My Wife Is Secretly Dark

Chapter 445

Qi Jing\'s words successfully changed Mo Zhi\'s face. The original cynical and careless smile converged slightly, and the strange and evil breath suddenly appeared.

Three months ago, he came to Yucheng to work, not for Qi Jing, but Qi Jing stepped in and let him suffer a great loss, almost losing his life!

A small loss of life is a big loss of face!

He suffered such a big loss in Qi Jing\'s hand, which is worse than losing his life. He has always remembered this account. However, Qi Jing has lived in Yucheng since then. He can\'t find a chance to settle this account!

Knowing that there was a woman around Qi Jing, he wanted to find a chance to see it in person. He had other things to do, so he delayed.

Until he learned that Jiang Huai came to Yucheng and suffered a great loss in Yucheng. Qi Jing was not the one who let Jiang Huai suffer a great loss, so he could no longer sit still.

Yucheng seems more interesting than he thought. I\'m sorry if I don\'t come to see it in person. So he hurried to finish what he had in hand and rushed over.

Unfortunately, I didn\'t find out who shot Jiang Huai.

It was found that Qi Jing\'s little girlfriend was participating in an outing organized by the school and was not around Qi Jing.

It is said that Qi Jing is the one who puts Qi Jing on the tip of his heart. That is Qi Jing\'s weakness. How could he miss such a good contact opportunity.

Originally, he intended to directly abduct people. With chips, he settled with Qi Jing. Unexpectedly, Xia Yunshu accidentally came into his eyes. He suddenly changed his mind.

Intend to contact slowly.

Unfortunately, Xia Yunshu recognized him and disrupted his plan.

Recognizing him, he also pointed out his identity in public, which made him unable to start. He also attracted Qi Jing.

Qi Jing wants to come, he naturally wants to. Running away is not his style.

He and Qi Jing still have an account to settle!

No, not one, many!

Qi Jing did a lot of bad things to him!

"After all these years, Qi Dashao\'s temper hasn\'t changed at all."

They haven\'t seen each other for five years. Last time Mo Zhi came to Yucheng, even if he suffered a dark loss under Qi Jing\'s hand, he didn\'t meet Qi Jing directly.

"Still so unpleasant."

Qi Jing\'s eyes were cold and sharp, and he was obviously impatient. There was a lot of Mo\'s insistence that he would do it directly if he talked nonsense.

Xia Yunshu and Mo Zhi can see it.

They all know Qi Jing, and Xia Yunshu\'s understanding of Qi Jing is not recent, but past.

Trouble that can be solved by hand will never be nonsense.

This way of doing things is very similar to Xia Yunshu.

"It\'s not teaching, but I heard that Qi Dashao has made a girlfriend. I\'m curious about what kind of woman can get into the eyes of Qi Dashao. Come and have a look. I didn\'t expect that Qi Dashao likes this one. It\'s really surprising."

Mo Zhi\'s eyes swept over Qi Jing and fell on Xia Yunshu. He smiled evil and mocked: "it\'s only the past five years. Qi Da Shao has forgotten his old love so quickly and has a new love. It\'s really cold for the old people."

His words puzzled Qi Jing for a while, and then slightly frowned: "old love?"

Why doesn\'t he know where his old love came from?

I was too lazy to take care of it. I was busy looking at the girl I was holding. I nervously explained, "I don\'t have any old love. It\'s only you from beginning to end."

Xia Yunshu: "

Looking up at him, Xia Yunshu smiled helplessly: "I know."

"Don\'t worry, brother. I won\'t believe his provocation."

She probably knows who Mo Zhi\'s "old love" refers to. That\'s right. She doesn\'t have this relationship with Qi Jing.

Qi JINGDING stared at her and tried to see a trace of coaxing him on her face, but there was no sign. He was relieved.

The lip angle is slightly hooked, and the mood is excellent: "HMM."

Qi Jing\'s response was unexpected to Mo Zhi, and Xia Yunshu\'s response was unexpected to Mo Zhi.

The eyes were slightly heavy, and the crafty breath filled the whole body.

"Qi Da Shao really coaxed the little girl. She\'s the only one from beginning to end? What a good one. She\'s the only one from beginning to end!"

Her eyes fell on Xia Yunshu. The girl\'s smile was as simple and pure as flowers. Her eyes looking at Qi Jing were spoiled by her simplicity.

The eye color was a little deep.

This Xia Yunshu

The end is not Qi Jing\'s affiliated identity, but equality with Qi Jing, and even put himself in the ranks of Qi Jing protectors?

Her admiration for Qi Jing was not strong admiration, but indulgence.

This is the posture of the strong.

Xia Yunshu is only an 18-year-old girl, or an 18-year-old girl abandoned by the family. Where is her capital to take the strong posture?

The key is that she still holds the strong posture in front of Qi Jing.

Qi Jing couldn\'t see her attitude towards Qi Jing, but he didn\'t seem to be surprised. Who is Qi Jing? Even he is afraid of three points.

But willing to be treated as a strong man by an 18-year-old girl?

It seems that we have to check this Xia family lady carefully.