My Wife Is Secretly Dark

Chapter 423

"Then everyone will give the funds to Xia." Chu Zhan proposed.

Ten yuan for one person was handed to Xia Yunshu, but the king connected it: "give it to me."

Knowing that JunLiu is Xia Yunshu\'s "little brother", we have no problem.

"Although the school fixed our funds and didn\'t collect our cash and mobile phones, since the school has such requirements and let everyone supervise each other, we must abide by the rules, otherwise it doesn\'t make sense. However, 100 yuan and 10 people for two meals is certainly not enough. Classmate Xia, do you have any ideas or arrangements?"

Chu Zhan is worthy of being the monitor. He directly showed the key points, and people should not ignore that Xia Yunshu is the leader rather than him.

However, Xia Yunshu was robbed before she could speak.

Liu Quan said, "I have a good suggestion."

Others were waiting for Xia Yunshu to speak. Liu Quan opened his mouth at this time. Almost everyone threw disapproval eyes at him.

Jiang Xiangming now regrets it very much.

When Liu Quan came to ask for a team, he said he was full, and then casually pulled a classmate to make up the count.

Although there are people from other classes in their team, their class obviously accounts for the majority. Even without their elected captain Xia Yunshu, it is impossible for Liu Quan to speak first.

And Liu Quan still robbed.

It\'s impolite.

But it was his friend after all. Although Zhao Hai reminded him before that Liu Quan was really his friend, he wouldn\'t pit him so much. His friendship with Liu Quan gradually faded, but how to say, everyone didn\'t tear their faces after all.

Just one last time.

"... what suggestions? Let\'s refer to them." Then he smiled sorry at the others.

It can be seen that he is helping Liu Quan out. He is also a classmate. We will give Jiang Xiangming this face.

However, Liu Quan, as a party concerned, did not seem to think that his practice was wrong, nor did he find that Jiang Xiangming was helping him out.

"One hundred yuan. If you rent a kitchen, at least fifty yuan is required. Then there are still fifty yuan left. You can buy some meat. This is certainly not enough. You may not be able to buy vegetables, but you can buy fifty yuan of meat. According to the current pork price, you can buy three kilograms a day, which is not enough for so many of us to eat two meals."

"I asked. There are many wild vegetables on the mountain behind the village, and the mountain forest is not deep. The children in the village can go up the mountain alone to cut firewood. There will be no danger. We can pick wild vegetables on the mountain. What do you think?"

Before they could answer, Liu Quan looked at Xia Yunshu and added with a smile: "I heard that Xia knows a lot of vegetation, or herbal medicine. You should know which wild vegetables you can eat and which you can\'t, and the herbs you pick won\'t be toxic."

"That sounds good." Xia Yunshu said.

Glancing at Liu Quanquan, it seems that he has done his homework.

She told JunLiu to be wary of the Li family before. It was not a joke. Although they didn\'t take the Li family seriously, they would never fight uncertain battles. Of course, everything that should be checked was clear.

Anyway, the Li family is nothing but a matter of fingers for JunLiu.

A few days before Li Wanyun was hospitalized, this Liu Quan could always stay with Li Wanyun. He suddenly found him. She and JunLiu saw his purpose at a glance.

Exchange a look with JunLiu and say, "that\'s it."

Aside from the active cooperation, she wanted to see what Liu Quan wanted to do. She had planned to do the same.

A hundred dollars is really not enough.

Then ask the others, "what do you think?"

"We have no problem..."