My Wife Is Secretly Dark

Chapter 419

When this foot stepped down, ina spit out blood directly.

A cry of surprise came from around.

It was the people who were frightened.

They looked at Xia Yunshu in horror.

I only heard that she kicked Du Jingjing away with one foot. Many people didn\'t see it. They thought it was exaggeration. Now they see her teach people a lesson with their own eyes and know it wasn\'t.

She really has skills, and her skills are very good!

Who can kick up a small stone like her and knock people down from afar? Who can guess people to vomit blood like her?

But no one dared to come forward except to scream.

I can\'t tell why I didn\'t dare to come forward, but I was inexplicably afraid of Xia Yunshu at this time. Clearly, Xia Yunshu still smiled when she spoke, and she didn\'t know where their fear came from.

"Even if you didn\'t see it with your own eyes, you should have heard that I kicked Du Jingjing and broke several bones in hospital. How dare you find me to help others?"

The last time, ina was pinched by Jun Liu. She didn\'t know the details of Xia Yunshu. Among the three of Xia Yunshu and Qi Yuejun, ina didn\'t take Xia Yunshu seriously, but at this moment, she was only frightened when she looked at Xia Yunshu.

"I have a good relationship with Shaff. I have to do everything for her."

Ina hurts.

It hurts enough to be hit by a stone. Xia Yunshu also stepped on her heart. She can\'t care about anything else now. I just hope Xia Yunshu can let her go and shake her head.

"No, no, no, I don\'t have a good relationship with Xia Fu at all, and I don\'t mean to stand up for her. What I said just now is nonsense. I said the wrong thing, Xia Yunshu... No, Miss Xia, please let me go this time. I promise I won\'t appear in front of you again!"

She was afraid that Xia Yunshu\'s feet would move a little on the Internet and step directly on her neck, so she would really die!

I don\'t know why, she just felt that even in public, Xia Yunshu dared to do so!

Fear, endless fear spread in my heart!

Ina\'s scared.

I regret it, too.

I regret that I shouldn\'t provoke Xia Yunshu and come to be angry with Xia Fu.

Ina\'s attitude changed so much that the others were stunned.

However, I can understand that Xia Yunshu doesn\'t do things according to common sense. If someone else has good skills, who dares to beat and spit blood in public?

They dare not.

It\'s all like this. It\'s not normal for ina not to be scared.

"Xia, Xia, don\'t make things big." Yu Hua looked at it in amazement. It took him a long time to recover. Then he tried to remind him.

In fact, he was a little afraid.

If he doesn\'t accept it, he will fight. Regardless of the occasion, he sees such a male student for the first time. Should he be worthy of the man of the Qi family?

When Xia Yunshu first reported to the school, he was worried that such a clever and delicate girl would be bullied

The appearance is too deceptive.

JunLiu and Xia Yunshu transferred to school at the same time. He was worried that JunLiu, the school bully, would cause trouble. He had a headache. He was very relieved, because Xia Yunshu was clever and sensible. Why now he thinks that Xia Yunshu is the most troublesome one?

However, Yu Hua only said not to make things big. He didn\'t persuade Xia Yunshu to stop, let alone accuse Xia Yunshu.

Ina\'s words just now, not to mention Xia Yunshu herself, were very uncomfortable to the onlookers.

Such people who take the initiative to come to find fault should be taught a lesson.