My Wife Is Secretly Dark

Chapter 424

"Now shall we go to the mountains to pick wild vegetables, or shall we rent the farmhouse kitchen and buy meat first?" Asked Zhao Panpan.

Although it\'s only nine o\'clock in the morning, I\'m afraid I won\'t have lunch if I don\'t prepare early. We all know that it\'s not too early to act now.

"Go pick wild vegetables first, but before that..."

Xia Yunshu said and looked at JunLiu: "take out 60 yuan and 30 yuan to rent the tools for picking wild vegetables up the mountain. It\'s OK to rent a basket. Five baskets or baskets, ten sickles and five sets of tools. When the time comes, the mountain will be divided into five groups in pairs. Now it\'s not a busy farming season. There are many tools in the farm. It should be no problem to rent a set for five yuan."

"The other 30 yuan will be used to rent the kitchen for lunch and afternoon. In order to avoid delaying the owner\'s family, we can let them eat with us or discuss with them about the wrong cooking time."

"JunLiu took thirty yuan and took several people to rent tools. Qi Yue took thirty yuan and took people to rent the kitchen. He gathered at the foot of the mountain an hour later."

"Well, now it\'s automatic grouping. Let\'s see whether we want to rent tools with JunLiu or rent kitchens with Qi Yue."

Xia Yunshu arranged it directly.

Obviously, her voice sounds warm and soft, but inexplicably gives people a feeling that the leader is arranging things. The momentum emanating from the bones surprised everyone a little.

Of course, except JunLiu and Qi Yue.

"I\'ll follow JunLiu to borrow things. Boys have great strength to take things." Liu Quan should speak first.

Xia Yunshu and JunLiu looked at him.

Jiang Xiangming was afraid of Liu Quan\'s death and hurriedly said, "Zhao Hai and I also went to borrow things. We have great strength."

Zhao Hai: "

"Then I\'ll borrow something, too." Chu Zhan also said.

Deputy monitor Wang Xu saw that the boys had gone to borrow things. He was about to say that he would follow. Xia Yunshu said, "five sets of tools, five people can borrow them."

"Then Qi Yue and I will rent the kitchen." Zhao Panpan said.

Sun Miao sees that Zhao Panpan wants to follow Qi Yue, but Xia Yunshu doesn\'t seem to say that she wants to follow Qi Yue, too. She hesitates because she wants to follow Xia Yunshu.

"Yun Shu, what about you? I\'ll follow you."

Qi Yue rolled his eyes, which would compete with her.

But she didn\'t say anything. She knew that sister Shu had her own arrangements. She didn\'t want sister Shu to be alone, so she gave sister Shu to sun Miao for a while.

"Zhao Panpan and I can rent the kitchen. You two follow my sister Shu." You two refer to sun Miao and Wang Xu.

"JunLiu, give me 50 yuan. We\'ll return 50 yuan each." No less.

"Sister Shu, I\'ll see you at the foot of the mountain in an hour."

Xia Yunshu nodded, "yes."

They all left, leaving only Xia Yunshu, sun Miao and Wang Xu.

"Classmate Xia, what are we going to do now?"

Sun Miao is also curious.

Xia Yunshu looked ahead. There was a rice field, a stream and a mountain.

"Go to the stream and have a look."

What are you look at?

"Ah? What are you going to see over there?" Although he asked, sun Miao kept up with Xia Yunshu.

Wang Xu didn\'t ask much.

On the way there, sun Miao, who talks a lot, must be busy. She has been looking for topics.

"Yun Shu, you let JunLiu and Qi Yue rent things, no problem?" In fact, sun Miao suspects that a school bully and a school elder sister are not easy to mess with, but he wants them to take the initiative to rent things from the villagers.

JunLiu is fine. There is a monitor and others. It shouldn\'t be a big problem, but Qi Yue is followed by a muggy gourd Zhao Panpan. He still goes to the farmhouse to rent the kitchen.

At the thought of them knocking on the door of the farmhouse with a face, they said in a blackmail tone, "Hey! Do you rent your kitchen? How much?"

She couldn\'t stop smoking at the corners of her mouth.

Wang Xu actually has the same concern.

"It\'s all right. They can handle this little thing."

Xia Yunshu is completely at ease with Qi Yue and JunLiu and doesn\'t worry at all.

If you can\'t even do this little thing well, Yu Tian won\'t become famous for having no unfinished tasks.