My Wife Is Secretly Dark

Chapter 408

Others agree: [...]

10: [people may be waiting for the rabbit on purpose. It\'s not sick, it\'s their strategy.]

Zhong Xiaoxiao expressed everyone\'s wishes.

Youngest Y: [according to my observation, Yao Xuming is a university professor. He should be helping my brother secretly. Most of the people under his hands are my brother\'s people. If so, it\'s really difficult to deal with.]

J: [be careful, safety first, need help to open your mouth.]

Lacrosse is concise and comprehensive.

T: [don\'t worry, I know. I just can\'t help complaining. Where\'s Yun Shu? Why didn\'t you see her? Didn\'t your school organize an outing today? JunLiu, you should be with Yun Shu? @ handsome l]

Handsome L: [well, the boss is right next to me. We are in the car and the boss is asleep.]

T: Let her have a good sleep. Don\'t tell her about it for the time being. It\'s fun for you to go on an outing. I can handle this little thing well

Youngest Y: [sister Tong, sister Shu will read the chat records when she wakes up, unless we delete the chat records.]

T: [... It\'s not necessary. What will it look like if it\'s deleted? Yun Shu is still the boss. We deleted the records when we chat. What\'s the difference between chatting behind her? That\'s it. When she sees it, don\'t mention it to her. Maybe when she sees it, my task will be completed.]

10: Have you got a plan

T: [well, I\'m going to invite Yao Xu to visit Li miaoyan. Didn\'t Ji Ji Ji\'s speech say that the medicine he prepared would not take effect at that time, but would it take two days to take effect?]

J: [do you want to fight in front of Yao Xu?]

The lacrosse seems to disagree.

No one else agrees with lacrosse.

Handsome L: [sister Tong, are you too risky? If Yao Xu is helping Qi Jing, as Yue Yue said, Yao Xu must be not simple.]

T: [it\'s all right. Li miaoyan likes Yao Xu. If I use some means, she will be mad. It\'s normal for her to splash water on her face during the noise. I have a way to make Yao Xu not find out. Do it under his nose, and I\'ll see how he stares!]

People: [...]

Youngest Y: [elder sister Tong, didn\'t you just complete the disfigurement in the task? How about mutilating her?]

T: Isn\'t she disabled now? I did


No problem.

T: [Yao Xu\'s eyes are tight now. If he dares to attack my beautiful appearance, I\'ll destroy her face first! As for mutilating her, when her injury can walk down, Yao Xu\'s eyes are not so tight. Then I\'ll do it once and for all, and the task is completed perfectly.]

Handsome L: [sister Tong is excellent!]




Knowing that Jiang Tong had plans, JunLiu quit group chat and did not browse the domain intranet interface, but did something else.

It is not necessary to have a task. Hackers always have endless things to do on the network. After all, without practice, hacker technology will not be improved for no reason.

Along the way, Xia Yunshu didn\'t fall asleep at first, but later fell asleep, but not deep sleep, but shallow sleep.

In this environment surrounded by people, she has been used to light sleep and always be vigilant.

More accurately, in other environments, she is also used to light sleep. Otherwise, every time Qi Jing sneaks into her room at midnight, she won\'t find it at the moment Qi Jing pushes the door open.

You know Qi Jing\'s skill is not bad, and his ability to hide his breath in the dark is first-class. Why is it difficult for ordinary people to find him when he deliberately hides, but she can find him at the first time.

Ten years plus five years, the only time she didn\'t sleep was when Qi Jing brought her back from the undeveloped seaside.

On this thought, Xia Yunshu really misses Qi Jing.

It\'s only three hours apart.

Helplessly gently hook your lips and slowly open your eyes.

Looking down at the blanket covered on his body, he was not surprised.

"Boss, are you awake?"


Fold the blanket and pass it to him.

"Are you there?"

"Come on, someone asked just now. Lao Yu said there were ten minutes left." Yu Yu is Yu Hua, their head teacher, sitting in the front row.