My Wife Is Secretly Dark

Chapter 430

She can\'t find the slightest information about her past life city. If the person in front of her is really an old friend, maybe she can contact more and have clues.

Another point is that she knows that the other party is likely to be an old friend, but the other party obviously doesn\'t know that she is an "old friend". Even if there are projects worth investigating in this village, he doesn\'t have to come in person.

Obviously, he came for her this time.

Or, it\'s for Qi Jing\'s girlfriend.

In that case, she might as well keep people under her nose instead of always being wary.

This is not an ordinary person. Even she has to be very vigilant in front of him.

How can it be simple for people to climb step by step from the bottom to the governing side in the city of death?

"Of course."

He gently smiled and asked, "I don\'t know what to call my little classmate?"

"My name is Xia Yunshu. Just call me classmate Xia. What do you call Mr. Xia?"

"My last name is mo, and I have a single name."

Mo Zhi?!

Rao is Xia Yunshu, who is a little uncertain at this time.

Mo Zhi? Are you kidding?

She has been fighting with the Mo family for five years since she founded Yutian. I don\'t know how many times she has fought with the Mo family. It\'s not far away. Recently, she has found a big trouble for the Mo family.

She thought she could trap Mo for a period of time. Unexpectedly, he had free time to come here in just a few days.

However, if Mo Zhi is the person she knows, he does have such ability.

In fact, after fighting with Mo family for so many years, Yu Tian has never seen Mo Zhi\'s true face. This is not a strange thing. Before she came to Jinyuan, she didn\'t know what Qi Jing looked like. She only heard of Qi Jing. She roughly knew some of Qi Jing\'s deeds and knew that he was a frightening person, that\'s all.

It\'s similar to Mo Zhi.

If she saw Mo Zhi with her own eyes, she would never underestimate the enemy!

In recent years, Mo Zhi should not have tried his best to target Yu Tian, otherwise she could not have been aware of Mo Zhi\'s real ability.

Mo Zhi, ah mo.

Before I saw anyone, who could have thought that such two people would be connected? Especially in her cognition, the city of death does not exist in this world.

That\'s the purgatory of her soul for ten years!

It\'s real!

However, Xia Yunshu is Xia Yunshu after all, and her mind is not the same. Even if her heart is already stormy, she doesn\'t show a penny on her face.

"It\'s Mr. mo."

"If Mr. Mo doesn\'t mind, let\'s go with us."

Then he took his mobile phone out of his pocket and brushed it with his head down, completely like an Internet addicted girl.

"That\'s trouble." Mo Zhi glanced at her mobile phone. She held it in her hands. I don\'t know whether it was intentional or unintentional. From his point of view, it was just backlit and couldn\'t see anything.

"Nothing." She was an Internet addicted girl. She didn\'t raise her head when answering him. She clicked on the mobile phone screen with both hands, as if she was replying to some information.

In fact, it\'s not a reply. Xia Yunshu is sending a message.

The first is naturally sent to Qi Jing.

[I met Mo Zhi in banlin village. He was right next to me and said he wanted me to be a guide around the village. I refused on the grounds that we had a task, but he was still with us now. I just asked him not to disturb us to do the task. He agreed and looked very easy to talk.]

Remind Qi Jing to stop calling.

Qi Jing obviously understood what she meant, and the message came back quickly: [don\'t show that you know him, get along with him in a normal attitude! I\'ll be there right away! I\'m still in the company and will arrive in two hours!]

It takes more than three hours to get there in two hours?

Xia Yunshu frowned slightly.

Don\'t be in such a hurry. It\'s only three hours. I can hold on. If you arrive within three hours, I\'ll be angry!]

In fact, she wanted to say he didn\'t have to come, but she knew it was useless. He would come.