My Wife Is Secretly Dark

Chapter 406

And... Sister-in-law?!

It\'s a feeling that a sister becomes a sister-in-law... It\'s really beyond the reach of ordinary human beings.

Seeing Qi Jing\'s expressionless face looking at her, Qi Yue immediately counselled.

"Don\'t worry, brother. I\'ll protect sister-in-law... Sister Shu."

Darling, I was almost taken away.

She and sister Shu are the closest. She is my mother\'s family!

As for protecting sister Shu?

Where does sister Shu\'s skill need her protection? Sister Shu usually protects her.

I don\'t know what her brother\'s expression would be when he learned that sister Shu was the force ceiling.

At that time, Rao is calm, happy and angry. Her brother should be stunned.

Thinking of that picture, Qi Yue couldn\'t help laughing.

Jun Liu also saw Qi Jing\'s reluctance to Xia Yunshu and had a better impression of Qi Jing.

It seems that Qi Jing has a heart for the boss. Yes, I have an eye.

He bowed to Qi to say hello.

Qi Jing looked at him and nodded slightly.

I responded to him.

The relationship between JunLiu and the girl seems to be different. In the face of the girl, he will still give this face.

Looking at the silver suitcase dragged by Jun Liu, Qi Jing said, "thank you."

Jun Liu pulled at the corner of his mouth: "this is my boss\'s suitcase. Qi Shao doesn\'t need to thank you."

Good guy, Qi Jing\'s possessiveness is too strong. He is the younger brother of the boss. Qi Jing has to declare his sovereignty secretly. How can he do when he meets a romantic enemy?

Xia Yunshu naturally heard that Qi Jing was secretly poking to declare sovereignty. She was a little helpless: "brother, gather quickly, let\'s go."

Looking at Xia Yunshu, Qi Jing\'s expression didn\'t change, but his eyes changed too much.

He looked at others coldly and wanted to freeze them. He looked at Xia Yunshu with tenderness and wanted to drown them.

"Well, go."

Xia Yunshu and Zhao Panpan, who was waiting there, simply said hello, and they went to the assembly point.

After taking two steps, Zhao Panpan looked back at the black car on the roadside ready to reverse away.

Qi Yue called brother

The elder and younger of the Qi family?!

So, Xia Yunshu\'s rumored boyfriend is Qi Jing, the eldest and youngest of the Qi family?!

No wonder.

No wonder the Du family was really driven out of Yucheng in a few days.

No, the Du family was not driven out of Yucheng, but escaped from Yucheng in a gloomy way.

Zhao Panpan took back his sight and followed several people.

You don\'t need to wear school uniforms for the outing. Everyone wears regular uniforms today.

Considering that she was going to the village, for convenience, Xia Yunshu didn\'t wear a skirt, a white T-shirt with 9-point blue jeans, plus a pair of white board shoes, long hair with a high horsetail, which looked very refreshing.

But even with such a simple dress, she surprised many people when she appeared at the class assembly point.

It\'s mainly about the appearance and temperament.

However, Xia Yunshu was also amazing in her school uniform, and the students in the class soon recovered their composure.

Each class has a school bus. Qi Yue can\'t go back to his class with them.

In fact, if Qi Yue wants to, she can sit in the same car with Xia Yunshu. Not to mention the students, many teachers in the school dare not take care of her, and Xia Yunshu\'s class is arranged, and there are still seats on the car.

But with Xia Yunshu, Qi Yue dared not do so.

She said in front of Xia Yunshu that she was very good at school. Of course, she can\'t do such things that don\'t obey the arrangement.

Although she is not really good, everyone knows.

Jun Liu put Xia Yunshu\'s suitcase and got on the bus to roll call.

The monitor came late. The Deputy monitor was calling everyone. When he saw the monitor get on the bus, the Deputy monitor handed him the list and he called the roll.

Call the roll and get ready to go.

Xia Yunshu\'s position is by the window, two people in a row. Of course, next to her is JunLiu.

There is an aisle next to them, and juanzhan and Zhao Panpan are next to them. Zhao Panpan is near the window. Chu zhanjunliu is separated from Xia Yunshu, and there is another aisle, but Xia Yunshu can feel that Zhao Panpan looks at her from time to time.

She felt it, but she didn\'t respond. It seemed that she didn\'t find it. She was thinking that there was no intersection between her and Zhao Panpan. Zhao Panpan was also a person who didn\'t hear anything outside the window and only read the books of sages. How did she pay attention to her?

Is it because I just heard the cry of Qi Yue and knew that her boyfriend was Qi Jing that I was curious about her?

Surprised that she could win Qi Jing?