My Wife Is Secretly Dark

Chapter 420

"We\'re going to stay here for a few days. It\'s big. We\'ll have to go back. It\'s not cost-effective to travel in vain." This was actually said by Zhao Panpan, who was always quiet and never meddling in his class.

Zhao Panpan was also shocked.

She knew Xia Yunshu had skills, but she didn\'t expect that she would be so powerful, let alone that Xia Yunshu would be so cruel. Now she believes more in the rumors that Xia Yunshu did what happened to the Du family.

From this we can see that Xia Yunshu is not a soft hearted character to the enemy.

Jun Liu and Qi Yue look at Zhao Panpan at the same time.

He didn\'t say anything. He looked at her and turned to Xia Yunshu again.

They won\'t persuade Xia Yunshu. No matter what Xia Yunshu does, they all support it. If Xia Yunshu hadn\'t taken the first step just now, they would have taken the first step.

As Qi Yue said, ina is looking for death!

Zhao Panpan spoke, and Chu Zhan said, "there\'s a lot of noise here. Maybe the director will come later, and it\'s troublesome for the director to come."

The implication is that Xia Yunshu is advised to solve this matter before the director comes over. It\'s best not to make it big.

"When I saw you making trouble, I was afraid there was no way to end it. I asked Mr. Wang to call the director." Yu Hua looked at Xia Yunshu and said truthfully.

He just asked Mr. Wang to call the director. Anyway, he couldn\'t hide it. He simply said it directly, so as to avoid the Revenge of children who can\'t be provoked if they are not fully mature.

Xia Yunshu glanced at them and looked down at ina who was trampled by her: "you\'re lucky. I\'ll spare you today, but..."

But what, she didn\'t say, replaced with a sneer.

But it surprised ina.

Let her think of what Xia Yunshu just said to JunLiu, their brothers and sisters have stayed in Yucheng long enough, and JunLiu\'s answer.

I\'m very upset.

Xia Yunshu no matter how upset ina was, she took back her feet, resumed her harmless smile, and said to Qi Yue and JunLiu, "let\'s go and continue to collect vegetation pictures."

"Sister Shu, what is this?"

"Boss, what is this?"

As soon as Xia Yunshu\'s voice fell, Qi Yue and Jun Liu calmly pointed to the vegetation on the roadside and asked, not affected at all, as if things had never happened just now.

They are the only ones with such good psychological quality.

Seeing this, the people looked at each other and at the same time, they were even more distant from them.

Seeing that several people had left, Yu Hua called ina\'s head teacher and asked him to take them away. After Yu Hua knew the cause of the matter, ina\'s head teacher didn\'t make trouble. He found a car to return ina to the city and directly to the hospital.

After hearing this, Ewell was naturally angry.

But he didn\'t dare to make trouble for fear that he would follow ina\'s footsteps.

Moreover, before she was sent back to the city, he met her, learned about the situation from her, and saw her fear and uneasiness. Compared with asking Xia Yunshu to get justice for her, Ewell\'s biggest worry now is whether he and ina really can\'t continue to stay safely in Yucheng.

If they can\'t stay in Yucheng, where should they go?

He had to pay attention to it, especially after learning from ina that Xia Yunshu was the eldest miss of the Xia family.

Not to mention Xia Yunshu\'s own ability and whether she can make their brothers and sisters stay in Yucheng, it is said that Xia Yunshu\'s home itself is in country y, where she can\'t know anyone. If she tells others the news of their brothers and sisters in Yucheng, and then spread it to their ears of home, they will also have great trouble!