My Wife Is Secretly Dark

Chapter 427

On the other side, Qi Yue took Zhao Panpan.

Zhao Panpan is a stuffy gourd and Qi Yue is a crazy temper. Without Xia Yunshu, the atmosphere between them was not as harmonious as before.

"You seem to be deliberately approaching my sister Shu?"

"Classmate Qi, I heard you have a good relationship with Xia Yunshu?"

They spoke almost at the same time.

As soon as the words were spoken, the two stopped and looked at each other at the same time, and they could see the opposite anger in each other\'s eyes.

Qi Yue\'s eyes contained an unidentified smile: "sister Shu and I have a good relationship. Can\'t anyone with eyes see it? You\'re asking knowingly."

Zhao Panpan said frankly, "I\'m really trying to get close to Xia Yunshu."


"Qi may not know. My father\'s surname is Liang. He is the adopted son of Grandpa Xia Yunshu."

Qi Yue\'s eyes narrowed, adopted son?

Looked at her fiercely: "did you mention it with sister Shu?"

"Yes, I just mentioned it on the first day here. But she didn\'t respond. I thought, classmate Qi, you have a good relationship with her. Can you persuade her to see my father? My father wants to see her."

Her words made Qi Yue very unhappy: "why didn\'t your father come to see sister Shu? It was your father who wanted to see her, not her who wanted to see your father. You should find out the situation!"

"My father\'s legs were disabled when he was in college. He has been sitting in a wheelchair for so many years, so it\'s not convenient to go out. It\'s mainly that you don\'t necessarily see Xia Yunshu when you go out. My father can\'t let my father learn Liang Mianmian block up at the school gate or find a school."

Zhao Panpan\'s eyes are calm. Even when it comes to her father\'s disabled legs, she is also magnanimous, neither humble nor arrogant.

She did not despise her father. In her eyes, her father seemed to be no different from other people\'s fathers, and he was worthy of respect.

This let Qi Yue look at her eyes relaxed a lot, not as sharp as just now.

"It\'s sister Shu\'s business. I won\'t intervene, let alone help you persuade. If you can persuade sister Shu to see your father, it\'s your ability, but I\'ll tell the ugly story first. If sister Shu doesn\'t like you to mention anyone in the Liang family in front of her, you\'d better not bother her again and again, otherwise don\'t blame me for being rude!"

Zhao Panpan gave her a deep look.

It seems that Qi Yue and Xia Yunshu really have a good relationship.

She has heard of Qi Yue\'s deeds. Not only in school, but also in the Qi family. She is a bad temper to provoke her elders. She is so good with Xia Yunshu. It seems that she still listens to Xia Yunshu. It seems that Xia Yunshu is not simple.

However, she is also familiar with the names and attributes of so many vegetation. She is still so good. She is not timid. She is a couple with the Qi family. The key is that she is intimate with the Qi family. Unexpectedly, she is stronger

How can such a Xia Yunshu be simple.

But none of this has anything to do with her.

Her father wants to see Xia Yunshu. She just wants to help her father achieve his wish. Everything else has nothing to do with her.

"I don\'t need Qi to remind me of this. I\'m not a stickler."

"So best."


Xia Yunshu led sun Miao and Wang Xu to the stream and did nothing. She just walked along the stream for a while and returned to the avenue.

Walking on the cement road in the field, sun Miao still couldn\'t help asking his doubts: "Yunshu, let\'s go at a glance? Do you come to see the water source? Find the water source for our lunch and afternoon cooking? But it\'s not right. Farmers have tap water and don\'t have to come to pick up water in person."

"Not to see the water source, I am..."

Xia Yunshu was about to answer her when her voice suddenly stopped.

It was she who saw several people coming towards her. Her eyes fell on the person in front. The whole person was stiff and her pupils trembled.
