My Wife Is Secretly Dark

Chapter 443

As for Yang Jin\'s children, on the way down the mountain, Qi Yue had already comforted him and told him not to tell others about the mountain. Yang Jin\'s children were already Qi Yue\'s fans. Naturally, she said what she said and promised very happily.

Several people went to Aunt Yang\'s house to cook. Mo Zhi still followed. No matter how Qi Yue and JunLiu mocked, he seemed not to hear it.

A dead pig is not afraid of boiling water.

Qi Yue and Jun Liu were too lazy to talk about him. Towards noon, everyone was a little hungry.

work in cooperation with a due division of labour.

Chu Zhan took Wang Xu to buy meat and some farm vegetables. Qi Yue took sun Miao, Jiang Xiangming and Zhao hai to catch fish by the stream. Xia Yunshu proposed.

Xia Yunshu and Zhao Panpan stayed at Aunt Yang\'s house to cook.

It\'s mainly done by Jun Liu and others.

Mo Zhi sat in the yard and basked in the sun.

Xia Yunshu asks Qi Yue to take people to catch fish. Sun Miao and others know that she took them to the stream to see if there were any fish.

At the beginning, we didn\'t believe that we could catch fish by the stream with just two pots. The key was Qi Yue leading the team until there were more than ten fish with an average of one or two kilograms in the basin. They couldn\'t believe it.

It was all caught by Qi Yue. He just dragged his slippers into the water with his trouser legs and caught it with both hands!

Until he came back with two pots of fish, sun Miao didn\'t fully recover from Qi Yue\'s shock that he could catch fish with his bare hands.

Before that, I said that Miss Qi Yue would catch fish in the water. Who believed it?

She doesn\'t believe it anyway.

Jiang Xiangming and Zhao Hai, who went with him, were no more calm than sun Miao.

This outing, Qi Yue and Jun Liu subverted their cognition.

"Sister, you really caught a fish!" As soon as Yang Jin saw them carrying the fish into the yard, he ran over happily.

"I really caught it." As calm as Chu Zhan, he couldn\'t stop sighing.

At first, like others, he was hopeless about it.

"Just take two pots without other tools. How did you catch them?" Wang Xu walked over and looked at the fish in the basin. He couldn\'t help asking.

"It\'s Qi Yue. She caught it by hand." Sun Miao replied excitedly.

By the stream, she was too excited and exclaimed a few times. She was not so afraid of Qi Yue. She called Qi Yue\'s name directly.

Others looked at Qi Yue in surprise.

It\'s a little incredible.

Only Mo Zhi was the most calm. Except for glancing at the fish in the basin at the beginning, he didn\'t give another superfluous look.

It seems that this is a common thing for him.

"What are you doing there? Are the fish coming? Deal with them first when they come. I\'ll make these dishes, make steamed fish and cook fish soup, and then I can eat." Jun Liu came out of the kitchen to urge.

With a kitchen knife in his hand.

No one expected that JunLiu could cook. It seems that he did a good job.

When Xia Yunshu first asked Qi Yue to catch fish and let Jun Liu cook, everyone felt unreliable. Slowly, the truth came out.

Chu Zhan and Wang Xu went to buy meat and vegetables and came back. When they saw Jun Liu\'s smooth knife work, they were full of admiration.

Although they don\'t stick to the spring water, they can\'t cook. The cooked food is only edible at most.

It\'s not like JunLiu, who can do it in color, smell and taste.

School bully and big sister refresh their cognition again.

What shocked them even more was that Xia Yunshu seemed to have known for a long time, and Xia Yunshu could make the two people work.

Other people called Jun Liu to cook and Qi Yue to catch fish. They couldn\'t think of the scene.

I admire Xia Yunshu very much.

Xia Yunshu didn\'t care about their psychology at this time. She was a little hungry. She just waited for JunLiu to make lunch and have a good meal.

It\'s worth saying that Mo Zhi didn\'t eat with them.

During lunch time, he went to the nearby farmhouse for fun.

As soon as they had a good meal, Mo Zhi came back.

As soon as he arrived at the front foot, Qi Jing arrived at the back foot.

The two met outside the Yang family yard.

The dark tide surged.

At that time, a group of people had just had a good meal and were sitting in the Yang family yard chatting.

Suddenly, I saw two people with the same bearing and appearance appear at the door. It was as if they were going to do it in the next second, which surprised many people.

Xia Yunshu looked at the two people facing each other outside the door, in a trance.