My Wife Is Secretly Dark

Chapter 446

Qi Jing naturally knows that Mo Zhi misunderstood his relationship with others, but he doesn\'t care and doesn\'t intend to explain. What he cares about is Xia Yunshu\'s view. Xia Yunshu believes in him. It doesn\'t matter to him what others think.

"I dare to speak frankly in front of me. I admire the courage of master Mo, but I hope this is the first and last time. Give master Mo an hour to go or stay. Master Mo chooses by himself."

The implication is that there is only one hour. After one hour, Mo Zhi hasn\'t left, so don\'t leave.

Of course, Mo Zhi dares to make Xia Yunshu\'s idea. Qi Jing doesn\'t intend to let him go. There is only one hour. Even if he starts from here, he can\'t go back to Yucheng City. An hour later, Qi Jing will send someone to chase him. Whether he can get away smoothly depends on Mo Zhi\'s ability.

"An hour?" Mo Zhi was surprised by Qi Jing\'s generosity.

"When did Qi Dashao become so kind? According to Qi Dashao\'s past work style of never being kind to the enemy, shouldn\'t he detain me on the spot? It\'s incredible that he is willing to give me an hour of \'escape\'."

"Mercy?" Qi Jing\'s tone was always calm, but his momentum did not decrease at all.

Gently holding Xia Yunshu, and then holding her hand around her waist, he raised it and rubbed her head. Looking at her, his eyes were as gentle as water: "I\'m willing to give you an hour, but my people are still young and can\'t see too bloody scenes."

Light eyes swept over: "master Mo doesn\'t want to go?"

His eyes were sharp and his killing intention was obvious: "if master Mo doesn\'t want to go, I don\'t mind you staying as a guest."

As soon as the voice fell, a group of people surrounded Mo Zhi in the middle. They are all big and full of evil spirits. They are all practicing family at a glance.

Mo Zhi glanced at the crowd surrounding him, his face remained unchanged, and his smile was warm and evil, with publicity.

"It seems that Qi Dashao is well prepared."

After speaking, five or six people surrounded.

This is mo Zhi\'s man.

In terms of number, Qi Jing brought three times as many people as Mo Zhi, and no one was weaker than anyone in momentum.

If you dare to go up to Qijing in the boundary of Qijing, or if your number is at a disadvantage, you can keep your momentum and be as indifferent as before. Don\'t hold it. Many people who saw this scene in the yard admired him, including Qi Yue and JunLiu.

Qi Yue and Jun Liu asked themselves that they didn\'t have this courage.

In the past, their understanding of Mo Zhi was really not enough.

The two groups of people seem to be barehanded. In fact, if you look closely, you will find that their hands are in their arms, covered by their black suits.

Seeing this, Zhao Panpan and sun Miao were too nervous to go out.

I was frightened, but I didn\'t dare to act rashly. I was afraid that a move would make them notice themselves.

Yang Jin was shocked to see so many evil people. The children didn\'t know so much. They couldn\'t judge the situation and take the initiative to reduce their sense of existence like Zhao Panpan, sun Miao and others. They had to shout out in surprise. Fortunately, Chu Zhan was calm, covered his mouth quickly, winked at Aunt Yang nearby and asked her to keep quiet.

Aunt Yang is an ordinary farmer and a widow. Although she lives as an orphan and widowed mother, she is not timid, but she is not big.

At least in the face of this scene, she can\'t calm down.

Scared to tears.

He did not dare to cry, but trembled and wept silently, moving behind Chu Zhan.

But none of their reactions affected the people who were facing off.

Mo Zhi\'s eyes swept to Xia Yunshu and smiled a little strangely.