My Wife Is Secretly Dark

Chapter 428

"Ah Qi, we\'ve been fighting for so many years. How can I save your life today? I\'m tired after fighting for so many years. Why don\'t we stop fighting?"


"Ah Qi, I saved you again. I don\'t want a truce?"

"I saved you!"

"Yes, you saved me, but I also blocked a shot for you just now. I\'m in pain now. Can\'t I have a truce?"



"Ah Qi, it\'s time for a truce. I vomited blood."


"Ah Qi, it\'s OK to keep fighting. You say you always only believe in interests, so let\'s cooperate and win-win? How about not talking about friendship, but only interests?"


"Ah, you promised. The two cubs around you are really envious. They can win your trust and become your own people without doing anything. I spent so much effort to save you from trouble several times, but I didn\'t get you to treat you differently. I really failed."

"As for them, I only talk about interests, but it\'s a relationship of mutual utilization. Also, you haven\'t saved me in hot water several times. Even without you, I won\'t die. On the contrary, you drag me back every time and run for my life. You have to take you because you help me block bullets and knives."

"It\'s really straightforward, but what you said is also true. But even if I know you can get out of danger every time, when I know you are in danger, I can\'t help but rush over. It\'s not my fault that I\'m not as good as you. I\'ve been working hard to improve."


"Ah Qi, if you dare to die, I will kill everyone around you! I will destroy all your foundation! I will do what I say!"


Thoughts pulled back from the memories. Xia Yunshu looked at the person walking in the front not far away and couldn\'t be calm for a long time.

Men around the age of 25 have excellent looks and top-notch temperament. They are so beautiful that they can\'t distinguish between men and women. There was a crafty smell on his body, and his eyes were cold and gloomy wherever he went.

But if he\'s cold, it\'s not.

His appearance is gentle. He is not a person who has climbed out of the region after countless times of life and death. Under his deliberate concealment, it is difficult to find the mysterious smell on him. At most, he looks gentle but inexplicably afraid to approach.

He was followed by five people, all of whom should be his subordinates and very respectful to him.

Xia Yunshu put her hand on her side and gently shook it into a fist.

Happiness and anger are not in color, but her self-cultivation.

Her excessive emotion was only a moment and was quickly stopped by her. When the other party looked at her, she looked as usual.

But the other party was still stunned and stared at her.

Xia Yunshu suddenly stopped. Sun Miao and Wang Xu were puzzled. They looked down her eyes and were stunned.

"Oh, my God, this man looks great!" Sun Miao said his thoughts carelessly.

Wang Xu didn\'t speak, but his mind was the same as sun Miao.

It really looks great.

He has never seen a man so big that even a man thinks he is amazing.

Their exclamation did not affect each other, nor did it affect Xia Yunshu.

Their eyes met in mid air.

Then Xia Yunshu saw that the other party was gentle with an indistinct sly smell, smiled at her and walked towards her.

"Hello, classmate. I met many people of your age along the way. Did you come here to play organized by the school?"

The voice is also very strange. It seems that if you don\'t pay attention, you will be confused.