My Wife Is Secretly Dark

Chapter 418

"I really met you. Is it so lucky? Well, ina, since you met my sister, it\'s easy to do. I\'ll contact her immediately and ask her to take care of you more. I\'m not sure you\'re unfamiliar in Yucheng. Although, although my sister doesn\'t like me very much, in the face of my father, if I ask her to help take care of you, she should give me a face."

"In fact, I\'m very happy that my sister can wake up. Unfortunately, I didn\'t get along well with her, so she was sent away by my father. My sister was also impulsive and couldn\'t say anything well. That day, I came back from a trip with my parents to know that she had woke up and discharged from the hospital. She was happy. She saw that we didn\'t go like this, grabbed the vase and smashed it at me and my mother, so that we could get out of Xia\'s house..."

"I was so frightened that I forgot to stop my father. When I recovered, my father had decided to send her away. I couldn\'t change my father\'s mind again."

"Fortunately, my sister\'s mother is in Yucheng, and she is taken care of when she goes to Yucheng. Since the family her mother married has a certain position in Yucheng, she should be able to help take care of you and your brother."

"If you can, can you help me persuade my sister not to fight with her father, not to be angry with me and my mother, and to come back to Xia\'s house? Although her mother is in Yucheng, she will inevitably be angry when she follows her mother to her stepfather\'s house. I\'m really not at ease..."

"Xiao Fu, are you stupid? She\'s going to drive you and your mother out of Xia\'s house. Do you still think of her? You take care of her to die!"

"Also, ask her to take care of us? She herself is a father who doesn\'t hurt and mother doesn\'t love. Take care of us? Oh. Besides, even if her mother is willing to let her stay with us, she can\'t take care of us now. The Du family her mother married ran away from bankruptcy recently."

"As for Xia Yunshu, only a simple person like you will sympathize with her and dare to drive you and your mother out of Xia\'s house. Don\'t worry, I\'ll help you out!"

"Ina, don\'t be impulsive..."

"Well, don\'t say it. I\'m taking outdoor classes. Don\'t tell others about my stay in Yucheng. We\'ll contact again when we have time."

After hanging up the phone, he left the class team and walked towards Xia Yunshu\'s class team.

It\'s sour Xia Yunshu who is sought after by so many people. She also wants to stand out for her friends. Only when ina gets better, she forgets the scar and can\'t help but make a noise.

Probably recalled the phone call with Xia Fu just now, and thought that Xia Fu was obviously bullied and repaid Xia Yunshu with virtue. Ina was very worthless for Xia Fu.

"Xia Yunshu, don\'t scare me. I know what\'s going on in our Kadi family. I\'m better than you who have been abandoned by your parents! I didn\'t expect you to be Xia Yunshu, the eldest daughter of the Xia family, but so what? You\'re a person abandoned by your parents. You\'re not as good as Xiao Fu in the Xia family. You want to drive Xiao Fu and aunt Lin out of the Xia family You... "


"I think you\'re looking for death!"

Qi Yue quickly came forward and slapped her and interrupted her.

The slap was not small. Ina\'s head was slapped to one side, and her mouth was fishy and sweet, and the corners of her mouth overflowed with blood.

The onlookers took a few steps behind their legs to avoid bringing disaster to the fish in the pond.

Yu Hua and another teacher didn\'t dare to speak out when they tried to persuade.

The main reason is that none of these people can afford to provoke them. Yu Hua can only wink at the teacher next to him and ask him to call the director of the team.

"Yue Yue, you beat lightly." Jun Liu\'s face was cold, and his eyes looked at ina with a murderous intention.

They went to see Xia Yunshu carefully. They were relieved to see that there was no change in her look.

If Aina\'s words really affect her, they don\'t mind giving Aina a heavier lesson on the spot, although it will be a little troublesome to deal with the aftermath.

"JunLiu, the Cady brothers and sisters have stayed in Yucheng long enough." But Xia Yunshu spoke.

Other people didn\'t understand her. JunLiu and Qi Yue understood her.

Jun Liu\'s eyes were cold and fierce: "soon they will disappear."

Before ina could be frightened by their words, she was hit by Xia Yunshu gently kicking up the stones on the ground and flew two meters away.

Xia Yunshu stepped forward and stepped directly on her.

Looking down at her, he smiled sweetly and innocuously: "help Xiafu out?"