My Wife Is Secretly Dark

Chapter 429

When sun Miao and Wang Xu heard this voice, their mood was a little affected. Only Xia Yunshu was calm as before.

The man shouted at his classmates. In fact, he was just asking Xia Yunshu.

Because his eyes are only focused on Xia Yunshu.

Xia Yunshu put her hand on her side and didn\'t know when to move behind her. She clenched her fist again and loosened it. She smiled and said, "the school says it\'s an outdoor development class. It\'s also an outing."

It\'s her normal look when facing others. She looks clever, soft, pure and harmless.

The man\'s eyes were in a trance.

Then the crafty smell on his body was strong again, which scared the people behind him in cold sweat.

The man was in a trance and lost his smile.

At that moment, he thought he had seen his old friend.

"Well, we\'re not familiar with the environment when we came here for the first time. I just heard that you\'ve been here for two days. You should be familiar with this place. I wonder if some students can give us a guide?"

The tone is mild, but inexplicably strong, which makes people subconsciously unable to refuse.

But this is for others, not for Xia Yunshu.

"I\'m afraid it\'s inconvenient. Our teacher arranged the task and we have to finish it on time." Xia Yunshu said with a smile.

The other party\'s eyes flashed slightly, and his eyes fell on her again.

Facing him, the two people behind her changed their faces and subconsciously tightened up. This is the reaction that normal people should have in the face of him, but the girl in front of her is not like this.

She was still smiling, innocent and innocent.

Are you bolder than others, or are you really naive and naive, thinking that everything in the world is beautiful, so you can\'t feel the malice of others? Can\'t you feel the danger around you?

Combined with his investigation of her, he seems to prefer the latter.

Is there such a clean soul in this world?

It\'s really... Yearning.

This kind of pure and innocent people who can\'t see the evil of human nature, this clean and clear eyes, are very attractive, especially those who have climbed out of hell countless times and seen all the ugly aspects of human nature.

No wonder Qi Jing is interested in her.

When he learned that Qi Jing had left a little girl with him and openly introduced her to others, he wondered what kind of people Qi Jing, who didn\'t even take a look at Jiang Huai, would care about. Now he knows.

"It\'s okay to have a task. I\'ll follow you and won\'t disturb you. In fact, we\'re here to investigate and see if there are any projects that can be invested here. If you\'re afraid of being disturbed, I\'ll let others find other students as guides, and I\'ll follow you. Is that ok?"

Very gentle inquiry, very polite and gentleman.

Of course, it\'s just appearance.

Only Xia Yunshu saw the sly light flashing in his eyes.

It\'s a little scary.

Sure enough, it was the person she knew, either similar in appearance or that person! His unique sinister smell is something others can\'t learn.

The last time she heard such titles as "Miss Huai" and "Jiang Huai", she doubted. Unexpectedly, it was true.

Jiang Huai was the one she knew.

So, Qi Jing

Jiang Huai called Qi Jing "brother Yu".

Yes, she clearly heard it at that time, but she chose to deceive herself and others.

If so, no one can compare Qi Jing in terms of breath hiding.

Day and night, she didn\'t notice anything.

Oh, it doesn\'t seem that no one can compare with Qi Jing. She is half weight. After spending so long with Qi Jing, Qi Jing didn\'t doubt that she was an "old friend"?

"OK, but first, you can\'t disturb our task."

A completely playful little girl.