My Wife Is Secretly Dark

Chapter 444

Their looks are undoubtedly top-notch, and their charm is also very human, but their temperament is still different. Qijing is cold and indifferent, cold and noble; Mo Zhi is crafty and evil, cold and unpredictable.

Qi Jing at this time is naturally different from the Qi Jing she saw before. His aura has completely changed. Before, he was just noble and cold, but now he is cold and indifferent.

His usual breath is very good, which is very similar to her.

But when it comes to hiding, she and he don\'t seem to have any. The side they show is different from that when they died in the city, but they are really what they are.

It can only be said that they have different faces to different people.

They stood there, their eyes met, and without saying anything, they could feel the turbulent atmosphere of the dark tide between them.

Once upon a time, she also saw such a confrontation between the two, more than once.

I don\'t know whether they were too angry or something else. Although they were shocked, no one in the yard made a sound and looked at the door of the yard.

Almost no one in Yucheng has heard of Qi Jing\'s name, but few people have really seen him, so there are more than ten people in the yard, including Aunt Li\'s mother and son, but less than half of them recognize Qi Jing.

Will be deterred, simply because their aura is too strong.

Xu is Xia Yunshu\'s eyes are too strong, and the confrontation looks at her at the same time.

Xia Yunshu, who was sitting in the chair, was slightly stiff and belonged to ah Qi. When she saw them, she couldn\'t help revealing a little, but she stopped it at the moment when they looked at them.

With a smile, he stood up and looked at Qi Jing and shouted happily, "brother!"

When his eyes touched her, Qi Jing\'s aura had stopped, and his eyes softened.

Don\'t worry, just walk towards her.

Hold her shoulder with both hands and look up and down: "are you okay?"

Xia Yunshu shook her head: "it\'s all right."

He looked over at Mo Zhi, who was still standing at the door, as if in surprise.

Seeing her look at the past, Mo Zhi also raised his eyes to her. Danfeng\'s eyes and eyes were slightly picked, which was more evil.

Walk towards them.

Qi Jing saw Xia Yunshu looking at Mo Zhi, slightly unscrewed his eyebrows, took her waist with one hand and turned to Mo Zhi with her.

"I don\'t know what advice you can give me when I come to Yucheng."

Seeing that Qi Jing was so vigilant, Qi Jing and Jun Liu, who were still sitting, also stood up, walked forward without trace and stood on the side of Xia Yunshu.

"Don\'t be so nervous, Mr. Qi. I just came to travel and investigate, but I didn\'t have any bad ideas. You and I are also old acquaintances. Even if old acquaintances meet without booing and asking for warmth, I\'ll be very sad if I\'m still so cold eyed as a thief."

Mo Zhi was originally a gentle gentleman with a crafty and evil temperament. At this time, he completely changed and fooled around, but it won\'t make people think he can\'t get on the table.

Despite his foolishness, his momentum of belonging to the superior was not reduced at all.

Such a person has no reason to give birth to an unspeakable strange feeling. He is inexplicably nervous and vigilant. Qi Yue and Jun Liu are like this at this time.

How to put it?

That\'s it. Mo Zhi looks like a madman.

Madmen have no rules, especially powerful madmen.

How can they not be vigilant?

In contrast, Xia Yunshu and Qi Jing calmed down a lot, as if they had not been affected by Mo Zhi\'s sudden change of painting style.

"I don\'t like nonsense." Qi Jing said.

His tone was plain, but he was full of awe: "if master Mo doesn\'t want the incident three months ago to happen again, he can continue to act crazy."