My Wife Is Secretly Dark

Chapter 407

However, Xia Yunshu didn\'t bother much about it and soon stopped thinking about it.

It\'s a lot of three hours\' drive. It\'s not easy to sit like this. Anyway, there are many beautiful people in the car who have already started humming.

Fortunately, the whole class had activities in the first hour and a half. Either someone took the initiative to sing or rush to answer knowledge. The class also prepared small gifts. Everyone was very excited and kept laughing.

But these only lasted for an hour and a half. For the next hour and a half, everyone slept and watched TV with headphones. Of course, some people were reading, listening to music and listening.

An hour and a half ago, Xia Yunshu listened to everyone\'s noise, and JunLiu rarely played with his mobile phone or looked at his tablet.

After an hour and a half, Xia Yunshu was sleeping. Jun Liu took out the tablet from his schoolbag.

Even a tablet can do things with its hacker technology. No, it should be said that even without a tablet, he can do a lot of things with a mobile phone.

He began to tap the code that others couldn\'t understand on the tablet, and soon an interface came out.

As the person in charge of the domain intranet, it is his job and habit to browse the intranet interface at any time to master whether someone releases a new task.

There must be many tasks, but the most conspicuous one is the task that has been taken over by Jiang Tong but has not been completed.

Jun Liu frowned.

It\'s reasonable to say that the disfigurement medicine sent by brother CI should have arrived yesterday. With sister Tong\'s ability, she didn\'t complete the task?

Is that Li miaoyan\'s ability bigger than they thought, so he can\'t take care of himself, and he has the ability to escape under sister Tong\'s hands?

Just about to mention it with Xia Yunshu, Jun Liu saw that Xia Yunshu had fallen asleep.

I don\'t know if I fell asleep. I closed my eyes against the chair anyway.

Jun Liu didn\'t make a sound.

He took out a small blanket from his schoolbag and covered her.

I drive the air conditioner in the car. It\'s easy to catch a cold when I fall asleep. The boss still has injuries.

However, JunLiu\'s gentle move fell into the eyes of many people, including Zhao Panpan and Chu Zhan on the side and Jiang Xiangming and Zhao Hai in the back of Chu Zhan.

Even Chu Zhan doubted whether JunLiu was interested in Xia Yunshu.

According to the greeting between JunLiu and the Qi family at the school gate this morning, JunLiu should know the one and the relationship between Xia Yunshu and that one.

In this way, Jun Liu dares to have thoughts on Xia Yunshu

That would be admirable.

Of course, no matter what they think, they all choose to bury it in their hearts.

JunLiu doesn\'t care what others think. After covering Xia Yunshu with a blanket, he sends a message in the group.

Handsome L: [sister Tong, you haven\'t finished the task. Are you in trouble? @ t]

Youngest Y: [yes, I almost forgot, sister Tong. It is reasonable to say that the medicine sent by Ji Ji Ji should have arrived yesterday. With your decisive character, you should have completed the task last night. Why is there no news? Are you in trouble? @ t]

T: [there\'s no trouble, but it\'s a little hard to say. Yao Xu has been sending people to keep an eye on Li miaoyan. I can\'t find a chance to start at all.]

10: [can\'t you avoid the people he sent?]

T: [they are all experts! A dozen experts stare in the dark. Even if I can complete the task, I\'m afraid it\'s difficult to retreat. The key is that Yao Xu still stares in person from time to time! Why didn\'t I find Yao Xu so capable before? You said he stopped others from completing the task while releasing the task. Isn\'t that sick?]