at him, he was not affected by Mo Zhi\'s momentum at all. He smiled and said, "Mr. Mo stared at me. Is he going to use me to threaten Qi Jing? I think I can be easily manipulated by you without Qi Jing\'s protection?"

"Do I look like dodder?"

Very much!

This is the unanimous voice of everyone, including Qi Jing, Mo Zhiqi Yuejun and Liu.

Not to mention other times, at this moment, she was wearing a white T-shirt with nine points of black pants, called a pair of white board shoes, her hair was tied into two Korean braids and hung on her shoulders, and her little baby fat face was very beautiful, but because of her baby fat, she didn\'t look sharp at all. She didn\'t feel sharp, but she was also very soft and cute.

She smiled and looked innocent and innocent.

Qi Jing is nearly one meter nine. She is nearly one meter seven. Qi Jing is tall and tall. His half rolled shirt sleeve shows clear arm texture, which is very powerful at a glance; She is not low in height, but she is very thin, as if a gust of wind could blow her down.

She just snuggled up to Qi Jing. It\'s not too much to describe it as a little bird snuggling with people.

She looks like a person who depends on others to live. At least she is not like a strong party, let alone a person who can resist Mo Zhi without Qi Jing. She says she is like dodder flower, which is not against peace.

But just like this, the impact on Mo Zhi is even greater.

Xia Yunshu looked calm when she said these words. She looked like a charming little girl with a sweet and soft smile, but inexplicably gave people an unspeakable sense of awe.

It makes people feel that she is not pretending to be calm for no reason. She is really calm; She\'s not talking big. She really has such confidence.

In other words, she really has the capital to maintain her composure and confidence.

What is her capital?

This is mo Zhi\'s doubt.

At the same time, Xia Yunshu\'s eyes became more heated.

Originally, her clean and pure appearance attracted him. Now she shows such a big contrast with her appearance, which attracted him more.

No wonder Qi Jing is interested in her.

Yes, after experiencing a woman like ah Qi, the woman Qi Jing can still see is not simple.

"Mr. Mo came at me. He didn\'t check me before. He contacted me for several hours, but he still didn\'t want to check my details. He said what he was staring at me directly in front of me. At least Mr. Mo is in charge of such a large family. It\'s really surprising that he doesn\'t work so rigorously."

Qi Jing looked down at her, her eyes were light and deep, and there was a feeling that others couldn\'t understand.

Qi Yue and Jun Liu both look at Xia Yunshu unexpectedly.

She is

Mo Zhi\'s evil eyes fell on Xia Yunshu\'s face. He stared at her for a few seconds. Several scattered smiled and said, "ah, Miss Xia\'s reminder, I found that I really don\'t seem very rigorous. Then I\'ll check Miss Xia\'s details and think about how to do things. Thank you for Miss Xia\'s reminder."

His eyes turned to Qi Jing and smiled meaningfully: "Qi Da Shao, look forward to meeting next time."