My Wife Is Secretly Dark

Chapter 422

The afternoon ended soon, because it was the first day to come here. There were no activities arranged in the evening. After dinner, everyone went back to rest.

The next day was to go to the pasture in the village. It was a large area. All senior three students spent their time here all day. That is to play games in classes, and the school will uniformly award awards to the winning classes.

Xia Yunshu didn\'t participate in any games, so she sat and watched. Qi Yue didn\'t participate. She ran to sit with her. JunLiu went to the tug of war and some other games.

That\'s how the day ends.

The third day is free time.

This freedom is too free. You have to be responsible for lunch and dinner.

You can\'t go to the restaurant to buy it. You can only do it yourself. A group of ten people can form a team of classmates or other classes. The school gives no one ten dollars for activities, and a group of ten people has one hundred dollars.

A hundred yuan is enough for lunch and dinner for ten people. We also need to buy ingredients and find a place to cook. In fact, it\'s not enough.

When they got up for breakfast in the morning and received the news, many people immediately felt that breakfast was not delicious and wailed.

But after the wail, everyone was very excited.

After all, it\'s an experience I\'ve never had before.

Many of them here have never cooked, let alone buy ingredients and rent kitchens with limited funds.

"Boss, I must be with you."

"Sister Shu, and me!" Qi Yue, who got the news first, was coming towards them. When she heard JunLiu\'s words, she waved to them from a distance.

"Do you mind if I form a team with you?" Chu Zhan said.

"And me." Zhao Panpan raised his hand to look at Xia Yunshu.

"I want to be with you, too!" Sun Miao was excited.

"Can we join your team?" Jiang Xiangming and Zhao Hai.

In this way, there are eight of them.

They all asked Xia Yunshu and obviously regarded her as the backbone.

Xia Yunshu said, "in this way, we still need two people."

Ask Qi Yue and JunLiu: "do you have anyone who wants to call to form a team together?"

A hundred yuan for two meals for ten people and buying vegetables and renting a farmhouse kitchen are not enough, but this is for others, not for them. Xia Yunshu naturally gives priority to whether Qi Yue and JunLiu want to call a team.

The two shook their heads at the same time: "No."

Xia Yunshu then asked others, "what about you?"

When the others shook their heads, Chu Zhan said, "I\'ll ask me to sit at the same table."

Xia Yunshu doesn\'t mind. It\'s a group of ten anyway.

"Wang Xu, this way." Chu Zhan\'s deskmate is a tall and thin boy with a pair of glasses. He is the Deputy monitor of the class.

Seeing Yao Xu waving, he came over.

At this time, a man ran towards them: "is there still one person on your side? Can I join you?"

A boy I don\'t know, not from class 10.

Seeing the visitor, everyone was inexplicable for a while, so Jiang Xiangming smiled awkwardly: "he is my friend, Liu Quan, from class three."

Then he looked at Liu Quan: "why didn\'t you form a team with your classmates and come here instead?"

"Oh, stop it. Some people go to our class to form a team, and some of our class also run to other classes. All those who have a good relationship with me have formed a team, and I\'ll come to you. I happen to see one person in your team. Can I join? Although I can\'t cook, I can wash vegetables and dishes."

"Well, you have to ask others. I can\'t decide." Jiang Xiangming smiled.

In fact, he didn\'t want to agree with Liu Quan to join them.

He didn\'t speculate about his friends. He had known Liu Quan for many years. Liu Quan had a good interpersonal relationship, so he didn\'t believe that he couldn\'t find others to form a team.

Liu Quan liked Li Wanyun and asked him to help find out whether Jun Liu did Li Wanyun\'s business. He always felt that Liu Quan had a different purpose to join their team.

Jun Liu, Qi Yue, Xia Yunshu are not good tempered people. If something happens behind him, he will be very embarrassed as Liu Quan\'s friend.

"Who decides?"

Jiang Xiangming subconsciously looks at Xia Yunshu. Although their team has a monitor and Deputy monitor, everyone can see that Xia Yunshu has the right to speak.

See Jiang Xiangming looking at Xia Yunshu, and Liu Quan also looking at Xia Yunshu.

Seeing Xia Yunshu, he quickly flashed a touch of amazement at the bottom of his eyes.

He also saw Xia Yunshu several times in the past two days, but it was the first time to look so close. From a close look, Xia Yunshu is even more amazing.

Li Wanyun can\'t compare with her in this appearance.

However, he has also heard many rumors about Xia Yunshu.

It\'s a overlord.

"This is Xia Yunshu from our class. We all ask her when we join the team. You can ask her." As a last resort, Jiang Xiangming took the initiative to introduce him.

"I know." Liu Quan said.

Showing a smile that he thought he was handsome and confident, he asked Xia Yunshu, "classmate Xia, can I join your team?"

Xia Yunshu and JunLiu looked at each other.

"Yes." She said.

Although the exchange of eyes between her and JunLiu was short, several people found out that Qi Yue was one. In addition to Qi Yue, there were Chu Zhan and Zhao Panpan.

There was a little doubt among the three faces.

Do they know this Liuquan?

"Thank you. Don\'t worry. I\'ll cooperate with you. I\'ll do whatever you ask me to do."