My Wife Is Secretly Dark

Chapter 425

On the other side, there are two teams of people who are worried by sun Miao and Wang Xu.

"JunLiu, where are you going to borrow tools? Are we five people together or separately?" Liu Quan followed Jun Liu in a good tone.

But he didn\'t dare to hook up with JunLiu.

Walking behind, Jiang Xiangming only felt that Liu Quan would never return on his way to death.

He wanted to say something to help, but when he listened carefully, Liu Quan also asked normally. There was nothing wrong with him. If he spoke rashly at this time, he would appear to have something.

Mainly, he doesn\'t want to help Liu Quan.

Just now, he said to himself that it was the last time to help Liu Quan.

Chu Zhan, however, did not want to delay everyone\'s time and took the initiative to say, "indeed, should we act together or separately?"

This is naturally to ask JunLiu.

Jun Liu glanced at Chu Zhan, swept to Liu Quan, with a smile that he didn\'t quite understand: "it\'s natural to be together. In this way, it won\'t delay time, and there won\'t be the situation of borrowing more and doing less useless work."

"Then listen to you." Liu Quanyi was very cooperative.

After taking a few steps, Liu Quan asked, "classmate JunLiu, I\'ve heard a lot of rumors between you and classmate Xia in school. You seem to have a good relationship. Have you known each other for a long time?"

Chu Zhan and Jiang Xiangming all changed their faces as soon as they said this.

Even Zhao Hai raised his eyebrows.

This Liuquan is really immortal.

Jun Liu stopped, looked at Liu Quan and asked with a smile, "are you curious?"

Clearly with a smile, but the look he looked at himself made Liu Quan subconsciously change his face and step back half a step.

It\'s completely subconscious.

I couldn\'t even laugh. I pulled my face and tried not to lose my attitude before I opened my mouth: "no, no, I just asked casually. If it\'s inconvenient for JunLiu to answer, I\'ll take it as if I didn\'t ask."

"Oh." Jun Liu looked at him with an unidentified smile, but Liu Quan\'s back stiffened.

He was filled with resentment.

He didn\'t dare to treat JunLiu openly, but he just couldn\'t see JunLiu so arrogant!

In the past, he liked Li Wanyun. Li Wanyun didn\'t like him, but he liked JunLiu; Now he doesn\'t like Li Wanyun and thinks Xia Yunshu can enter his eyes, but JunLiu has such a good relationship with Xia Yunshu!

Jun Liu, how do you look at him? How does he hinder your eyes!

Although everyone says Xia Yunshu has a boyfriend, and her boyfriend seems to be a rich childe, so what? How many of these rich CHILDES are sincere to this 18-year-old girl? Many are just for fun.

Compared with your old men, little girls like Xia Yunshu, they will like their excellent boys of the same age.

Unfortunately, it\'s not easy to avoid overlord flower.

But it\'s all right. They chase and beat hard. They are infatuated. Little girls eat this set most. He is still very confident in himself, just like Li Wanyun. He ignored him before, but didn\'t he also do it later? If Jun Liu hadn\'t suddenly transferred to school, Li Wanyun would have been in his bag.

In Liu Quan\'s opinion, Xia Yunshu is already his property. He can\'t see that there are close opposite sex around Xia Yunshu, so he will teach you a lesson and vent his anger.

If Jun Liu knew Liu Quan\'s dirty mind, he would have pinched his neck and sent him a ghost ticket.

But just as JunLiu noticed Liu Quan\'s disgusting eyes, Chu Zhan opened his mouth: "go and borrow something first. Don\'t let others wait for us later."

From the perspective of Chu Zhan, we can actually see it more clearly.

He didn\'t think about Liu Quan, but Xia Yunshu wasn\'t here. He was afraid that JunLiu would start in a rage. No one could persuade him. Finally, something big happened.