My Wife Is Secretly Dark

Chapter 432

On the way back, Zhao Panpan\'s vision always turned to Qi Yue walking in front from time to time.

She had thought that because of Qi Yue\'s temper and character, she had to rely on her to rent the kitchen. Unexpectedly, she didn\'t intervene much along the way. Qi Yue did it all alone.

This is a tourist village. There are more than ten guest houses in the village. It can be seen that the village is not small, with nearly 200 families.

Qi Yue didn\'t run to a certain family at the beginning. She inquired all the way and asked if there were any families with simple family population and easy to get along with. All the questions were from the villagers in the village. The villagers were very enthusiastic. Qi Yue had a very friendly attitude and soon got the answer she wanted.

To Zhao Panpan\'s surprise, it was precisely Qi Yue\'s friendly attitude when asking the villagers. She not only had a friendly attitude, but also smiled and spoke well. She looked very pleasant.

It\'s eighteen thousand miles away from Qi Yue in her cognition.

Fortunately, she had a good heart and was not surprised. At first glance, her surprise was hidden in her heart.

Qi Yue asked three families. One family was a middle-aged couple. There was an old man in bed. They had two children and went out to work; One family has an old couple at home. Their son and daughter-in-law have gone out to work. The two old people have three grandchildren at home. The oldest grandchildren are only ten years old and the youngest is five years old; The third family was a widow with a son, who was nine years old.

Finally, Qi Yue chose the third family.

The widow brought her son to the family.

Zhao Panpan, who came to do this with Qi Yue, naturally asked Qi Yue why he chose this family.

Qi Yue said that the first old man was ill in bed. If they went to borrow the kitchen, it would disturb the old man\'s rest; The second family has too many children, too noisy, and is afraid of many people. At that time, children run around, and the three children are not easy to pay attention to, so they choose the third family.

After hearing her words, Zhao Panpan changed Qi Yue greatly.

To be fair, even she couldn\'t consider such detail.

Anyway, it\'s just to rent a kitchen and find one with good hygiene.

They went to the widow\'s house. The nine year old son came to open the door. Qi Yue had no arrogance towards children. He spoke softly and looked like a big sister who liked children very much.

After chatting with the child, he told him his intention and asked him to ask his parents.

The villagers were enthusiastic and specially inquired about people who were easy to get along with. In a few words, the kitchen was rented, and the other party said it didn\'t want money.

Qi Yue said that this was the requirement of the school. Finally, she couldn\'t get rid of it. The other party received 20 yuan. Qi Yue said she didn\'t want to go. Seeing that Qi Yue really insisted, the other party agreed to her initial proposal. They had lunch and dinner with them and provided rice.

They offered to provide rice.

It was a complete surprise.

Renting the kitchen, the oil, salt and various condiments in the kitchen must also be included. Paying is actually more like a way for the villagers to entertain their guests warmly, but anyway, their money is not enough to buy staple food. The mother and son provided rice, which helped them a lot.

Along the way, Zhao Panpan not only changed but also admired Qi Yue.

People are enthusiastic about farming, but they are not enthusiastic about everyone.

Knowing that they were going up the mountain, the hostess of the family asked her nine year old son to follow them and guide them.

Not only she and Qi Yue, but also a little boy with a basket. If someone else, even if the other party will rent the kitchen, he will not generously send his son to lead them.