My Wife Is Secretly Dark

Chapter 409

The road is not as bumpy as expected, but it is not as flat as the road in the city. It bumps occasionally. It\'s no big deal for Xia Yunshu and JunLiu, but for some pampered children, they can\'t stand it after sitting for three hours.

I can hear someone complaining in a low voice, but they are probably very enthusiastic about the outing, and they just complain in a low voice. Everyone is still in a good mood, and they are still full of expectations for the next four days of outing life.

Ten minutes later, the destination arrived.

There is a big sign at the entrance of the village: [banlin agriculture and animal husbandry tourism demonstration base].

The environment is good and the air is fresh.

For these students who live in the city all year round, such an environment is undoubtedly rare for them.

As soon as I got off the bus, I was like a runaway Mustang. I was completely tired and ran fast with my suitcase.

Go to check-in first.

One class lives in one home stay, and it also needs more than ten home stays. Fortunately, there are more than ten home stays in banlin, which is just enough.

The guest house assigned to class 10 has only nine rooms.

There are three rooms for girls and five rooms for boys. There are two teachers in each class. The head teacher and another subject teacher have a separate room.

There are 18 girls in the class. There are only 16 in the absence of Li Wanyun and Mo TA. There are five in two rooms and six in one room.

Compared with boys, girls have better conditions.

The B & B is a building made of wood. The room has no bed. It is paved on the wood. It is most suitable to come here in summer and cool.

But there are also disadvantages, that is, there are many mosquitoes.

Fortunately, this season has entered autumn, the weather is not cold, but there are not as many mosquitoes as in summer.

To be fair, the room is drawn.

Xia Yunshu was unlucky and got six people.

However, she was the first to draw a room for six people. She could choose a bed first.

The six beds were arranged in a row, and she chose the one on the edge, so that there was only one person lying next to her.

She threw her schoolbag on the bed, put her suitcase in front of the bed, took her mobile phone and went to the balcony to make a phone call.

Yes, the room has a balcony or a pure wooden balcony. Like a pavilion, there are many places to sit.

The phone call is undoubtedly to Qi Jing.

It\'s not a call, it\'s a video.

"Here we are?" Qi Jing picked it up quickly.

"Well, here we are. We\'ve just divided the rooms. Brother, let me show you the environment here." Then turn the camera to let him see the scenery outside.

In front of the B & B, there is a courtyard with a courtyard wall. Outside the courtyard wall is a cement road. In the past, there is a paddy field with rice ears. There are cement roads between the paddy fields. There are occasional farmers in the field. There are streams and green mountains in the original place, and frogs can be heard faintly.

"How\'s it going? Isn\'t the environment good?"

She didn\'t think there was anything, but when she shared it with Qi Jing, she thought it was very quiet and beautiful.

Qi Jing also felt that she seemed in a good mood. The corners of her lips bent: "well, good."

Xia Yunshu turned the camera back and was facing her face.

"I won\'t show you the room. After all, it\'s not my own room. Other girls will live in it. Although they haven\'t come in yet, it\'s not good to show you around."

"Yes." Qi Jing didn\'t plan to visit either.

It doesn\'t matter if she lives alone.

"How about the room environment? If the whole grade goes out, will many people live in one room? Can you get used to it?"

"The environment is not bad. Although it is in the form of Datong shop, the room is wide, with desk, TV, computer and independent bathroom."

"My room is divided into six people. I\'m not used to it. I can sleep."

"I wish I could sleep."

"What\'s next?"