My Wife Is Secretly Dark

Chapter 405

Although JunLiu\'s reaction is so great, he is different from Zhao Panpan. He is really stunned, but his smile is a little abnormal after stunned. He still thinks that he is worthy of being his boss. He even falls in love so fiercely.

That\'s Qi Jing. How many people outside are not afraid of Qi Jing? The boss of his family is powerful. He dares to press... Cough.

However, Jun Liu\'s sound of "lying in the slot" pulled back the thoughts of Zhuzhan and Zhao Panpan, and hurriedly took back his sight. Chu Zhan was a little embarrassed, and Zhao Panpan was as expressionless as ever.

Seeing that JunLiu wasn\'t looking at him, Chu Zhan continued to take his suitcase. The two stood by the roadside with their suitcases. They didn\'t leave immediately. They should have to wait for them.

Knock Knock Knock——

"Jun Liu, why were you so excited just now?" Qi Yue knocked on the window and looked strangely at JunLiu.

The main reason is that she heard the sound of "lying trough" from Jun Liu.

Jun Liu sniffed at the corner of his mouth and said, "nothing, nothing, just a sudden wind."

Qi Yue will never know what hot scene she missed.

Then JunLiu had to look at Qi Yue\'s crazy eyes: "I think you\'re really out of breath."

Continue knocking on the window.

The two people who were making out in the car were interrupted. At the same time, they looked at the source of the sound, and there were water mist and lust aroused by kissing in their eyes.

Both of them have excellent looks. They look very attractive. Fortunately, people outside the window can\'t see them.

The people in the car can see everything outside the window.

Xia Yunshu\'s lips slowly left Qi Jing\'s lips, sitting on his legs with his hands around his neck.

Take your sight back from the window and look at Qi Jing: "brother, I\'m leaving."

In fact, this kiss didn\'t start with Xia Yunshu, but Qi Jing.

Qi Jing just wanted to see her for four days, so he couldn\'t help hugging her. Finally, he became dominated by Xia Yunshu. Qi Jing was also willing to cooperate with her. Only then did people outside see it through the windshield.

Qi Jing put his hands around her waist and leaned over to kiss her lips: "well, pay attention to safety on the road, waiting for you to come back."

Xia Yunshu looked at him with a sweet smile and a sweet voice: "OK."

With her schoolbag, she opened the door and got off the bus. The driver Zhou Yu also got off the bus at the moment she got off the bus to help her pick up her luggage.

"Sister Shu, give me your schoolbag!"

Seeing Xia Yunshu, Qi Yue was very excited and enthusiastic. He completely forgot Qi Jing in the car and didn\'t look at Qi Jing.

The door closes and looks at her close to Xia Yunshu through the window. Xia Yunshu dotes on her face again. Qi Jing\'s eyes are deep.

The girl and Qi Yue didn\'t know each other until recently. Obviously, with Qi Yue\'s temperament, it\'s unusual to be so close to a person in such a short time. He had no doubt before.

I just don\'t know when and how they met

Just thinking of this, I saw his girl looking at Qi Yue with indulgent eyes.

Qi Jing\'s face is a little ugly.

Why does Qi Yue look so eye-catching?

I completely forgot that I was curious about how they met.

When the window slid down, I just heard the girl say, "it\'s not heavy. I\'ll just take it myself."

Zhou Yu brought the suitcase: "miss Yunshu, your luggage."

"Thank you. I\'ll take it." It\'s JunLiu.

Qi Jing was suddenly overwhelmed.

Even Qi Yue, there is a gentleman flow.

"Shu Shu."

Xia Yunshu looked back and said, "hmm?"

Seeing his reluctant expression, Xia Yunshu couldn\'t help laughing: "brother, it\'s only four days. I\'ll be back soon. Go to work."

Qi Yue saw such Qi Jing and said "tut tut" in her heart. Unexpectedly, her brother\'s cold temper had such a sticky side. Sister Shu went on an outing for a few days, but she didn\'t come back.

"Qi Yue."

"Yes!" Although she was in Tucao, she heard Qi Jing make complaints about her, and Qi Yue was still standing straight.

Qi Jing looked at her with light eyes: "you can\'t do anything else, but you have good skills. Protect your sister-in-law."

Qi Yue: "

"Brother, just talk well. Personal attack is too much. What do you mean I can\'t do anything else? Am I so bad?"