My Wife Is Secretly Dark

Chapter 448

Mo Zhi turned around and Qi Jing\'s people didn\'t make way for him.

Han Qing, the leader of the team, turned his eyes to Qi Jing. When Qi Jing signaled, he waved to make way for Mo Zhi.

Mo Zhi smiled and took his people away quickly.

When they left, Han Qing also left with people. The confrontation scene soon disappeared, with only one more Qi Jing.

Qi Jing didn\'t speak, so he looked at Xia Yunshu on his side. Xia Yunshu looked up slightly and smiled at him. He didn\'t speak, and the atmosphere was a little nervous.

Anyway, Qi Yue and Jun Liu think so.

The two exchanged a look, and Qi Yue tentatively said, "brother, why are you here? Come at this time. Have you had lunch?"

JunLiu gave her a thumbs up.

It\'s a good choice. Look, as soon as she asked this, the boss\'s indifferent smile disappeared. Instead, she anxiously pulled Qi Jing and asked, "brother, have you had lunch?"

JunLiu has no eyes.

But I have to say, it\'s better than seeing Qi Jing confront the boss.

He doesn\'t care about Qi Jing\'s mood, but he cares about the boss. If Qi Jing and the boss make trouble, I\'m afraid he will be sad because the boss cares about Qi Jing.

Qi JINGDING stared at the girl and his eyes fell on the hand shaken by the girl. When his eyes turned to her again, the nervous eyes seemed to be a little restrained just now.

Instead, he held Xia Yunshu\'s hand in his palm: "didn\'t you eat, accompany me to eat?"

Xia Yunshu nodded, "OK."

He said to JunLiu, "I\'ll accompany him to dinner first. You don\'t have to wait for me for the later activities. You can arrange them by yourself." Tuojunliu and Qi Yue\'s blessing. She is the captain of the team. Since she wants to leave, she naturally wants to explain.

"The boss is busy. We\'ll arrange it here." With that, Jun Liu looked at Qi Jing and was a little worried.

I\'m afraid Xia Yunshu and Qi Jing will leave alone. But Xia Yunshu didn\'t intend to let them follow. Naturally, he and Qi Yue listened to Xia Yunshu and stayed here.

They left aunt Yang\'s yard holding hands.

About three minutes later, someone spoke.

"Qi, Qi Yue, was that... Your brother?" There were too many things that shocked her today. Sun Miao caught the one that shocked her most after she reacted.

In addition to Chu Zhan and Zhao Panpan who knew this, others looked at Qi Yue after sun Miao asked.

Obviously, they were also shocked.

I still think it\'s incredible.

"Well, it\'s my brother."

Qi Yue didn\'t hide, and there was no need to hide. Mo Zhigang shouted "Qi Dashao" more than once. Xia Yunshu directly mentioned the name "Qi Jing", and Qi Yue also shouted brother.

In fact, everyone should have the answer in mind. It\'s just because it\'s too incredible that they want to verify it again.

Although there was an answer in his heart, Qi Yue\'s answer still made them very uneasy.

For a long time, sun Miao said with emotion, "I know Yunshu has a boyfriend. Unexpectedly, her boyfriend is... Your brother."

She wanted to say that she didn\'t expect that it was the famous big and young girl of the Qi family who was accepted by her.

Qi Yue smiled.

Don\'t say they were shocked. When she just learned that sister Shu\'s boyfriend was her brother, she didn\'t calm down much.

At this time, Zhao Panpan slightly unscrewed his eyebrows and looked at Qi Yue and asked, "classmate Qi Yue, that Mr. Mo just now..." and Xia Yunshu, she was not nervous about the tit for tat scene. She also said such words to Mo Zhi. She seemed not afraid of Mo Zhi at all.

Y country Mo family, she heard a little.