My Wife Is Secretly Dark

Chapter 431

She sent him a message just to remind him that Mo Zhi was near Yucheng and probably came for him to prepare early.

Knowing that after reminding him, he will come, and she still wants to remind him.

If Mo Zhi is just Mo Zhi, she won\'t pay so much attention, but Mo Zhi is the person she knows, which is another matter.

OK, three hours. Don\'t be angry. And be careful yourself

Well, don\'t worry

Xia Yunshu thought it was over. Unexpectedly, Qi Jing also sent a message: [Shu Shu, love you.]

Xia Yunshu\'s heart trembled.

Obviously, he said he loved her face to face. How could her heart still tremble so badly when he saw these words?

She saw what he wanted to express in the words he sent.

He is telling her that he loves her and she should protect herself. If something happens to her, he will go crazy and don\'t know what he will do.

She didn\'t know how she saw it. She saw it anyway.

Tap your finger on your mobile phone and send a few words: [I love you too.]

I just love Qi Jing. It has nothing to do with others.

Even if Qi Jing is an old friend as she thinks, she is not a lover.

Between the two, friendship is different, and the weight is also different.

So here, Qi Jing\'s weight is not only an old friend, but also a lover. Mo Zhi is just an old friend. She has a clear distinction between the light and the heavy.

He also sent a message to JunLiu and Qi Yue to remind them not to hold here.

They haven\'t seen Mo Zhi, but they\'ve heard of Mo Zhi\'s name. In order to avoid that they can\'t show up later, she reminds them to be mentally prepared.

In the final analysis, it is because Mo Zhi is not just Mo Zhi. In front of this person, even she has to be very vigilant and have to let JunLiu and Qi Yue be cautious.

You know, they still have the identity of domain member.

Yu Tian and Mo\'s family don\'t deal with each other. If Mo Zhi sees something, even if Mo Zhi doesn\'t recognize her as an "old friend", it will be very troublesome.

Xia Yunshu is sending a message. Sun Miao and Wang Xu silently follow her and walk on the left, away from Mo Zhi on the right.

They don\'t know why. It\'s clear that Mo is an eye-catching and gentle gentleman. They just don\'t dare to approach him inexplicably.

Mo Zhi didn\'t care about them. His eyes always fell on Xia Yunshu.

Have been chatting and sending messages?


That\'s what happens to little girls who don\'t know the world?

Just like her, walking on the road and playing with her mobile phone makes people worry about whether she will suddenly trip over.

Even he couldn\'t help but have this idea. No wonder she could enter Qi Jing\'s eyes.

In other words, he was willing to owe Meng feiran a favor and leave a business card for the other party. It seems that the other party\'s breath was clean and rarely came into his eyes. Otherwise, with his consistent temper, he wouldn\'t leave her a business card.

Even without Meng feiran\'s help, he would have been fine.

The so-called debt of gratitude is just what he is willing to give.

Now it seems that Xia Yunshu\'s temperament is a little cleaner than Meng feiran, and she joins his eyes.

Qi Jing\'s people?

It\'s a little troublesome. He and Qi Jing have not violated the river for many years. Getting into trouble with Qi Jing is like getting into a mad dog. It\'s very troublesome.

Originally just curious, I learned that the school organized an outing here to see who actually entered Qi Jing\'s eyes, but aroused my interest.

Although it\'s a little troublesome to get into Qi Jing\'s trouble, he can\'t come back empty handed, can he?